5,471 products added recently
Spanish Assessments
Assess your students' Spanish abilities in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This collection includes proficiency tests, conversational assessments, and grammar evaluations. Enhance language learning by providing targeted feedback and support.
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Early Learning, Elementary, Pre-K, Activities, Worksheets & Printables
5 PAGES OF EXERCISES OF ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION THEMED: DINO THEMED INTRODUCTION: HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic resource for you! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic resource. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational material in the classroom? As is known, educational material helps students build their knowledge autonomously and, above all, in an unforgettable way. 2. What is the name of this document? This document is titled "Educational material for children" 3. What topic will be addressed in this resource? This document will address an educational topic that every child should learn in a basic way. 4. For what ages is it recommended? This set of educational sheets is recommended for children in general who are in the learning age and these sheets will be of great help to them. 5. Who is the author of this document? The author, who was in charge of producing and compiling this educational material, is EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. 6. In what area of knowledge can it be applied? You can apply this set of educational sheets according to your criteria, in the corresponding area. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Aimed at children of ages: This educational document is specifically aimed at children in primary education. 8. Area: This educational document may be used in some area of primary education for children. 9. Keywords: children, primary education, resources for children, free resources, primary resources, resources for primary education. 10. How do I print it? You can print this document in PDF format, A4 size. 11. How to apply it in class? You can apply this document individually or also in a group, it all depends on the criteria of the educator who is going to apply this sheet. 12. Will they need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, perhaps the students when using this sheet will need pencils, colors, or perhaps scissors, eraser. It all depends on the point of view of the educator.
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Early Learning, Elementary, Adult Education, High School, Homeschool Resources, Middle School, Not Grade Specific, Pre-K, Teacher Tools, Classroom Decor, Activities
20 FREE FLASHCARDS OF ANIMALS FREE RESOURCE INTRODUCTION: Hello! I thank you infinitely for your interest in my educational store! I am a teacher who strives every day to produce these great educational resources for children, so I thank you because with your downloads you are helping a lot to promote my personal and professional work. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Brief introduction: Hello, thank you very much for being interested in this educational document. This document will help you a lot both in the classroom if you are a teacher, as well as if you homeschool and want to stimulate your children from home. 2. Title of the educational resource: This document is titled "Teaching material for children" 3. Topic to work on: Thanks to this educational document, we are going to work on a basic topic that every child and/or student should master. 4. Area of knowledge where it should be applied: Thanks to this document, we will address a topic and at the same time an important area of learning. 5. Number of pages it contains: This educational document contains the following number of pages available and ready to be used by you, you just have to download and print the document to start using it in your classroom. 6. Is it available in color or black/white? This document and/or set of educational sheets is available in color and also in certain parts contains black and white, however it is generally suggested that the teaching material be designed in color so that it is much more attractive for your students, awakening their attention and interest. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? Also, according to your criteria, see if it is better for these sheets to be applied individually or as a group. 8. What size and format is this resource in? This set of teaching sheets has been published in A4 size, PDF format, so that it is much easier to use. 9. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, perhaps your students need pencils, colors, markers and even sometimes scissors and erasers. 10. Is it in color or black and white? This educational document
ELA, Writing, Handwriting, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic 20 puzzles to cut out! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic 20 puzzles to practice cutting out. A. WHAT IS THIS PRODUCT ABOUT? Yes, to make the decision to download this product, please carefully read the following information regarding the product: 1. Product name: The title of the product is "10 pages of line drawings with the theme of means of transportation" 2. Number of pages: The educational document is made up of 10 pages. 3. Is it editable or not? This educational resource is not editable, so you can print it more easily since it is available in PDF format, and you will not have problems with movements in the figures and/or elements of the document. 4. Theme: The topic to be developed is graphomotor skills. 5. Document version: This document is available in PDF version. B. SECONDARY AND/OR COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 6. Color or white/black: Designed in colors. 7. Aimed at children of ages: For children from 3 to 6 years old. 8. Area: Graphomotor skills 9. Keywords: lines, line drawings, drawing exercises, lines worksheets, lines to review 10. How do I print it? Print it in A4 format, horizontal and in color. 11. How to apply it in class? Apply it individually or in pairs. 12. Will you need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, you will need pencil, colors or markers to make your lines. 13. Standards: It was not prepared based on any specific standard.
