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Life Skills Lesson Plans

Prepare your students for life beyond the classroom with lesson plans that cover essential life skills such as financial literacy, communication, and problem-solving. These activities provide practical knowledge and experiences. Use them to empower students with the tools they need for success.

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Math, Addition and Subtraction, Early Learning, Elementary, Pre-K, Activities, Worksheets & Printables

5 PAGES OF EXERCISES OF ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION THEMED: DINO THEMED INTRODUCTION: HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic resource for you! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic resource. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational material in the classroom? As is known, educational material helps students build their knowledge autonomously and, above all, in an unforgettable way. 2. What is the name of this document? This document is titled "Educational material for children" 3. What topic will be addressed in this resource? This document will address an educational topic that every child should learn in a basic way. 4. For what ages is it recommended? This set of educational sheets is recommended for children in general who are in the learning age and these sheets will be of great help to them. 5. Who is the author of this document? The author, who was in charge of producing and compiling this educational material, is EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. 6. In what area of ​​knowledge can it be applied? You can apply this set of educational sheets according to your criteria, in the corresponding area. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Aimed at children of ages: This educational document is specifically aimed at children in primary education. 8. Area: This educational document may be used in some area of ​​primary education for children. 9. Keywords: children, primary education, resources for children, free resources, primary resources, resources for primary education. 10. How do I print it? You can print this document in PDF format, A4 size. 11. How to apply it in class? You can apply this document individually or also in a group, it all depends on the criteria of the educator who is going to apply this sheet. 12. Will they need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, perhaps the students when using this sheet will need pencils, colors, or perhaps scissors, eraser. It all depends on the point of view of the educator.



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Foreign Languages, Spanish, Early Learning, Elementary, Adult Education, High School, Homeschool Resources, Middle School, Not Grade Specific, Pre-K, Teacher Tools, Classroom Decor, Activities

20 FREE FLASHCARDS OF ANIMALS FREE RESOURCE INTRODUCTION: Hello! I thank you infinitely for your interest in my educational store! I am a teacher who strives every day to produce these great educational resources for children, so I thank you because with your downloads you are helping a lot to promote my personal and professional work. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Brief introduction: Hello, thank you very much for being interested in this educational document. This document will help you a lot both in the classroom if you are a teacher, as well as if you homeschool and want to stimulate your children from home. 2. Title of the educational resource: This document is titled "Teaching material for children" 3. Topic to work on: Thanks to this educational document, we are going to work on a basic topic that every child and/or student should master. 4. Area of ​​knowledge where it should be applied: Thanks to this document, we will address a topic and at the same time an important area of ​​learning. 5. Number of pages it contains: This educational document contains the following number of pages available and ready to be used by you, you just have to download and print the document to start using it in your classroom. 6. Is it available in color or black/white? This document and/or set of educational sheets is available in color and also in certain parts contains black and white, however it is generally suggested that the teaching material be designed in color so that it is much more attractive for your students, awakening their attention and interest. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? Also, according to your criteria, see if it is better for these sheets to be applied individually or as a group. 8. What size and format is this resource in? This set of teaching sheets has been published in A4 size, PDF format, so that it is much easier to use. 9. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, perhaps your students need pencils, colors, markers and even sometimes scissors and erasers. 10. Is it in color or black and white? This educational document



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ELA, Writing, Handwriting, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic 20 puzzles to cut out! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic 20 puzzles to practice cutting out. A. WHAT IS THIS PRODUCT ABOUT? Yes, to make the decision to download this product, please carefully read the following information regarding the product: 1. Product name: The title of the product is "10 pages of line drawings with the theme of means of transportation" 2. Number of pages: The educational document is made up of 10 pages. 3. Is it editable or not? This educational resource is not editable, so you can print it more easily since it is available in PDF format, and you will not have problems with movements in the figures and/or elements of the document. 4. Theme: The topic to be developed is graphomotor skills. 5. Document version: This document is available in PDF version. B. SECONDARY AND/OR COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 6. Color or white/black: Designed in colors. 7. Aimed at children of ages: For children from 3 to 6 years old. 8. Area: Graphomotor skills 9. Keywords: lines, line drawings, drawing exercises, lines worksheets, lines to review 10. How do I print it? Print it in A4 format, horizontal and in color. 11. How to apply it in class? Apply it individually or in pairs. 12. Will you need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, you will need pencil, colors or markers to make your lines. 13. Standards: It was not prepared based on any specific standard.


Tags Tracing Lines, Tracing Lines Worksheets, Tracing Lines For Kids, Tracing Lines Activities, Free Resources

Health 2nd Grade Unit 4:  Substance Use and Abuse

Health 2nd Grade Unit 4: Substance Use and Abuse
P.E. & Health, Health, Physical Education, Special Resources, Life Skills, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Social Skills, Grade 2, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

For 2nd Grade Health there are seven standards that need to be taught. Unit 1 Personal Health Unit 2 Growth and Development Unit 3 Nutrition and Physical Activity Unit 4 Substance Use and Abuse Unit 5 Injury/ Violence Prevention Control and Safety Unit 6 Prevention/Control of Disease Unit 7 Environmental Consumer Health These units can be taught out of order. They are only numbered for your convenience. At the end of each unit, there is an assessment to test students’ understanding. Through using this Health 2nd Grade Unit 4: Substance Use and Abuse students will learn to identify how adults can help with unknown substances and understand what is a safe and what is not safe or otherwise what is known as an unsafe substance. Students will also learn the following concepts: * How adults help students to understand what is an unknown substance. * Students will learn to “Just say no” to many harmful substances that are not healthy and habit forming. * How families and peers help with harmful / helpful substances. At the end of the unit, there is an assessment to check for understanding. A total of 10 pages for this 2nd Grade Health Unit 4 on Substance Use and Abuse. There are seven units that cover all the health requirements for second grade. Here are the links to other health units: Health 2nd Grade Unit 1: Personal Health Health 2nd Grade Unit 2: Growth and Development Health 1st Grade Unit 3: Nutrition and Physical Activity Health 2nd Grade Unit 4: Substance Use and Abuse Health 2nd Grade Unit 5: Injury / Violence Prevention and Safety Health 2nd Grade Unit 6: Prevention / Control of Disease Health 2nd Grade Unit 7: Environmental / Consumer Health 2nd grade Coronavirus / Covid-19 Facts This unit meets Common Core Standards.

