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French Vocabulary Crossword about Jobs/Professions

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About This Product

This French language crossword is about jobs and professions! After filling the crossword, you will find a hidden message from the grey vertical row! This product is a print-and-go and ready-to-use pdf that includes answers. This resource is created for vocabulary building. The hints are given as pictures, you don’t even have to know these words in English! 

The words in this crossword are: nettoyeuse, plombier, cuisinière, serveur, policière, médecin, musicien, caméraman, ingénieur, vétérinaire, pilote, juge, agriculteur, enseignant, chirurgienne, pompier, peintre, constructeur, astronaute, athlète, chanteuse, journaliste, sauveteur, chimiste. The hidden message in this crossword is: Tous les métiers importants.

With French vocabulary, you have to consider if the word is feminine or masculine. In this puzzle I’ve solved this issue by printing the definite article ready for the crossword. This makes it easier for students to understand the crossword (meaning exactly one letter for each square) while still introducing the gender of each word. (Except for the words beginning with a vowel, I have used the correct spelling l’ at the expense of mentioning the gender.)

Filling the crossword: Students look at the pictures on the right side of the page. Each picture has a number. When they recognize the word in French, they should write the word into the corresponding horizontal row in the crossword one letter at a time. Don’t forget the accents!  

This resource is suitable for individual work or small groups. The difference of female and male forms of some professions make this crossword a bit more difficult than other vocabulary puzzles. This resource is at its best with students

  • Age 13 or older if French is a foreign language. In that case, students can use some dictionary or translator to support their work if needed

  • For younger students if they have a strong background (For example, French spoken at home etc.)

There are also other French crosswords like this in my Teach Simple page: 

What's Included

2 printable pdf pages.

Resource Tags

French Vocabulary Jobs Professions mètiers

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