Tags Tracing Lines, Tracing Lines Worksheets, Tracing Lines For Kids, Tracing Lines Activities, Free Resources
SPANISH SPELLING DICTATION NO PREP WEEK 4 La tilde en palabras agudas Oraciones para dictado
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Assessments
Spanish Spelling Dictation No Prep Week 4 Program The Spanish Spelling Dictation No Prep Week 4 program is a comprehensive teaching resource designed for refining and reinforcing the orthographical skills of intermediate to advanced level Spanish students. This helpful tool focuses specifically on the usage of written accents in palabras agudas, providing ample practice for pupils to ensure their mastery over this crucial aspect of Spanish spelling. About the Program Consists of ten sentences set aside for dictation practice. This teaching material aligns well with syllabi at middle schools, high schools, universities, and even adult learning courses catering to native, heritage or non-native speakers. This resource is the fourth part (Week 4) out of a 20-week series dealing with different aspects within Spanish spelling offering an intuitive progression in complexity. Upon completion of these sections over time, gradual improvement in the students’ spelling capabilities would be noticeable. This program comes with four pages - one page dedicated to educator instructions inclusive of the dictation sentences and three pages for student use which includes a cover page, worksheet dedicated for dictation purposes and another sheet earmarked as correction purpose sheet. Flexible Utility & Broader Implementation Strategies A standout feature lies in its flexible utility - educators need only print the teacher's page once while printing student pages as per requirement. As your class progresses through all 20 weeks worth materials provided by this program series; it will form an invaluable portfolio that showcases their journey towards mastering Spanish spelling. In terms of broader implementation strategies – a whole group approach may work particularly well when introducing new concepts or problem-solving techniques; whereas working individually can enhance individual understanding and retention levels when it comes time-to-time practicing tasks. Beyond test-preparation assignments or exam duties – integrating such resources into interactive lessons serves as constant reinforcement in enhancing overall literacy outcomes among students covering grades from Grade 9-12 studying World Languages-slash-Spanish. Package Details Captured in a single PDF file, this well-curated "Spanish Spelling Dictation No Prep Week 4" package of learning materials ticks all the boxes for an effective teaching aid that helps students enhance their Spanish spelling skills with consistency and accuracy.
Author Your Spanish Studio
Tags Spanish Spelling, Dictation Practice, Orthographical Skills, Written Accents, Palabras Agudas
Spanish spelling dictation Week 11 Tilde diacrítica en polisílabas
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Grade 10, 11, 12, Activities, Teacher Tools, Assessments
Are you looking for a no prep Spanish spelling resource that includes "la tilde diacrítica en palabras polisílabas"? Here you have a set of 10 sentences ready for dictation. This item was created and used for practicing spelling with Spanish learners, level: intermediate-advanced. The resource is appropriate for all kind of students: native, heritage and non-native Spanish students in middle, high schools, etc. This product is the eleventh part, Week N11, of a 20-week series dedicated to various Spanish spelling topics. The resource has 4 pages: - 1 teacher page (with instructions and the 10 sentences) - 3 student pages, from them: 1 is the cover of this set 1 is the worksheet for the dictation 1 is the worksheet for correction Print the teacher page once and the pages for students the times you need. When the whole set of 20 weeks is completed, students can prepare a Spanish spelling folder/ portfolio where to put all their work. ************************** KEY FEATURES: → Presents 10 sentences for Spanish orthography practice; → Contains examples of Spanish la tilde diacrítica en palabras polisílabas; → Appropriate for intermediate and advanced students; → Very useful tool for test /exam assignment; → Reinforcement activity that helps improving Spanish spelling skills. »»» For contacts: yourspanishstudio@gmail.com »»» Interested in other Spanish products? – Take a look here: https://teachsimple.com/contributor/your-spanish-studio ******************* Este recurso, listo para el uso, cubre la ortografía de la tilde diacrítica en palabras polisílabas. Contiene 10 oraciones para ser dictadas. Cabe destacar que el producto es especialmente diseñado y usado para practicar diferentes aspectos ortográficos con alumnos de español de nivel intermedio-avanzado. Se puede trabajar con todo tipo de estudiantes (no nativos, nativos y de herencia). El recurso es la undécima parte (Semana 11) de una serie de recursos (que serán 20 en total) dedicados a mejorar diferentes aspecto de la ortografía. El producto contiene 4 hojas, de ellas: - 1 es para el profesor (allí están las instrucciones y las 10 oraciones para el dictado) - 3 para los alumnos: 1 es la portada 1 es la hoja para escribir el dictado 1 es la hoja para correcciones Necesitas imprimir la hoja para el profesor/maestro una sola vez y las hojas para los alumnos las veces que necesites para tu clase/aula. Cuando se llegue a completar la serie entera de 20 semanas, los alumnos pueden preparar una carpeta de ortografía donde incluir todo su trabajo. En la tienda de “Your Spanish Studio” puedes encontrar todo tipo de recursos y material adicional que te será muy útil en tus clases de español. Echa un vistazo aquí: https://teachsimple.com/contributor/your-spanish-studio Credits: Graphics from: Copyright Scrappin Doodles and Pixabay.
Author Your Spanish Studio
Tags Spanish Spelling, Ortografía, Letras, Dictado, Print, Tilde Ciacrítica, Acento Diacrítico
SPANISH SPELLING DICTATION NO PREP WEEK 6 La tilde en palabras esdrújulas Oraciones para dictado
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Assessments
The Spanish Spelling Dictation No Prep Week 6 La tilde en palabras esdrújulas Oraciones para dictado has been crafted with precision to enhance educators' ability to improve their learners' skills in Spanish orthography, notable focusing on stress vowel marks in palabras esdrújulas y sobresdrújulas/sobreesdrújulas. It's part of a comprehensive and systematically designed 20-week series that handles different aspects of the Spanish spelling system, with Week N6 employing an effective and student-friendly strategy. This educational resource, specially designed for intermediate-advanced students, is a crucial addition to any language curriculum in middle schools, high schools, universities or adult learning centres. It serves native or heritage speakers aiming for higher proficiency and foreign language learners striving towards fluency equally well. The four-page set provides teachers with: An instruction guide Ten carefully structured sentences as example models. Three worksheets: including a cover page for consistency within their folders; another dedicated space for carrying out dictated tasks; a correction sheet beneficial for self-evaluation/peer review exercises. Evidence of Progress & Versatility in Implementation After completing twenty weeks or all module sets, students can compile a personalized Spanish-spelling portfolio illustrating tangible progress – fostering learner morale while offering educators insight into areas that need attention. This exercise suits whole classroom activities where group discussion could spur better understanding. Used as homework assignments to facilitate independent skill enhancement or breakout sessions catering individualized feedback loop - this multifaceted tool supports multiple implementation courses. Rewards & Format Convenience Equipped with clear examples emphasizing tilde en palabras esdrújulas y sobresdrújulas/sobreesdrújulas, it's an excellent source of hands-on practice comprising ten challenging sentences! In addition, it's useful as exam preparation material or for reinforcing students' grasp on nuances in Spanish spelling. The bundle is delivered in PDF file format to ensure easy access and efficient distribution among learners. It proves to be a remarkable asset for educators aiming for maximum impact with their teaching strategies.