Author K-5 Treasures

Tags Health Unit, Substance Use, Substance Abuse, Safe And Unsafe Substances, 2nd Grade Health, Second Grade Health, Health, Elementary Health, Health Resources, Health For 2nd Grade

Health 2nd Grade Unit 1: Personal Health

Health 2nd Grade Unit 1: Personal Health
P.E. & Health, Health, Physical Education, Common Core, Special Resources, Life Skills, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Social Skills, Grade 2, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

For 2nd Grade Health there are seven standards that need to be taught. Unit 1 Personal Health Unit 2 Growth and Development Unit 3 Nutrition and Physical Activity Unit 4 Substance Use and Abuse Unit 5 Injury/ Violence Prevention Control and Safety Unit 6 Prevention/Control of Disease Unit 7 Environmental Consumer Health These units can be taught out of order. They are only numbered for your convenience. At the end of each unit, there is an assessment to test students’ understanding. Through using this Health 2nd Grade Unit 1: Personal Health students will explore and learn to identify daily healthy habits by knowing what foods are best to eat and how to set goals for physical activity. Habits included are: * Students will learn about healthy and unhealthy activities. These activities will include what is the difference between physical activities and sedimentary activities. * Students will learn how to make healthy choices that will benefit their nutritional goals. * They will learn about goals. Along with knowing the difference between long-term and short-term goals. And how to set both. * Students will come to understand their emotions and how to they can express those emotions as they learn to deal with their feelings. * Lastly, students will learn when and who they can rely on and who to talk to an adult about how they are feeling and how to get help when needed. At the end of the unit, there is an assessment to check for understanding. A total of 11 pages for this 2nd Grade Health Unit 1 on Personal Health There are seven units that cover all the health requirements for second grade. Here are the links to other health units: Health 2nd Grade Unit 1: Personal Health Health 2nd Grade Unit 2: Growth and Development Health 1st Grade Unit 3: Nutrition and Physical Activity Health 2nd Grade Unit 4: Substance Use and Abuse Health 2nd Grade Unit 5: Injury / Violence Prevention and Safety Health 2nd Grade Unit 6: Prevention / Control of Disease Health 2nd Grade Unit 7: Environmental / Consumer Health 2nd grade Coronavirus / Covid-19 Facts This unit meets Common Core Standards.

Author K-5 Treasures

Tags Health Unit, Personal Health, Healthy Goals, Unhealthy Choices, Health Activities, Physical Goals, Health Goals, Health And Wellness, 2nd Grade Health, Second Grade Health

Kindergarten Health: Unit 4

Kindergarten Health: Unit 4
P.E. & Health, Life Studies, Health, Physical Education, Special Resources, Life Skills, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Social Skills, Kindergarten, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

For Kindergarten Health there are seven standards that need to be taught to achieve healthy habits! Unit 1 Personal Health Unit 2 Growth and Development Unit 3 Nutrition and Physical Activity Unit 4 Substance Use and Abuse Unit 5 Injury/ Violence Prevention Control and Safety Unit 6 Prevention/Control of Disease Unit 7 Environmental Consumer Health These units can be taught out of order. They are only numbered for your convenience. Through using this Kindergarten Health: Unit 4, students will explore and learn to identify daily healthy habits. Included in this unit : * Students will identify what is safe or unsafe in a household, which includes medications, cleaning supplies, and household appliances. * Students will cut, sort, and paste these harmful or safe substances into categories. * Understanding who can and who cannot give you medications is another thing that students will learn. * Teachers will help students to role play situations that may be unsafe and how to handle these situations and learn how to say no. Students will identify safe and unsafe substances in a household and learn who can give them medication. Furthermore, there are activities to help kids learn how to just say no in difficult situations. There are a total of 9 pages included in this unit for Kindergarten Health. There are seven units that cover all the health requirements for Kindergarten. Here are the links to other health units: Kindergarten Health: Unit 1 Personal Health Kindergarten Health: Unit 2 Growth and Development Kindergarten Health: Unit 3 Nutrition and Physical Activity Kindergarten Health: Unit 4 Substance Use and Abuse Kindergarten Health: Unit 5 Injury / Violence Prevention Control and Safety Kindergarten Health: Unit 6 Prevention / Control of Disease Kindergarten Health: Unit 7 Enviromental Consumer Health You can also teach your students about keeping yourself safe by studying about the Coronavirus, where and when it started and facts that plagued our world with this virus. Kindergarten Health: Covid 19 / Coronavirus Facts This unit meets Common Core Standards.

Author K-5 Treasures

Tags Health, Health Worksheets, Kindergarten Health, Kids Health, Health Units, Healthy Habits, Healthy Eating, Elementary Health, Healthy Food, Kinder Health

Fantastic Focusers: Small/Whole Group Curriculum | Mindfulness Lesson Plans

Fantastic Focusers: Small/Whole Group Curriculum | Mindfulness Lesson Plans
Special Resources, Life Skills, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools

Fantastic Focusers: Small/Whole Group Curriculum | Mindfulness Lesson Plans is a 113-page resource that will prepare you with all the tools you need to support your students with mindfulness and calming down strategies. This curriculum can be conducted with small groups or whole groups. You will receive: - 10 lesson plans - Parent letters - Activity resources - Self-assessments - Digital resources This curriculum is designed for a small group called “Fantastic Focusers” that aims to empower students to understand how to calm down and learn strategies to support mindfulness and self-awareness. It could be used with a whole group but would be better in small groups. This group is ideal for students who may be struggling: - following directions - taking turns - delaying gratification - appropriately controlling their bodies - filtering thoughts and statements A suggested timeline would be meeting once a week for 30 minutes for approximately 10 weeks (although could range from 8-14 depending on your students and time allotted). Ideally groups will be limited to 4-6 students. While each lesson has a suggested Coping Strategy and 2 Minute Game, facilitators can easily exchange these with other activities provided to best fit the needs of their group.

