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America Story of Us: Episode 11 - "Superpower" - Complete Video Guide

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History: USA


Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12





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In the television series "America: The Story of Us," Episode 11 is titled "Superpower." This episode examines the rise of the United States as a global superpower in the aftermath of World War II. Here is a summary of Episode 11, "Superpower":

  1. Post-War Rebuilding: The episode explores the United States' efforts to rebuild after World War II. It highlights the economic boom, the construction of infrastructure, and the implementation of policies that supported growth and development.

  2. Cold War Era: The series delves into the geopolitical climate of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. It discusses the ideological differences, the arms race, and the competition for influence across the globe.

  3. Space Race: The episode focuses on the Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union. It highlights significant milestones such as the launch of Sputnik, the Mercury and Apollo missions, and the moon landing, showcasing the United States' technological prowess and global prestige.

  4. Economic Expansion: The series explores the United States' economic expansion and the growth of industries such as aerospace, technology, and consumer goods. It addresses the rise of multinational corporations and the influence of American brands globally.

  5. Civil Rights Movement: The episode highlights the Civil Rights Movement and its impact on American society. It addresses the fight for racial equality, the activism of leaders like Martin Luther King Jr., and the passage of civil rights legislation.

  6. Vietnam War: The series discusses the United States' involvement in the Vietnam War. It explores the reasons for entering the conflict, the challenges faced by American soldiers, and the societal divisions caused by the war.

  7. Global Interventions: The episode covers various global interventions by the United States during the Cold War era, including military actions and interventions in countries such as Korea, Cuba, and Iran. It examines the motivations and consequences of these actions.

  8. Global Influence and Challenges: The series addresses the United States' global influence and the challenges it faced as a superpower. It explores issues such as the arms race, nuclear proliferation, and the conflicts and tensions in different regions.

  9. Conclusion and Reflection: The episode concludes by reflecting on the United States' journey to becoming a superpower and the responsibilities and complexities that come with that status. It raises questions about the role of the United States on the world stage and its impact on global affairs.

These teacher-generated questions are designed to help students focus in on key information during the video. These questions cover the eleventh episode in the series titled "Superpower". Ready to print and use! Comes with a completed answer key!

Thumbnail and product clipart: Prince Padania

Resource Tags

Cold War Space Race Soviet Union Civil Rights Movement Vietnam War

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