Author Your Spanish Studio
Tags Spanish Spelling, Esdrújulas, Sobresdrújulas, Orthography Skills, Dictation, Esdrújula Examples, Palabras Sobresdrujulas
Sílabas y Diptongos en Español
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Grade 1, 2, 3, Teacher Tools, Assessments
Syllables and Diphthongs in Spanish This package includes the following syllables and diphthongs: ba, be, bi, bo, bu ca, ce, ci, co, cu da, de, di, do, du fa, fe, fi, fo, fu ga, ge, gi, go, gu ha, he, hi, ho, hu ja, je, ji, jo, ju ka, ke, ki, ko, ku la, le, li, lo, lu ma, me, mi, mo, mu na, ne, ni, no, nu pa, pe, pi, po, pu ra, re, ri, ro, ru sa, se, si, so, su ta, te, ti, to, tu va, ve, vi, vo, vu ch ll rr bl cl fl gl pl tl br cr dr fr gr pr tr ai ay ei ey oi oy iu ui ue Each page will feature at least 4 words for each syllable. Subsequently, students can read a complete sentence for each syllable. While some words might be unfamiliar to students, the aim of this practice is to enhance students' fluency and practice the sounds of each word. This exercise provides the necessary phonetic practice for students. For additional practice, students can rewrite the words and sentences independently. Perfect for bilingual students! Thank you! Syllables and Diphthongs in Spanish | Syllables and Diphthongs in Spanish | Syllables and Diphthongs in Spanish | Syllables and Diphthongs in Spanish |
Author Soumara Siddiqui
Tags Sílabas, Sílabas Y Diptongos, Diptongos
SPANISH SPELLING DICTATION NO PREP WEEK 5 La tilde en palabras llanas o graves Oraciones para dictado
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Grade 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Assessments
The SPANISH SPELLING DICTATION NO PREP WEEK 5 La tilde en palabras llanas o graves Oraciones para dictado is a meticulously developed resource specifically for educators focusing on the Spanish Language. It concentrates on the written accent in palabras llanas o graves, serving as an efficient technique to enhance learners' Spanish spelling skills. About the Product This product forms the fifth segment, Week N5, in an all-encompassing 20-week series dedicated to various aspects of Spanish orthography. The module covers "10 sentences specifically formulated for dictation exercises" and comprises four pages: one for teacher instructions and three dedicated to students. As a result, it offers abundant resources catering to diverse learning styles and paces. Suitable For... The tool is deemed fitting for middle school, high school as well university level students besides adult courses participants too. It significantly benefits intermediate to advanced level learners including both native or non-native speakers of the language. Educators handling small groups can use this efficiently during targeted practice sessions whereas those overseeing larger groups can employ it collectively - fostering instructive discussions around errors and corrections. Further, upon completion of the entire 20-week course program; students can compile portfolios encapsulating all their hard work throughout—cementing learnings from repeated iterations overtime more securely. In Conclusion: To summarize—teachers seeking effective real-world tactics ensuring their pupils grasp proper Spanish language spelling rules—the SPANISH SPELLING DICTATION NO PREP WEEK 5 La tilde en palabras llanas o graves Oraciones para dictado is definitely worth considering. Its strategic approach dovetailed with practical implementation makes it an integral part of any successful Spanish language learning program.