Author Kindergarten Cafe

Tags Whole Group Curriculum, Small Group Curriculum, Mindfulness Lesson Plan, Coping Strategies, Self-evaluation, Mindfulness Lesson Plans

Kindergarten Health: Unit 3

Kindergarten Health: Unit 3
P.E. & Health, Life Studies, Health, Physical Education, Special Resources, Life Skills, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Social Skills, Kindergarten, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

For Kindergarten Health there are seven standards that need to be taught to achieve healthy habits! Unit 1 Personal Health Unit 2 Growth and Development Unit 3 Nutrition and Physical Activity Unit 4 Substance Use and Abuse Unit 5 Injury/ Violence Prevention Control and Safety Unit 6 Prevention/Control of Disease Unit 7 Environmental Consumer Health These units can be taught out of order. They are only numbered for your convenience. Through using this Kindergarten Health: Unit 3, students will explore and learn to identify daily healthy habits. Students will cut, paste, and sort healthy and unhealthy foods. Also included is a fun engaging story about an unhealthy cat who learns how to be healthy by eating the appropriate food and getting exercise. There are a total of 12 pages included in this unit for Kindergarten Health. Included in this unit: * Students will sort healthy foods by their color. Teachers will help students understand that fruits and vegetables are colorful and healthy for their bodies. * Students will cut and sort healthy foods verses unhealthy foods by pasting them into the correct column. * Students will read individually or as a group a story about an unhealthy cat who learns how to be healthy. At the end of the story, students will identify and draw healthy foods and a physical healthy habit that is good for their bodies. There are seven units that cover all the health requirements for Kindergarten. Here are the links to other health units: Kindergarten Health: Unit 1 Personal Health Kindergarten Health: Unit 2 Growth and Development Kindergarten Health: Unit 3 Nutrition and Physical Activity Kindergarten Health: Unit 4 Substance Use and Abuse Kindergarten Health: Unit 5 Injury / Violence Prevention Control and Safety Kindergarten Health: Unit 6 Prevention / Control of Disease Kindergarten Health: Unit 7 Enviromental Consumer Health You can also teach your students about keeping yourself safe by studying about the Coronavirus, where and when it started and facts that plagued our world with this virus. Kindergarten Health: Covid 19 / Coronavirus Facts This unit meets Common Core Standards.

Author K-5 Treasures

Tags Health, Health Units, Personal Health, Health Worksheets, Kindergarten Health, Kids Health, Elementary Health, Worksheets On Health, Healthy Habits, Healthy Foods

Nutrition and Physical Activity Health: 4th and 5th Grade Unit 3

Nutrition and Physical Activity Health: 4th and 5th Grade Unit 3
P.E. & Health, Life Studies, Physical Education, Health, Special Resources, Life Skills, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Social Skills, Grade 4, 5, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

Nutrition and Physical Activity Health: 4th and 5th Grade Unit 3 For 4th and 5th Grade Health, there are seven standards that students will practice and learn. Through using this 4th and 5th Grade Health Unit 3: Nutrition and Physical Activity, students will explore and learn to identify daily healthy habits. This unit is the perfect way to help 4th and 5th graders learn the importance of their personal health! This Unit 3: Nutrition and Physical Activity contains many activities that include teaching the six basic nutrients the body needs and how students can maintain a healthy lifestyle. Students will also learn the importance of portion sizes, and they will be able to learn and understand the new food labels that was recently recreated on all food containers. Furthermore, students will get to plan 3 meals that are healthy and create an ethnic recipe of their own.. Plus, they'll get to learn about physical and moderate exercises to keep their bodies healthy. At the end of this unit, there is an assessment and answer key to check for understanding. This 4th and 5th Grade Unit 3: Nutrition and Physical Activity meets Common Core standards and will make learning about nutrition and physical activity fun and exciting! Included in this 4th and 5th Grade Health unit are the following: Students will learn about the body's nutrients that are needed for a healthy lifestyle which include: Water, Protein, Carbohydrates, Fat, Vitamins, Minerals. They will learn about portion sizes and the basic food groups. They will create and plan three healthy meals. Students will decipher what food labels mean on food packages and how to apply that to their life. They will learn a new ethnic recipe and make their own meal. Students will learn about physical and moderate exercises and come up with their own ways to stay healthy with exercise. Lastly, there is an assessment to check for understanding. Included is an answer key. There are 26 pages included! There are seven units that cover all the health requirements for 4th and 5th grade. Here are the links to other health units: Health | 4th and 5th Grade Unit 1: Personal Health Health | 4th and 5th Grade Unit 2: Growth and Development Health | 4th and 5th Grade Unit 3: Nutrition and Physical Activity Health | 4th and 5th Grade Unit 4: Substance Use and Abuse Health |4th and 5th Grade Unit 5: Injury and Violence Prevention Health | 4th and 5th Grade Unit 6: Prevention and Control of Disease Health |4th and 5th Grade Unit 7: Environmental Consumer Health

Author K-5 Treasures

Tags Personal Health, Healthy Goals, Health Activities, Physical Goals, Health Goals, Health And Wellness, 4th Grade Health, 5th Grade Heath, Heath Units, Nutrition Goals

Independent Living: Personal Safety Gr. 9-12+

Independent Living: Personal Safety Gr. 9-12+
Special Resources, Life Skills, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans

