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Ancient Civilizations: Aztec, Inca, and Maya Unit Study

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Grade 3, 4, 5, 6

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Discover the ancient Aztec, Maya and Inca societies with this expansive teaching kit. Through vivid posters, interactive maps and hands-on projects, core knowledge comes alive on topics like agriculture, architecture, culture and ultimately Spanish conquest.

The bundle includes an assortment of fiction and non-fiction book recommendations, ensuring a well-rounded approach to learning about Aztec, Maya, and Inca civilizations. Beyond conventional learning materials, project and craft ideas breathe life into history, fostering hands-on engagement. Supplementing classroom instruction, curated links to YouTube videos and documentaries add a visual dimension to the educational experience.

Timeline cards and illustrated narratives adapted to two reading levels chronicle the trajectory of each civilization. Enhance learning via coloring pages, glyph tracing activities and artifact analysis extensions. 3D crafts let students design codex books, geometric tunics and more. Assess comprehension with a competitive Jeopardy-style game addressing everything from staple foods like maize to the basics of the ritual ball game.

This resource contains plentiful teacher support guiding connections to social studies standards for grades 3-6. Easily incorporate as a stand-alone Mesoamerican unit or alongside lessons on the conquistadors. Writing prompts facilitate connections across narrative, informative and persuasive genres. Writing prompts are provided at multiple writing levels to be accessible to all learners.

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Resource Tags

Maya Inca Aztec ancient civilizations history project central america south america codex glyphs Machu Picchu incas aztecs mayans map inca vs aztec vs maya map inca aztec maya inca maya aztec map inca and maya maya inca aztec timeline aztec inca mayan aztec inca inca maya aztec timeline maya inca aztec map maya inca aztec aztecs incas mayans inca and mayan civilization aztec mayan inca timeline mayan vs aztec vs inca timeline maya aztec inca map aztec vs inca vs maya aztec inca maya map aztec mayan inca map mayan aztec inca map aztec maya and inca map maya, aztec inca worksheet answers inca vs aztec what characteristics did the mayan, aztec and incan civilizations have in common? map of maya aztec and inca mayan and inca aztec inca and maya map map of aztecs mayans and incas inca and mayan aztec landform inca maya aztecs incas and mayans inca maya aztecs inca and aztec aztec inca mayan timeline inca vs maya maya aztec inca timeline the aztec inca and mayan civilization mayan aztec inca timeline aztec incas mayas incas aztecs and mayans aztec maya inca timeline inca aztec aztecs inca maya

1 Reviews

Megan McCarthy | March 8th 2024

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