Author Your Spanish Studio
Tags Spanish Spelling, Dictation Practice, Written Accent, Palabras Llanas O Graves, Language Learning
Spanish spelling dictation Week 13 El acento: todos los casos
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Grade 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Assessments, Activities
It is a no prep Spanish spelling resource that includes "La tilde /el acento gráfico) en todos los casos". With this resource you have a set of 10 sentences ready for dictation in your classroom as activity, as exam, etc. This product is created and was used for practicing spelling with Spanish students, level: intermediate-advanced. The resource is appropriate for all kind of learners: native, Spanish heritage and non-native Spanish students in middle, high schools, etc. This resource covers a variety of spelling topics as part of the series: Week N13, of a 20-week series. The resource has 4 pages: - 1 teacher page (with instructions and the 10 sentences) - 3 student pages, from them: 1 is the cover of this set 1 is the worksheet for the dictation 1 is the worksheet for correction Print the teacher page once and the three pages for students the times you need. As students complete the set of 20 weeks, they can put together a Spanish folder or portfolio to use as reference. Interested in other Spanish products? – Take a look here: https://teachsimple.com/contributor/your-spanish-studio ******************* Este recurso, listo para el uso, cubre la ortografía de la tilde en todos sus casos. Contiene 10 oraciones para ser dictadas. Es importante recalcar que este recurso fue diseñado para que alumnos de nivel intermedio-avanzado practiquen los diferentes aspectos ortográficos. Este recurso se ha puesto en practica y se puede trabajar con todo tipo de estudiantes (no nativos, nativos y de herencia). El recurso es la decimotercera parte (Semana 13) de una serie de recursos (que serán 20 en total) dedicados a mejorar diferentes aspecto de la ortografía. El producto contiene 4 hojas, de ellas: - 1 es para el profesor (allí están las instrucciones y las 10 oraciones para el dictado) - 3 para los alumnos: 1 es la portada 1 es la hoja para escribir el dictado 1 es la hoja para correcciones ************************** PUNTOS FUERTES: Incluye 10 oraciones listas para ser dictadas y especialmente creadas sobre un tema ortográfico. Contiene ejemplos del acento gráfico o tilde en todos los casos. Apropiado para alumnos de niveles intermedio y avanzado que necesiten practicar su ortografía. Un recurso que se puede usar para exámenes. Una actividad adicional para mejorar el nivel ortográfico. »»» For contacts: yourspanishstudio@gmail.com »»» Necesitas imprimir la hoja para el profesor/maestro una sola vez y las hojas para los alumnos las veces que necesites para tu clase/aula. Cuando se llegue a completar la serie entera de 20 semanas, los alumnos pueden preparar una carpeta de ortografía donde incluir todo su trabajo. En la tienda de “Your Spanish Studio” puedes encontrar todo tipo de recursos y material adicional que te será muy útil en tus clases de español. Echa un vistazo aquí: https://teachsimple.com/contributor/your-spanish-studio Credits: Graphics from: Copyright Scrappin Doodles and Pixabay.
Author Your Spanish Studio
Tags Spanish Spelling, Ortografía, Dictado, Print, Spanish Accent, Acento Gráfico, Tilde
Spanish English false cognates assessment activities Part 5
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Assessments
Practicing False Cognates Between Spanish and English, Part 5 This 2-page Spanish print resource offers educators two different exercises to help students practice false cognates (words that look or sound similar between Spanish and English but have different meanings) between the two languages. It is part 5 of a 6-part series focused on Spanish-English false cognates. The PDF resource will need to be printed for student use. Pages 1-2 contain the student exercises while pages 3-4 have the answer keys. This packet works well as an in-class activity, homework assignment, quiz, or test prep. As it is entirely in Spanish, it is best suited for intermediate to advanced Spanish students whether in upper-level high school or university courses. Using the full 6-part false cognates unit over several weeks gives learners more exposure to maximize vocabulary retention. This false cognates packet offers: - Low-prep print exercises with instant access to answers - Contextualized new vocabulary acquisition - Two distinct activity formats to cater to different learning styles - Pre-formatted for easy distribution and grading - Alignment to proficiency standards for reading, writing, speaking, and listening - Versatility for individual, small group, or whole-class implementation - Blends well into any existing Spanish curriculum and pacing guide Check out the shop for other engaging Spanish resources!
Author Your Spanish Studio
Tags Spanish Vocabulary, Spanish Assessment, Spanish Cognates, Spanish False Friends, Test De Vocabulario, Amigos Falsos, Falsos Amigos, Español, Print And Go, Spanish Activities
Spanish spelling dictation No prep Week 8 Oraciones con las letras Y-LL
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Assessments
Spanish spelling dictation No prep Week 8 Oraciones con las letras Y-LL This is an all-inclusive teaching resource tailored for Spanish instructors and homeschoolers. The material, ideal for intermediate to advanced students, is perfect for middle schools, high schools, universities, or adult learning courses aiming to enhance Spanish orthography understanding. Resource Details The resource spans four pages: The first page contains detailed instructions and ten sentences meant for dictation. One of the remaining pages serves as a cover page, A dedicated worksheet focusing on dictation exercises, The final page has correction features fit for review sessions. Versatility & Usage An extremely versatile product that can be used in diverse learning environments either as part of whole group instruction or homework assignments. It also doubles up as excellent preparation material when designing test /exam content while reinforcing Spanish spelling proficiency among learners. Note:This tool forms an eighth week component of a wider 20-week series dealing with different aspects of spelling issues common in the Spanish language. Once printed out (each addressing different spelling elements), they can be compiled into single folders/portfolios by each student easing reference work hence aiding information retention significantly. Key Takeaway: Importance in contemporary education systematics Merging this tool with core curricular activities such as World Languages or Subsubjects particularly focusing on specific linguistic intricacies would ensure personalized growth. The PDF file type allows accessibility across various platforms enhancing user experience significantly especially during exam periods thereby signifying its necessity within the educational sector.