Independent Living: Personal Safety Gr. 9-12+ Independent Living: Personal Safety Gr. 9-12+ is an indispensable teaching tool, especially tailored for Grades 9 to 12+. The material equips students with life skills essential for personal safety and self-reliant living. Renting Vs Owning a Home This resource clearly delineates the key difference between renting and owning a home, enabling learners to thoroughly understand both choices. Living Expenses An integral component of this material outlines the expenses connected to independent living—giving learners insights into real-life responsibilities associated with independence. Transportation and Emergencies The guide offers pragmatic instruction about public transportation systems; enhancing students' ability to plan their journeys effectively under different scenarios. Increase students’ readiness during crises through guidance on creating fire escape plans—an overlooked yet crucial life skill. Sustainability Practices and Energy Conservation This curriculum doesn't neglect the importance of sustainability—it includes sessions on energy conservation that encourage eco-friendly habits while highlighting potential savings from adopting energy-efficient practices at home. Contact List Building- A pivotal inclusion in any guide teaching independent living —providing vital contacts required during emergencies or injuries—an important aspect adulting individuals should know about. The content is richly delivered via multimedia elements: Vivid reading passages, Educational visual representations through graphic organizers, Tasks grounded in real-world contexts complemented by vocabulary-expanding crossword puzzles make studying entertaining yet meaningful. The implementation of interactive comprehension quizzes allows regular learner assessment assisting tutors manage student progress efficiently. This useful content is packaged into a single, user-friendly PDF file that could easily be integrated into diverse teaching methods - from class instruction to smaller group discussions; as well as homework or additional enrichment exercises. Learning Approach The instruction is written concisely and leverages Bloom's Taxonomy principles. It aligns with State Standards, confirming its competency in terms of quality and compliance. Make a great influence on your students' journey towards independent living—start by adopting Independent Living: Personal Safety Gr. 9-12+ in your syllabus now.

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags PDF

Kindergarten Health: Unit 7

Kindergarten Health: Unit 7
P.E. & Health, Life Studies, Physical Education, Health, Special Resources, Life Skills, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Social Skills, Kindergarten, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

For Kindergarten Health there are seven standards that need to be taught to achieve healthy habits! Unit 1 Personal Health Unit 2 Growth and Development Unit 3 Nutrition and Physical Activity Unit 4 Substance Use and Abuse Unit 5 Injury/ Violence Prevention Control and Safety Unit 6 Prevention/Control of Disease Unit 7 Environmental Consumer Health These units can be taught out of order. They are only numbered for your convenience. Discover the comprehensive and engaging Kindergarten Health: Unit 7, a top-notch digital educational package designed to help you educate young minds about essential health concepts, habits, and practices. Focused on Environmental Consumer Health, this unit equips students with the knowledge to stay safe from sun exposure and appreciate the role healthcare workers play in their community. This fun-filled material offers interactive activities like cut-and-paste worksheets where children can learn about dressing appropriately for sun protection. They'll also get introduced to sunscreen usage for additional safety measures. With 12 insightful pages adhering to Common Core Standards, Kindergarten Health: Unit 7 is an indispensable resource for educators seeking high-quality content on environmental consumer health topics tailored towards kindergarten learners. Maximize your kindergarten instruction by exploring all seven units of the Kindergarten Health series by Teach Simple. Give your students a solid foundation in understanding personal wellbeing essentials while keeping them informed about current facts concerning Covid-19. Students will cut, paste, and decide how to best protect our bodies from the sun. They will also learn about health care workers in our community and how they keep us safe. There are a total of 12 pages included in this unit for Kindergarten Health. There are seven units that cover all the health requirements for Kindergarten. Here are the links to other health units: Kindergarten Health: Unit 1 Personal Health Kindergarten Health: Unit 2 Growth and Development Kindergarten Health: Unit 3 Nutrition and Physical Activity Kindergarten Health: Unit 4 Substance Use and Abuse Kindergarten Health: Unit 5 Injury / Violence Prevention Control and Safety Kindergarten Health: Unit 6 Prevention / Control of Disease Kindergarten Health: Unit 7 Enviromental Consumer Health You can also teach your students about keeping yourself safe by studying about the Coronavirus, where and when it started and facts that plagued our world with this virus. Kindergarten Health: Covid 19 / Coronavirus Facts This unit meets Common Core Standards.

Author K-5 Treasures

Tags Health Units, Health Worksheets, Worksheets On Health, Kindergarten Health, Personal Health, Healthy Habits, Healthy Foods, Healthy Kids, Elementary Health

Growth and Development Health: 4th and 5th Grade Unit 2

Growth and Development Health: 4th and 5th Grade Unit 2
P.E. & Health, Life Studies, Physical Education, Health, Special Resources, Life Skills, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Social Skills, Grade 4, 5, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

Growth and Development Health: 4th and 5th Grade Unit 2 For 4th and 5th Grade Health, there are seven standards that students will practice and learn. This unit is all about Growth and Development. Through using this Growth and Development Health: 4th and 5th Grade Unit 2 students will explore and learn to identify daily healthy habits. This unit is the perfect way to help 4th and 5th grade students learn and develop healthy habits. In this unit, students will understand and explain the six major body systems including the cardiovascular system, the digestive system, muscular system, the respiratory system, the nervous and skeletal systems, along and more. Also included in this unit, students will compare their emotional, physical, and academic differences with other classmates as they do activities with each other to build friendships and classroom unity with each other. Furthermore, students will have the opportunity to practice scenarios using different healthy methods. At the end of this unit, there is an assessment to check for understanding with answer keys included. This 24-page unit meets Common Core Standards and is filled with engaging activities that will help any student build a healthy foundation! Included in this 4th and 5th Grade Health Unit are the following: There are six major body systems that students will learn and be able to explain how they work and function together. The 6 major systems listed in this unit and include the following systems: Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Digestive, Skeletal, Nervous, and Muscular. Students will also compare their emotional, physical, and academic differences. There is an opportunity for students to healthy methods using different scenarios. Lastly, included there is an assessment to check for understanding with answers. There are 24 pages included! This 4th and 5th Grade Unit 2: Growth and Development meets the Common Core Standards. There are seven units that cover all the health requirements for 4th and 5th grade. Here are the links to other health units: Health | 4th and 5th Grade Unit 1: Personal Health Health | 4th and 5th Grade Unit 2: Growth and Development Health | 4th and 5th Grade Unit 3: Nutrition and Physical Activity Health | 4th and 5th Grade Unit 4: Substance Use and Abuse Health |4th and 5th Grade Unit 5: Injury and Violence Prevention Health | 4th and 5th Grade Unit 6: Prevention and Control of Disease Health |4th and 5th Grade Unit 7: Environmental Consumer Health

Author K-5 Treasures

Tags Health Unit, Personal Health, Healthy Goals, Health Activities, Physical Goals, Health Goals, Health And Wellness, 4th Grade Health, 5th Grade Heath, Heath Units

