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Super Teacher Tactics

"Ignite your creative spark!" Author of An Onomatopoeia Adventure Grades Taught: PreK, 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th Experience: 16 years teaching~ 1yr early childhood - prek, 6 yrs with First Grade, 3 years with 3rd grade, and currently in my 6th year teaching Secondary Digital Design and CTE for Adobe Certifications. Teaching Style: Hands-on, fun, and creative! Believer in kinesthetic and whole-brain learning. Honors/Awards: Rookie Teacher of the Year my first Year Teaching First Grade in TX Additional Bio Info: I have one beautiful 17-year-old daughter, 2 cats, 2 dogs, and a bird! Air Force for 6 years as a Cryptologic linguist (Farsi linguist), 31st Intelligence Squadron, 1997-2003. Teacher since 2008. Author/Writer since 2018 :) An Onomatopoeia Adventure by Dawn Beck,