Author Your Spanish Studio
Tags Spanish Spelling, Dictation Exercises, Orthography Understanding, Reinforcement Activity, Targeted Teaching Resource
PRE and AP Spanish Speaking practice 9 topics Part 1 Noprep Advanced
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Grade 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Assessments
Pre and AP Spanish Speaking 9 Topics Part 1 No Prep Advanced Level: Product Description This product is a cutting -edge digital learning resource specifically designed for high schools, colleges, universities and adult learning courses. Emphasizing on refining Spanish speaking skills among advanced learners, this user-friendly and in-depth PowerPoint-based tool caters highly effectively to both teaching and learning needs. Tailored Engagement: Presentation content boasts of nine intriguing questions that span across a variety of topics. Learner comprehension is honed via stimulative conversation platforms provided. The uniqueness of this offering is further augmented by two practical timers set at durations of 30 seconds and 90 seconds respectively. Acing Exams: All geared to boost confidence levels during Spanish spoken exams like the AP Spanish Speaking DELE etc., the timers turn self-study sessions into effective training grounds An entirely software dependent model ensures flexibility. It can be adapted to virtual or physical classes allowing a hassle-free projection on shared screens. Pedagogical Integration: Ideal for implementing during lively classroom discussions Incorporating in focused group activities for comprehensive exposure Serving as individual homework assignments covering diverse matters from cultural nuances to environmental issues. *Suitable for independent learners too!: With its firm root in digital technology, it makes an excellent purchase even for self-study buffs aiming to polish their fluency without external help. Disclaimer: AP® is a registered trademark by the College Board which doesn't endorse this product or affiliate with it. »»» For contacts: yourspanishstudio@gmail.com »»» Interested in other Spanish products? – take a look here: https://teachsimple.com/contributor/your-spanish-studio ***************************************************************** Este recurso es ideal para practicar la expresión oral con alumnos de español de nivel avanzado. Es especialmente provechoso para prepararlos para la parte oral de los exámenes oficiales de español. Es Parte 1 de una serie de dos recursos en total y contiene 9 temas sobre los que los estudiantes tendrán que desarrollar su exposición en 90 segundos (también incluye cronómetro automático). Los temas incluidos en las dos partes de esta serie son muy variados, cubren un gran temario; adicionalmente, los dos recursos incluyen instrucciones y consejos de cómo realizar la actividad, qué tipo de registro usar, etc. En la tienda de “Your Spanish Studio” puedes encontrar todo tipo de recursos y material adicional que te será muy útil en tus clases de español. Echa un vistazo aquí: https://teachsimple.com/contributor/your-spanish-studio Credits. Scrappin Doodles, Pixabay
Author Your Spanish Studio
Tags Spanish Conversation, Speaking Practice, Advanced Level, Immersion Learning, Discussion Topics
Spanish English false cognates assessment activities Part 6
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Assessments
Spanish English False Cognates Assessment Part 6 This 2-page Spanish print-and-go resource helps students practice and expand their vocabulary by assessing their knowledge of Spanish-English “false friends." It includes 2 different assessment activities with answer keys. As part of a 6-part vocabulary unit on Spanish-English false cognates, it can be used in middle school or high school Spanish classes, either in-person or remotely. Students will gain familiarity with 75 pairs of false cognate words and their meanings across both languages. Using self-checking digital activities and printable assessments over time will allow vocabulary to solidify. Easy to implement and 100% in Spanish, these engaging materials are ready for individual practice, small groups, or larger assignments.
Author Your Spanish Studio
Tags Spanish Vocabulary, Spanish Assessment, Spanish Worksheet, Print And Go, Spanish Cognates, Spanish False Friends, Vocabulario, Test De Vocabulario, Falsos Amigos, Spanish Activitiies
SPANISH SPELLING DICTATION NO PREP WEEK 2 La H inicial Oraciones para dictado
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Assessments
SPANISH SPELLING DICTATION NO PREP WEEK 2 La H inicial Oraciones para dictado This resource is developed to assist educators in teaching Spanish spelling, particularly the use of the Spanish letter 'H' when placed in initial position. Packaged as a digital workbook , it features: A collection of 10 sentences for teaching and practice. Ideal tool for teachers who require resources related to detailed elements of Spanish language education. Suitable for intermediate to advanced learners across different learning environments including public schools, homeschooling, and adult learning setups. The SPANISH SPELLING DICTATION NO PREP WEEK 2 La H inicial Oraciones para dictado would fit perfectly within Middle School through University level curricula. It also forms part two of an ongoing 20-week series , each part complementing the other towards enhancing Spanish orthography skills amongst learners. Pack Contents: The package consists of four pages: An instruction page with target sentences for teacher guidance. Three worksheets targeted towards student application and self-correction exercises. In addition to its teaching features, this workbook provides support in bilingualism development while boosting exam-taking skills associated with Spanish language testing metrics - a priceless tool for every educator! Honing Global Communicators: Incorporating this resource into your materials repertoire not only improves your lesson plans but aids in cultivating international citizens skilled at crossing lingual barriers. Achieving Progressive Growth: Note that after completing the entire set over a 20-week duration, students possess valuable information that they can compile into their own individualized spelling portfolios - thus demonstrating personal academic growth!