Real World Life Skills - Self-Sustainability Skills Gr. 6-12+

Real World Life Skills - Self-Sustainability Skills Gr. 6-12+
Special Resources, Life Skills, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans

The Real World Life Skills - Self-Sustainability Skills Gr. 6-12+ This comprehensive teaching resource is designed to equip students from grade 6 through grade 12 with confidence and self-reliance skills. It focuses on developing a sense of personal responsibility. Key features include: Coping Mechanisms: Students are taught how to respond positively to setbacks and adapt efficiently under uncontrollable situations. Stress Management: A crucial topic that introduces learners to various stress sources and mitigation techniques. Mental & Physical Health Awareness: Overcoming the stigma associated with mental health while helping users identify local resources for support. Cohabitation & Family Life Education : Mastering crucial life skills such as compromise via lessons about cohabitation and family life. Emergency Preparedness: Providing specific modules dedicated towards self-defense & first aid training. The package also offers engaging ways of learning via real-life activities, puzzles, word searches etc reinforcing comprehension skills for a successful life ahead! Included in this teaching tool are product files available in PDF format making it accessible anytime anywhere. This curriculum brilliantly combines high-interest concepts with low vocabulary levels being beneficial across varied grades ensuring efficacy by aligning itself diligently with state standards using Bloom's Taxonomy content!

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags PDF

Daily Social & Workplace Skills: Making Appointments & Filling Out Forms - Canadian Content Gr. 6-12

Daily Social & Workplace Skills: Making Appointments & Filling Out Forms - Canadian Content Gr. 6-12
Special Resources, Life Skills, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans

Daily Social & Workplace Skills: Making Appointments & Filling Out Forms - Canadian Content Gr. 6-12 Teaching Resource This invaluable resource ensures that learners capture vital daily social and professional competencies, a necessity in today's well-connected world. Principally crafted for learners spanning from Grade 6 to Grade 12, it contains the core areas of regular interaction within social and professional settings with a focus on practical, hands-on learning methods. The primary focus here is effective time management techniques Focal Areas Covered: Planning Daily Routines: Provides guidance on organizing one's day. Email Communication: Offers insights into effective textual dialogue. Making Appointments and Form-Filling: Teaches students how to schedule meetings effectively and correctly fill out documents. Educational Accommodation & Flexibility: This Learning material can be blended seamlessly into teaching schedules owing to its flexibility; during whole group lessons as well as in guiding smaller cooperative learning teams. It allows room for individual home assignments or even in self-directed studying modules. The content aligns perfectly with Provincial Standards and follows Blooms Taxonomy principles. Presentation Methods & Interactive Elements: Reading Passages: Presents concepts through easily digestible texts. Crossword Puzzles: Spark interest in vocabulary exploration through fun challenges. Word Search Puzzles Provide ways of reviewing terminology covered throughout the lessons via engaging activities.. Vocabulary Quizzes Assess student understanding after each section which helps ensure conceptual reinforcement.. Distribution Format & Accessibility: The tool is conveniently available as a PDF file, enhancing accessibility across multiple platforms. This allows all students to easily access the teaching material in different technological environments. Classroom adjustments are quick and easy depending on classroom setups or online distance learning conditions.

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags PDF

Environmental Consumer Health: 4th and 5th Grade Unit 7

Environmental Consumer Health: 4th and 5th Grade Unit 7
P.E. & Health, Life Studies, Physical Education, Health, Life Skills, Special Resources, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Social Skills, Grade 4, 5, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

Environmental Consumer Health: 4th and 5th Grade Unit 7 For 4th and 5th Grade Health, there are seven standards that students will practice and learn. Through using this Environmental Consumer Health: 4th and 5th Grade Health Unit 7 students will explore and learn to identify daily healthy habits. This Environmental Consumer Health Unit 7, is full of engaging worksheets to help students learn about their environment in an educational way as it pertains to their own health and the health of others. In this unit, students will be educated on the pollution that effects the land, water, and air in their neighborhood and community. They will also identify solutions to stop the pollution. Along with that, they will discover ways to help the environment by reducing, recycling, and reusing products. Advertisers use tricky ways to convince consumers that unhealthy food is beneficial to them. Kids will learn about these tricky strategies and the messages that advertisers use that convince the public to use these unhealthy products. In addition, students will have the opportunity to draw their own advertisement to help stop the spread of a disease outbreak in a community. Lastly, there is an assessment to check for understanding. This Environmental Consumer Health unit is the perfect way for teachers and parents to help their students understand the importance of health in a community and teaches students a way to develop healthy habits for life! Included in this Environmental Consumer Health: 4th and 5th Grade Unit 7 are the following: How the land, water, and air pollution affect persona health and our community health. A worksheet is provided on solutions to stop the pollution. Learn ways to help a community with reducing, recycling, and reusing products. Students will learn about tricky strategies advertisers use on consumers to coerce them to purchase unhealthy products and the messages these advertisers are sending to kids. Understand what environmental health messages mean to a community. Draw your own health advertisement to help stop a disease outbreak in a community. Lastly, there is an assessment to check for understanding. There is an answer key included. There are 16 pages included! This unit meets Common Core Standards. There are seven units that cover all the health requirements for 4th and 5th grade. Here are the links to other health units: Health | 4th and 5th Grade Unit 1: Personal Health Health | 4th and 5th Grade Unit 2: Growth and Development Health | 4th and 5th Grade Unit 3: Nutrition and Physical Activity Health | 4th and 5th Grade Unit 4: Substance Use and Abuse Health |4th and 5th Grade Unit 5: Injury and Violence Prevention Health | 4th and 5th Grade Unit 6: Prevention and Control of Disease Health |4th and 5th Grade Unit 7: Environmental Consumer Health

Author K-5 Treasures

Tags Health Unit, Personal Health, Healthy Goals, Health Activities, Physical Goals, Health Goals, Health And Wellness, 4th Grade Health, 5th Grade Heath, Heath Units

Kindergarten Health: Unit 2

Kindergarten Health: Unit 2
P.E. & Health, Life Studies, Health, Physical Education, Special Resources, Life Skills, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Social Skills, Kindergarten, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

