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Online Safety Skills: Alexa Learns to Research Before Shopping Online

About This Product

<h3>Online Safety Skills: Alexa Learns to Research Before Shopping Online</h3> <p>This is a teaching resource designed to empower students with the capability of informed decision-making while shopping online. The guide features our character, Austin, educating Alexa on vetting products online before purchasing them.</p> <b><i>"Key Areas Covered"</i></b>     - Evaluating trustworthiness     - Understanding customer reviews     - Real-world product research <p style='text-align:justify'>We employ a simple and clear language that makes it engaging and the learning process important. The concepts taught are augmented by visual aids like diagrams and illustrations.</p> "Engagement Component" <p style='text-align:justify'>There are seven interactive reading comprehension tasks linked to this story, meant to further deepen the learner's grasp of key online safety skills.</p/> "Versatility and Practicality" <p style='text-align:justify'>;This package can be handy for a wide range of professionals, from special education teachers to supported living coaches or parents wanting to instill vital life lessons in their learners. It can be used both within classrooms as well as in community settings for hands-on practical learning experiences that align with each learner's Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals.<br /> Additionally,it serves excellently supplementary material alongside regular classroom teachings.

Other related products on Independent Living Skills reinforcement could include resources focusing on:

  • Creating monthly budgets or shopping lists
  • Understanding banking benefits
  • Managing credit cards
  • Applying money math at the grocery store
  • Reading menus critically plus other subjects.
  • <p>This resource is extended as a print-friendly PDF file spread across six pages. Thus, making it both easy-to-use and highly interactive for special education settings.</p>

Resource Tags

online safety research skills informed decision-making critical thinking reading comprehension

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