Author Your Spanish Studio
Tags Spanish Spelling, H Inicial, Dictation, Grammar Practice, Advanced Learners
Spanish spelling dictation Week 12 Tilde diacrítica en monosílabas
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Grade 10, 11, 12, Activities, Teacher Tools, Assessments
This is a no prep Spanish spelling resource that includes "la tilde diacrítica en las palabras monosílabas." With this resource you have a set of 10 sentences ready for dictation. This item was created and used for practicing spelling with Spanish learners, level: intermediate-advanced. The resource is appropriate for all kind of students: native, heritage and non-native Spanish students in middle, high schools, etc. This resource covers a variety of spelling topics as part of the series: Week N12, of a 20-week series. The resource has 4 pages: - 1 teacher page (with instructions and the 10 sentences) - 3 student pages, from them: 1 is the cover of this set 1 is the worksheet for the dictation 1 is the worksheet for correction Print the teacher page once and the pages for students the times you need. As students complete the set of 20 weeks, they can put together a Spanish folder or portfolio to use as reference. ************************** KEY FEATURES:Provides 10 sentences designed for practicing Spanish orthography. Includes instances of the Spanish la tilde diacrítica in monosyllabic words. Suitable for students at both intermediate and advanced levels. An excellent resource for test or exam preparation. A supplemental activity to enhance Spanish spelling proficiency. »»» For contacts: yourspanishstudio@gmail.com »»» Interested in other Spanish products? – Take a look here: https://teachsimple.com/contributor/your-spanish-studio ******************* Este recurso, listo para el uso, cubre la ortografía de la tilde diacrítica en las palabras monosílabas. Contiene 10 oraciones para ser dictadas. Es importante recalcar que este recurso fue diseñado para que alumnos de nivel intermedio-avanzado practiquen los diferentes aspectos ortográficos. Este recurso se ha puesto en practica y se puede trabajar con todo tipo de estudiantes (no nativos, nativos y de herencia). El recurso es la duodécima parte (Semana 12) de una serie de recursos (que serán 20 en total) dedicados a mejorar diferentes aspecto de la ortografía. El producto contiene 4 hojas, de ellas: - 1 es para el profesor (allí están las instrucciones y las 10 oraciones para el dictado) - 3 para los alumnos: 1 es la portada 1 es la hoja para escribir el dictado 1 es la hoja para correcciones Necesitas imprimir la hoja para el profesor/maestro una sola vez y las hojas para los alumnos las veces que necesites para tu clase/aula. Cuando se llegue a completar la serie entera de 20 semanas, los alumnos pueden preparar una carpeta de ortografía donde incluir todo su trabajo. En la tienda de “Your Spanish Studio” puedes encontrar todo tipo de recursos y material adicional que te será muy útil en tus clases de español. Echa un vistazo aquí: https://teachsimple.com/contributor/your-spanish-studio Credits: Graphics from: Copyright Scrappin Doodles and Pixabay.
Author Your Spanish Studio
Tags Spanish Spelling, Ortografía, Dictado, Print, Tilde Ciacrítica, Acento Diacrítico, Spanish Accent
Spanish spelling dictation Week 10 Práctica con: Ce, Ci, Se, Si
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Grade 10, 11, 12, Activities, Teacher Tools, Assessments
Are you looking for a no prep Spanish spelling resource that includes the hard letters CE,CI, SE, SI? Here you have a set of 10 sentences ready for dictation. This item was created and used for practicing spelling with Spanish learners, level: intermediate-advanced. The resource is appropriate for all kind of students: native, heritage and non-native Spanish students in middle, high schools, etc. This product is the tenth part, Week N10, of a 20-week series dedicated to various Spanish spelling topics. The resource has 4 pages: - 1 teacher page (with instructions and the 10 sentences) - 3 student pages, from them: 1 is the cover of this set 1 is the worksheet for the dictation 1 is the worksheet for correction Print the teacher page once and the pages for students the times you need. When the whole set of 20 weeks is completed, students can prepare a Spanish spelling folder/ portfolio where to put all their work. ************************** KEY FEATURES: → Presents 10 sentences for Spanish orthography practice; → Contains examples of Spanish letters CE,CI, SE, SI; → Appropriate for intermediate and advanced students; → Very useful tool for test /exam assignment; → Reinforcement activity that helps improving Spanish spelling skills. »»» For contacts: yourspanishstudio@gmail.com »»» Interested in other Spanish products? – Take a look here: https://teachsimple.com/contributor/your-spanish-studio ******************* Este recurso, listo para el uso, cubre la ortografía de las letras CE,CI, SE, SI. Contiene 10 oraciones para ser dictadas. Cabe destacar que el producto es especialmente diseñado y usado para practicar diferentes aspectos ortográficos con alumnos de español de nivel intermedio-avanzado. Se puede trabajar con todo tipo de estudiantes (no nativos, nativos y de herencia). El recurso es la décima parte (Semana 10) de una serie de recursos (que serán 20 en total) dedicados a mejorar diferentes aspecto de la ortografía. El producto contiene 4 hojas, de ellas: - 1 es para el profesor (allí están las instrucciones y las 10 oraciones para el dictado) - 3 para los alumnos: 1 es la portada 1 es la hoja para escribir el dictado 1 es la hoja para correcciones Necesitas imprimir la hoja para el profesor/maestro una sola vez y las hojas para los alumnos las veces que necesites para tu clase/aula. Cuando se llegue a completar la serie entera de 20 semanas, los alumnos pueden preparar una carpeta de ortografía donde incluir todo su trabajo. En la tienda de “Your Spanish Studio” puedes encontrar todo tipo de recursos y material adicional que te será muy útil en tus clases de español. Echa un vistazo aquí: https://teachsimple.com/contributor/your-spanish-studio Credits: Graphics from: Copyright Scrappin Doodles and Pixabay.