For Kindergarten Health there are seven standards that need to be taught to achieve healthy habits! Unit 1 Personal Health Unit 2 Growth and Development Unit 3 Nutrition and Physical Activity Unit 4 Substance Use and Abuse Unit 5 Injury/ Violence Prevention Control and Safety Unit 6 Prevention/Control of Disease Unit 7 Environmental Consumer Health These units can be taught out of order. They are only numbered for your convenience. Through using this Kindergarten Health: Unit 2, students will explore and learn to identify daily healthy habits. Included in this unit: * Students will be able to understand their five senses. * Students will be able to match their senses to their body parts. * Students will sort out the five senses by cutting, matching, and pasting pictures to the correct sense. * As a group, students will be able to identify different characteristics that make them different from their classmates. Students will learn about the five senses and understand the parts of their body that help identify those five senses. They will also learn about the different characteristics they have compared to their classmates. There is a total of 8 pages included in this Unit 1 for Kindergarten Health. There are seven units that cover all the health requirements for Kindergarten. Here are the links to other health units: Kindergarten Health: Unit 1 Personal Health Kindergarten Health: Unit 2 Growth and Development Kindergarten Health: Unit 3 Nutrition and Physical Activity Kindergarten Health: Unit 4 Substance Use and Abuse Kindergarten Health: Unit 5 Injury / Violence Prevention Control and Safety Kindergarten Health: Unit 6 Prevention / Control of Disease Kindergarten Health: Unit 7 Enviromental Consumer Health You can also teach your students about keeping yourself safe by studying about the Coronavirus, where and when it started and facts that plagued our world with this virus. Kindergarten Health: Covid 19 / Coronavirus Facts This unit meets Common Core Standards.

Author K-5 Treasures

Tags Kindergarten Health, Health, Health Units, Health For Kindergarten, Healthy Foods, Healthy Habits, Healthy Kids, Elementary Health, Physical Activity, Kindergarten Resources

Kindergarten Health: Unit 1

Kindergarten Health: Unit 1
P.E. & Health, Life Studies, Health, Physical Education, Special Resources, Life Skills, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Social Skills, Kindergarten, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

For Kindergarten Health there are seven standards that need to be taught to achieve healthy habits! Unit 1 Personal Health Unit 2 Growth and Development Unit 3 Nutrition and Physical Activity Unit 4 Substance Use and Abuse Unit 5 Injury/ Violence Prevention Control and Safety Unit 6 Prevention/Control of Disease Unit 7 Environmental Consumer Health These units can be taught out of order. They are only numbered for your convenience. This is a great health unit to help your students achieve healthy habits! Through using this Kindergarten Health: Unit 1, students will explore and learn to identify daily healthy habits. Included in this unit : * Students will understand the order of brushing their teeth as a daily habit. * Students will understand the importance of going to bed on time is a healthy habit. * Identifying healthy eating habits. * Understand what it means to be physically active. * Students will write a goal to brush teeth daily. * Understand that being clean and washing hands is a part of being healthy. There is a total of 14 pages included in this Unit 1 for Kindergarten Health. There are seven units that cover all the health requirements for Kindergarten. Here are the links to other health units: Kindergarten Health: Unit 1 Personal Health Kindergarten Health: Unit 2 Growth and Development Kindergarten Health: Unit 3 Nutrition and Physical Activity Kindergarten Health: Unit 4 Substance Use and Abuse Kindergarten Health: Unit 5 Injury / Violence Prevention Control and Safety Kindergarten Health: Unit 6 Prevention / Control of Disease Kindergarten Health: Unit 7 Enviromental Consumer Health You can also teach your students about keeping yourself safe by studying about the Coronavirus, where and when it started and facts that plagued our world with this virus. Kindergarten Health: Covid 19 / Coronavirus Facts This unit meets Common Core Standards.

Author K-5 Treasures

Tags Health, Health Units, Personal Health, Kindergarten Health, Health For Kindergarten, Healthy Foods, Healthy Habits, Personal Development For Kids, Elementary Health

Health 1st Grade Unit 5: Injury / Violence Prevention and Safety

Health 1st Grade Unit 5: Injury / Violence Prevention and Safety
P.E. & Health, Special Resources, Health, Physical Education, Life Skills, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Social Skills, Grade 1, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables

For 1st Grade Health there are seven standards that need to be taught. Unit 1 Personal Health Unit 2 Growth and Development Unit 3 Nutrition and Physical Activity Unit 4 Substance Use and Abuse Unit 5 Injury/ Violence Prevention Control and Safety Unit 6 Prevention/Control of Disease Unit 7 Environmental Consumer Health These units can be taught out of order. They are only numbered for your convenience. At the end of each unit, there is an assessment to test students’ understanding. Through using this Health 1st Grade Unit 5: Injury / Violence Prevention and Safety students will learn to identify personal information, safety in their environment, trusted adults in their community, and bullying. Included in this unit: * Students will learn how to be safe in their community, household, and community. * Students will learn the importance of knowing their personal information. * Students will learn how to identify trusted adults in their community. * Students will learn when to call 911. * Students will learn about stranger danger. * Students will learn about bullying and who to talk to if this occurs. At the end of the unit, there is an assessment to check for understanding. A total of 14 pages for Health 1st Grade Unit 5: Injury / Violence Prevention and Safety. There are seven units that cover all the health requirements for first grade. Here are the links to other health units: Health 1st Grade Unit 1: Personal Health Health 1st Grade Unit 2: Growth and Development Health 1st Grade Unit 3: Nutrition and Physical Activity Health 1st Grade Unit 4: Substance Use and Abuse Health 1st Grade Unit 5: Injury / Violence Prevention and Safety Health 1st Grade Unit 6: Prevention / Control of Disease Health 1st Grade Unit 7: Environmental / Consumer Health You can also teach your students about keeping yourself safe by studying about the Coronavirus, where and when it started and facts that plagued our world with this virus. 1st grade Coronavirus / Covid-19 Facts by Teach Simple This unit meets Common Core Standards.

