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Quiz-Quiz-Trade Game: Proper or Improper Fraction

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Grade 3, 4, 5, 6





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About This Product

The Quiz-Quiz-Trade Game: Proper or Improper Fraction

The Quiz-Quiz-Trade Game: Proper or Improper Fraction is an innovative educational tool designed for both public educators and homeschoolers. Its aim is to offer students a fun and engaging way to learn about fractions while building their academic vocabulary.

Using sheltered language strategies, this game seamlessly combines academic content with vocabulary development, making it an especially effective learning tool for English Language Learners (ELLs). The quiz includes sentence starters that require completion, encouraging the students to interact with academic language and content at the same time.

What's Inside?

  • A total of 36 ready-to-use Quiz-Quiz-Trade cards containing quizzes and answers.
  • Included are two sets - one colorful set and another without background color.
  • The resource is designed for larger classes as well since more cards can be reproduced if needed.

How does it work?

  1. Cut out each card pair along the dashed line. One half contains quizzes while the other contains answers.
  2. Distribute these cards amongst students so they can engage in pair-play. Just have them read aloud sentence frames from their partner's quiz side thereby fostering peer interaction!
  3. To add some novelty into play, switch roles or partners after each round.

This engaging educational tool fosters positive interactions between learners while also developing comfort in using sentence frames during responses – an essential aspect during gameplay! The game not only teaches about proper or improper fractions but also promotes cooperation among players whilst having fun!

Tips For Facilitators:

  • Showcase a demo game before the real one.
  • Ensure everyone maintains personal space and feels safe during discussions.
  • Foster a learning environment where errors are seen as opportunities for coaching and not points for doubt.

Challenge your learners today!

This versatile, interactive platform blends traditional classroom subjects like mathematics with core social development skills such as negotiation.

Extra Resources:

  • Deducing proportional relationships
  • Factorization in quadratics
  • Dividing whole numbers by a unit fraction and more!

This enjoyable engagement method ensures your class stays engaged whilst keeping education fun!

What's Included

1 PDF file.

Resource Tags

fraction vocabulary interactive learning quiz game peer interaction academic language

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