Author Your Spanish Studio
Tags Spanish Spelling, Ortografía, Letras, Dictado, Ce Ci Se Si, Print
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Assessments
SPANISH SPELLING DICTATION NO PREP WEEK 3 La H intercalada This is an essential education resource aimed towards intermediate to advanced learners of the Spanish language. Effective for a wide range of learners - from middle schoolers to university students and adults enduring education. The resource focuses on accentuating proper spelling forms related to the usage of 'H', an intricacy in Spanish orthography. The worksheets provide myriad opportunities in different learning environments including whole group instruction, small-group activities or as take-home assignments. About this Teaching Resource: The complete teaching material spans four pages — one designed specifically for teachers and three dedicated for students. No preparation is required! Simply print and teach. The page designed for teachers provides ten sentences ready to be used in dictation exercises alongside detailed instructions. The student's pages consist of various sections, including a cover sheet, a worksheet tailored specifically towards dictation activities and another one designed for applying corrections. These consistent spelling exercises greatly enhance overall Spanish literacy skills when implemented effectively over time. It helps learners grasp the complex roles played by 'H' in Spanish orthography! A Progressive Learning Experience: This product is part three (Week 3) among a series that extends over 20 weeks. Each week presents unique challenges that focus on specific aspects of Spanish spelling rules. Students can compile all work across these weeks into their personalized 'Spanish Spelling Folder', providing not only evident progress but also making parent–teacher conferences more informative! Few important points: Engages students with its novel-learning technique Inspires consistent enhancements to Spanish spelling proficiency Excellent for public, private or homeschooling educators This resource holds immense potential for any intermediate and advanced level Spanish educators seeking an engaging method to teach their students about the complex usage of the letter 'H' in Spanish.
Author Your Spanish Studio
Tags Spanish Orthography, Spelling Exercises, Letter H, Dictation Activities, Spanish Literacy Skills
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Assessments
SPANISH SPELLING DICTATION NO PREP WEEK 7 Oraciones con las letras G y J This unique and engaging resource enhances students' Spanish orthography skills with convenience, requiring no preparation. Product Features: A rich selection of ten sentences for dictation, focusing on the letters G-J in Spanish — providing valuable practice materials for intermediate to advanced learners. Versatility offering benefits to native, heritage and non-native Spanish students across middle school, high school and university settings. The product is a four-page package including: A teacher's guide with instructions Cover images A worksheet for dictation and An accompanying worksheet for correction. You only need to print out the teacher page once and duplicate student pages as necessary. As part of an extensive 20-week series dissecting diverse aspects of Spanish spelling issues, this resource provides educators flexibility in their approach to teaching these concepts. Week 7 alone contains enough material allowing implementation as either a whole group activity or individual home assignments outside class time. Cumulative Learning Portfolio : Gaining access to comprehensive material spanning 20 weeks allows students an opportunity to create a cumulative folder/portfolio encapsulating their progress throughout this course—offering them personal reflections on their language journey. Note:The strength of this product lies within its applicability as both periodic reinforcement activities or examination assignments aiding proficiency development over time—a testament that may speak well towards teachers aiming at developing active learners rather than passive observers. Mastery Focused Learning: Although primarily catering to mastery in letters G through J, additional sections focusing on other spelling intricacies are available, all embracing common themes of minimal prep requirements paired with user-friendly formats enabling effortless integration into various learning environments. Aim higher with our reliable linguistic aid – proven effective and straightforward.
Author Your Spanish Studio
Tags Spanish Spelling, Dictation Practice, G-J Letters, Spelling Skills, Orthography, Spanish Dictation
Spanish spelling written accent no prep 9 tasks El acento y la tilde
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Grade 8, 9, 10, 11, Teacher Tools, Assessments
This Spanish no prep spelling activity is perfect for practicing Spanish accent. It is a digital self-checking game with 9 tasks, very easy to use and engaging for students. The included sentences are real ones, typical for our everyday life. The resource will help your students dealing with “la tilde”. *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** KEY FEATURES: - A no-prep resource; - Perfect for practicing Spanish accent "la tilde"; - Includes nine tasks; - Self-checking game ; - Easy to use; - Ink saving; - Appropriate for huge variety of levels; - Can be used for homeschooling. Interested in other Spanish products? – Take a look here: https://teachsimple.com/contributor/your-spanish-studio »»» For contacts: yourspanishstudio@gmail.com »»» *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Este recurso, listo para usar, es perfecto para practicar la acentuación en español. Se trata de un juego digital auto correctivo que contiene 9 preguntas. Es muy fácil usarlo y a los alumnos les resulta interesante. Las oraciones en el producto son ejemplos reales, de nuestra vida diaria. De esta forma, los alumnos pueden practicar no solo la tilde, sino también frases cotidianas. Este ítem ayudará a tus alumnos a mejorar sus habilidades en cuanto a “la tilde”. Teniendo en cuenta que la ortografía en español es relativamente fácil (si la comparamos con la de otros idiomas), es de gran importancia aprender las reglas de la acentuación y después realizar multitud de actividades. En la tienda de “Your Spanish Studio” puedes encontrar todo tipo de recursos y material adicional que te será muy útil en tus clases de español. Echa un vistazo aquí: https://teachsimple.com/contributor/your-spanish-studio Credits: Graphics from: Copyright Scrappin Doodles and Pixabay.