Author K-5 Treasures

Tags Health Unit, Injury Prevention, Violence Prevention, Safety, 1st Grade Health, First Grade Health, Healthy Habits, Health Resources, Health, First Grade Resources

Worry Wizards: Small/Whole Group Curriculum | Anxiety Lesson Plans

Worry Wizards: Small/Whole Group Curriculum | Anxiety Lesson Plans
Special Resources, Life Skills, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools

Worry Wizards: Small/Whole Group Curriculum | Anxiety Lesson Plans is a 100-page resource that will prepare you with all the tools you need to support your students with their anxiety. This curriculum can be conducted with small groups or whole groups. You will receive: - 10 lesson plans - Parent letters - Activity resources - Self-assessments - Digital resources This curriculum is designed for a small group called “Worry Wizards” that aims to empower students to understand anxiety and learn strategies to support anxious thoughts. It could be used with a whole group but would be better in small groups. This group is ideal for students who may be struggling with anxiety. A suggested timeline would be meeting once a week for 30 minutes for approximately 10 weeks (although could range from 8-14 depending on your students and time allotted). Ideally groups will be limited to 4-6 students. While each lesson has a suggested Coping Strategy and 2 Minute Game, facilitators can easily exchange these with other activities provided to best fit the needs of their group.

Author Kindergarten Cafe

Tags Whole Group Curriculum, Small Group Curriculum, Anxiety Lesson Plan, Anxiety Work Curriculum, Class Structure

Percent Word Problems: Tipping & Gratuities- Real World Math Worksheet

Percent Word Problems: Tipping & Gratuities- Real World Math Worksheet
Life Studies, Home Economics, Special Resources, Life Skills, Math, Multiplication, Multiplication and Division, Percentages, Money, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans

Tipping is becoming more and more common and the amount you are expected to tip is increasing too. Make sure your students understand what tipping is and how to calculate a tip- useful life skills! Here’s a ready-to-print real-life percent math lesson for middle school students (in grades 6-9) or special education or life skills classes in a high school setting. Teach your class all about tipping culture and tips in both Canada and the United States. Why do people tip or give certain people a gratuity? What places do we tip? What places do we not? Has tipping been increasing recently ("tip-flation")? Show students how the math skills and concepts that they have been learning in class (percentages, decimals, division, fractions) can be useful in their everyday lives! How to Use: 1. The first page is a handout that you complete with your students (with fill-in-the-blanks) to teach them the ins and outs of tipping: where and when you do it, etc. 2. The second page teaches students two simple methods of calculating tips (using well-known percentage benchmarks OR multiplying the price by a percentage written in decimal form). Encourage your students to determine a third method they could use. 3. After that, there are 7 practice word problems of realistic tipping situations that your students can complete. From tipping for a meal to paying at a salon, or even calculating tax AND tip together, your students will get a lot of real-life practice completing these problems in small groups or own their own. 4. To finish, you can have a class discussion about tipping in general and what your students think about our system. What's Included: 6 Page PDF - Teacher Instructions - Handout with Fill-in-the-Blanks about Tipping - 3-Page Worksheet and Written Reflection - COMPLETE ANSWER KEY INCLUDED If you want more practice working with tips try these two products: Fractions for Calculating Taxes, Tips and Sales Percents for Calculating Taxes, Tips, and Sales

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Percent Word Problems, Tip, Tipping, Gratuity, How To Tip, How To Calculate A Tip, Financial Literacy, Life Skills, Personal Finance, Word Problems

Daily Social & Workplace Skills: Workplace & Volunteering Behaviors Gr. 6-12

Daily Social & Workplace Skills: Workplace & Volunteering Behaviors Gr. 6-12
Special Resources, Life Skills, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans

Daily Social & Workplace Skills: Workplace & Volunteering Behaviors Gr. 6-12 The Daily Social & Workplace Skills: Workplace & Volunteering Behaviors Gr. 6-12 resource is designed to equip students with critical social and workplace skills from grades 6 through 12. This materials set delves into the fundamental aspects of behavior in a professional environment, offering valuable insight that can be utilized not just in workplaces but also during volunteer work. Main Features: Emphasizes on time management, a crucial skill for life independence and success at school or work. Introduces learners to daily routine planning enabling them to organize their tasks effectively. Presents procedural activities such as making appointments and filling out forms accurately. Covers appropriate manners for texting, emailing, and telephone communications – vital facets of modern-day interpersonal exchanges. Beyond Technical Skills: Beyond technical skills and manners in digital communication, it provides guidance on best behaviors expected within both physical workplace settings as well as virtual environments. Includes a segment dedicated to extending these learnings into volunteering situations which represent unique platforms where youths can gain valuable experience. Furthermore encourages effective use of social media platforms made up of reading passages supplemented by graphic organizers along with real-world activities devoted to infusing practical exposure amidst theoretical teachings adds value catered specifically towards grade 6 through grade 12 scholars. Learner Engagement Activities: Crossword puzzles, Word search activities, Comprehension quizzes for reinforcing learning whilst ensuring student engagement. Incorporation With State Standards: The resource is carefully aligned with state standards following Bloom's Taxonomy model while maintaining simplicity via its low vocabulary planned specifically considering learners' comprehension thresholds allowing accessibility regardless of their English language proficiency levels. Delivery: Delivered as a PDF file type; this plan can easily be presented virtually or printed out if desired, offering flexibility to be adapted perfectly within various teaching models - be it for individual learners, small groups or even larger classroom interactions.

