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PD: Professional Practice Goals - Writing Teacher Evaluation

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About This Product

This document outlines AUTHENTIC PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE OBJECTIVES that I have personally crafted and implemented throughout recent years. All of these have received approval from my administrators. Moreover, I have successfully assisted numerous educators in my district in formulating their objectives based on the ones I've outlined. These objectives are applicable across all grade levels and subjects, from Kindergarten to 12th grade.

Objective Specification:

This document includes two sample professional practice objectives. These are not based on student test scores; one is derived from parent communication, while the other pertains to fostering positive student interaction.

Usage of These Objectives:

You can replicate the text supplied and adjust it according to your specific data needs.

What's Inside?

In my district, we utilize a tool named TalentEd to regulate the teacher evaluation system. The process of writing professional practice objectives is relatively straightforward, contrasting with student test score-based objectives, also known as professional growth objectives, which can sometimes be more complex. Even if your goal entry system differs, it's likely you'll be asked to incorporate all or most of the elements I'm required to include.

These objectives adhere to the SMART Goal format.

**There are dual versions of both objectives in this document. One variant is NON-EDITABLE, kept as a reference in case you need to review the original after making deletions. The second variant is fully customizable. The document uses the complimentary font Avenir, but feel free to utilize any font of your preference. Despite being a Power Point file, you can upload it to your Google Drive and open it as a Google Doc if that's more convenient for you or if you favor Google Docs.

Objective Statement: This is the precise objective declaration articulated as a SMART goal. You can simply copy and paste it or modify the document to align with your unique circumstances.

Professional Learning and Support: This section elaborates on potential support you might require. Again, you can replicate or revise this content to better reflect your individual needs and situation.

1 PowerPoint file.

Resource Tags

writing goals setting goals teacher evaluation teacher feedback professional goals

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