Author Your Spanish Studio
Tags Spanish Spelling, Accent, Acentuación, Acento, Tilde, Español
PRE and AP Spanish Speaking practice 9 Topics Part 2 NoPrep Advanced
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Grade 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Assessments
Pre and AP Spanish Speaking 9 Topics Part 2 No Prep Advanced Level: Product Description This product is a cutting -edge digital learning resource specifically designed for high schools, colleges, universities and adult learning courses. Emphasizing on refining Spanish speaking skills among advanced learners, this user-friendly and in-depth PowerPoint-based tool caters highly effectively to both teaching and learning needs. Tailored Engagement: Presentation content boasts of nine intriguing questions that span across a variety of topics. Learner comprehension is honed via stimulative conversation platforms provided. The uniqueness of this offering is further augmented by two practical timers set at durations of 30 seconds and 90 seconds respectively. Acing Exams: All geared to boost confidence levels during Spanish spoken exams like the AP Spanish Speaking DELE etc., the timers turn self-study sessions into effective training grounds An entirely software dependent model ensures flexibility. It can be adapted to virtual or physical classes allowing a hassle-free projection on shared screens. Pedagogical Integration: Ideal for implementing during lively classroom discussions Incorporating in focused group activities for comprehensive exposure Serving as individual homework assignments covering diverse matters from cultural nuances to environmental issues. *Suitable for independent learners too!: With its firm root in digital technology, it makes an excellent purchase even for self-study buffs aiming to polish their fluency without external help. Disclaimer: AP® is a registered trademark by the College Board which doesn't endorse this product or affiliate with it. »»» For contacts: yourspanishstudio@gmail.com »»» Interested in other Spanish products? – take a look here: https://teachsimple.com/contributor/your-spanish-studio ***************************************************************** Este recurso es ideal para practicar la expresión oral con alumnos de español de nivel avanzado. Es especialmente provechoso para prepararlos para la parte oral de los exámenes oficiales de español. Es Parte 2 de una serie de dos recursos en total y contiene 9 temas sobre los que los estudiantes tendrán que desarrollar su exposición en 90 segundos (también incluye cronómetro automático). En la tienda de “Your Spanish Studio” puedes encontrar todo tipo de recursos y material adicional que te será muy útil en tus clases de español. Echa un vistazo aquí: https://teachsimple.com/contributor/your-spanish-studio Credits. Scrappin Doodles, Pixabay
Author Your Spanish Studio
Tags Spanish Speaking, Advanced Level, High School, College, Adult Learning
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Grade 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Assessments
SPANISH SPELLING DICTATION WEEK 1 C,S,Z NO PREP Oraciones para dictado A well-structured teaching resource designed for reinforcing Spanish spelling and orthography. This no-prep, robust teaching material emphasizes on the letters C, S, and Z in the Spanish language. The product is aimed at intermediate to advanced students learning Spanish. Product Details: A practical resource that constitutes of 10 sentences ripe for dictation. Spans over four pages with one page intended solely for educators consisting of precise instructions and all sentences ready to be dictated. Includes three pages that are interactive spaces meant for students which include: A cover sheet appointing ownership, A worksheet facilitating dictation practice & another dedicated to error correction offering room for important feedback. Potential Uses: Fits seamlessly into various classroom activities such as whole class lessons, small group work or homework assignments. It’s also flexible enough to be used throughout a semester-long course that spans 20 weeks focusing on different chapters of spelling each week. Upon completion learners can collate all their worksheets into a unified folder creating a custom spelling portfolio showing tangible progress. The Advantages: This tool isn’t grade specific but aims at building strong foundation stone irrespective what grade learner currently studies in or intends pursuing further education around world languages mimicking global academic trends astutely thereby rendering itself distinctive amongst vast resources available out there today. In conclusion, SPANISH SPELLING DICTATION WEEK 1 C,S,Z NO PREP Oraciones para dictado, is an adaptive, comprehensive package that fosters Spanish spelling skills effectively; maintaining consistent attention on key Spanish letters C/S/Z allowing learners to grasp and master the orthographic nuances of Spanish language using real-time practice. *Note: This product comes in a PDF format making it printable as per requirement. It's a single file spread out across 4 pages targeting World Languages (especially focusing on Spanish).
Author Your Spanish Studio
Tags Spanish Spelling, Orthography, Dictation Practice, C/S/Z Letters, Language Learning
Spanish: Evaluación de Números -Suma y Resta -Addition and Subtraction
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Grade 2, Teacher Tools, Assessments
This Spanish: Evaluación de Números - Suma y Resta is an engaging educational resource designed to enhance number recognition, addition, and subtraction skills in Spanish This PDF includes a quick assessment of number recognition and basic math operations. With Spanish: Evaluación de Números - Suma y Resta students will be required to recognize numbers in Spanish, perform addition and subtraction operations. It is an assessment of knowledge of addition and subtraction. It also includes missing numbers and math word problems. This Spanish: Evaluación de Números - Suma y Resta resource was designed for students in 2nd grade, but can be used by any student of Spanish. The completion of this resource may be done individually, in pairs, or in groups. Answers may be shared with the class when everyone is done in order to correct if there are mistakes. Este PDF incluye una evaluación rápida del reconocimiento de números y operaciones matemáticas básicas. Con este recurso, los estudiantes requieren demonstrar el conocimiento de los numeros en español y completar operaciones de sumas y restas. Es una evaluación de sumas y restas. Incluye numero faltante y problemas matemáticos. Este recurso fue diseñado para estudiantes de 2do grado, pero puede ser utilizado por cualquier estudiante del idioma español.
Author The Biliteracy Teacher
Tags Matemáticas, Sumas Y Restas, Problemas Matemáticos, Bilingue