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The Sweet Six - 13 piece cupcakes puzzle for the early learner

About This Product

Introducing "The Sweet Six" - a bright, cheerful 13 piece puzzle perfect for early learners and special needs classrooms. This do-it-yourself puzzle features six brightly colored cupcakes in simple, aligned designs that are perfect for little hands to manipulate.

To create:

  1. Print the puzzle template on heavy cardstock paper. For best results, use a color printer.

  2. Laminate the printed puzzle to make it sturdy and durable. Trim laminated puzzle with a paper cutter or sharp scissors.

  3. Cut the laminated puzzle into 13 pieces along the lines.

Puzzles allow teachers to combine learning and development skills with an activity that captures students' interest and motivation to learn.

  • It helps develop fine motor skills. Manipulating puzzle pieces helps improve dexterity, hand-eye coordination, and small muscle control in fingers and hands. This aids in skills like writing and using utensils.

  • It supports cognitive development. Puzzles help build skills like shape recognition, spatial relations, and visual perception. Putting pieces together in the right order also supports sequencing, logic, and critical thinking.

  • It teaches problem solving.Puzzles allow kids to encounter problems (like fitting pieces together) and then independently solve them through trial and error or visual scanning.

  • It builds self-esteem by completing a puzzle.

  • It is engaging, promotes social interaction and most importantly it is FUN!

This PDF puzzle design Is 1 page download and has limited number of large pieces (13), this puzzle is ideal for developing fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and problem solving abilities. The bright, cheerful cupcakes look delicious and will engage kids as they put the puzzle together. Sturdy laminated pieces can withstand repeated use for learning fun in the classroom or at home.

The Sweet Six is an ideal DIY puzzle for teachers to make and use with early learners or special needs students. The end result is a bright, fun learning tool that kids will love piecing together again and again!


IFIO girl

I'll Figure It Out

Resource Tags

puzzle autism ABLLS visual discrimination fine mote skills simple puzzle critical thinking social interaction occupational therapy visual perception

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