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Steve Jobs Biography Set | Integrated Study | Sub Plan

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Grade 3, 4, 5





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About This Product

This Steve Jobs Biography Set is a fun and engaging study about the life, contributions, achievements and legacy of Steve Jobs. Created for 3rd to 5th primary level learners, EFL/ESL, and homeschoolers, this resource is a meaningful and diverse tool to have in subjects associated with English Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies. This resource contains the following:

•Steve Jobs Reading Passage (Steve Jobs: The Inventor of Apple)

•3 The Inventor of Apple Reading Comprehension Exercises

•3 The Inventor of Apple Research Activities

•Steve Jobs Pop-Up Board Project

With the reading passage, the students will learn the biography of Steve Jobs and equip them with the necessary knowledge to accomplish and practice their language skills for the reading comprehension activities. The accompanying research activities encourage the learners to find out more about Steve Jobs in any other resources like their schoolbooks or the internet. The pop-up board project is another form of assessment tool that can be used to after the lessons about the biography of Steve Jobs. This hands-on, creative project can be done as an individual or group project for the learners to have a concrete expression of what they have learned. Thus, the reading passage, comprehension works, and research activities are ways for students to accomplish the project.

This resource can be used in so many way. First, the activities can be used as supplemental tool in teaching biographies of notable people, specifically of Steve Jobs. The whole set can also be a useful inclusion for sub plans or any other teacher-emergencies that may arise. The pop-up board project can also be a great addition as show pieces for open house events or as classroom decorations.

Resource Tags

Steve Jobs Steve Jobs Biography Biography reading comprehension ESL/EFL

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