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags PDF

Health 2nd Grade Unit 7: Environmental / Consumer Health

Health 2nd Grade Unit 7: Environmental / Consumer Health
P.E. & Health, Health, Physical Education, Common Core, Special Resources, Life Skills, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Social Skills, Grade 2, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

For 2nd Grade Health there are seven standards that need to be taught. Unit 1 Personal Health Unit 2 Growth and Development Unit 3 Nutrition and Physical Activity Unit 4 Substance Use and Abuse Unit 5 Injury/ Violence Prevention Control and Safety Unit 6 Prevention/Control of Disease Unit 7 Environmental Consumer Health These units can be taught out of order. They are only numbered for your convenience. At the end of each unit, there is an assessment to test students’ understanding. Through using this Health 2nd Grade Unit 7: Environmental / Consumer Health students will explore and learn: * How our environment is important to our health * Understanding pollution and the different types of pollution. * A focus on keeping our oceans clean and protecting sea life. * Environmental resources. * How to reduce, reuse, and recycle. * Project ideas on how to recycle some materials. * The importance of farmers markets and it is important to a community. With so many activities, students will learn all about their environment and how to protect it better with these worksheets. This unit meets Common Core Standards. At the end of the unit, there is an assessment to check for understanding. Answers to the assessment questions are provided. A total of 12 pages for 2nd Grade Health on Environmental and Consumer Health. There are seven units that cover all the health requirements for second grade. Here are the links to other health units: Health 2nd Grade Unit 1: Personal Health Health 2nd Grade Unit 2: Growth and Development Health 1st Grade Unit 3: Nutrition and Physical Activity Health 2nd Grade Unit 4: Substance Use and Abuse Health 2nd Grade Unit 5: Injury / Violence Prevention and Safety Health 2nd Grade Unit 6: Prevention / Control of Disease Health 2nd Grade Unit 7: Environmental / Consumer Health 2nd grade Coronavirus / Covid-19 Facts

Author K-5 Treasures

Tags Health Unit, Environment, Consumer Health, Reduce Reuse Recycle, Second Grade Health, 2nd Grade Health, Healthy Habits, Reducing Pollution, Health Activities, Health Resources For 2nd Grade

Daily Health & Hygiene Skills Gr. 6-12 - Canadian Content

Daily Health & Hygiene Skills Gr. 6-12 - Canadian Content
Special Resources, Life Skills, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans

Daily Health & Hygiene Skills Gr. 6-12 - Canadian Content: An engaging and educative resource designed explicitly for students in Grades 6 through 12, focusing on necessary daily health and hygiene skills. Comprises a combination of reading passages, graphic organizers , real-world activities, puzzles, and quizzes. Designed with lower vocabulary levels for better comprehension. Main Educational Focus: Nutrition: Learning about healthy eating and meal planning. Understanding food groups' contribution to general health. Fitness: Importance of physical exercise along with diet for overall wellbeing. Encouraging students to plan personal fitness routines. Dental & Personal Care: Essential grooming practices including dental care are explained in an accessible manner. This also includes aspects like home maintenance skills fostering self-dependency among learners. Additional Features: Safety Measures:Educates about personal safety during commutation or travel and raises awareness about the dangers associated with prescription drug abuse. Social Engagement:Covers themes related to community engagement that aid interpersonal development while instilling a sense of social responsibility in learners. Based on Provincial Standards following Bloom's Taxonomy Approach: The resource is aligned according to different cognitive skills as identified by Bloom's approach making it suitable for usage across different circumstances – whether it is whole group instruction by educators or individualized assignments targeted at learners with specific needs; even homeschooled children can benefit from this resource. The resource is primarily categorized under Life Skills, making it a versatile pedagogic tool. It is available in easily downloadable PDF format ensuring high usability.

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags PDF

Real World Life Skills - Social Skills Gr. 6-12+ - Canadian Content

Real World Life Skills - Social Skills Gr. 6-12+ - Canadian Content
Special Resources, Life Skills, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans

Real World Life Skills - Social Skills Gr. 6-12+ An invaluable educational resource with a focus on Canadian content, designed mainly for students in grades six through twelve who are working through the complexities of life skills and social dynamics. Key Features: Nurtures identification of favorable versus unfavorable traits Promotes personal independence and accountability Teaches basic principles of etiquette and collaboration skills Incorporates a variety of instructional methods for maximum comprehension (reading passages, graphic organizers etc.) Educational Settings & Use: This versatile tool can be seamlessly integrated into general classroom settings or used individually at home. Due to its adherence to Provincial Standards and framing within Bloom's Taxonomy learning objectives, it is particularly applicable in both public schools as well as homeschooling setups. Added Benefits: The focused structure ensures reinforced grasp on subject matter via quizzes The flexible, reproducible content results in cost-effectiveness over time by adaptability in various instructional scenarios. "Real World Life Skills - Social Skills Gr. This tool not only guaranties academic success but also guides students towards lifelong achievements+" .

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags PDF

I Am Special!: Honoring Individual Differences in the Classroom

I Am Special!: Honoring Individual Differences in the Classroom
Special Resources, Life Skills, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans

I Am Special!: Honoring Individual Differences in the Classroom A teaching resource designed to instill mutual respect among students by celebrating their unique attributes. It emphasizes on creating a trusting atmosphere - free from bullying and teasing where every child can flourish. For Kindergarten to Third-grade Levels This curriculum-accessory highlights individual differences. It encompasses interactive activities that aid teachers in understanding their students better, and vice versa. Celebrating Through Art Projects One of the standout aspects is its expression of individuality through unique art projects . Teachers facilitate literature discussions promoting understanding amidst diversity; meanwhile meticulously crafted interest inventories gather insightful data about each student. Fostering Appreciation at Home: The package includes take-home books for families, which help foster appreciation towards cognitive diversity outside school hours.(Inclusive teaching now extends into the homes) The PDF Package:The product comes neatly packed into a 34-page PDF file ready for instant download after purchase; particularly effective for homeschooling parents or educators needing lesson plans on short notice. Reproducible Worksheets:These less-preparation-required learning resources offer children multiple attempts to improve their understanding around respecting individual differences.(All within the academics-prescribed time frame) I Am Special! - The Universal Truth The highlight principle of "I Am Special!" is everyone performs optimally when accepted without prejudice. This perspective fosters an educational environment sensitive towards emotional needs characteristic of modern classrooms worldwide – setting a higher standard for those interested in inclusive elementary education centered around life skills pedagogy.

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags Bullying, Family, Collages, All About Me, Back To School

Health 1st Grade Unit 3:  Nutrition and Physical Activity

Health 1st Grade Unit 3: Nutrition and Physical Activity
P.E. & Health, Health, Physical Education, Special Resources, Life Skills, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Social Skills, Grade 1, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

For 1st Grade Health there are seven standards that need to be taught. Unit 1 Personal Health Unit 2 Growth and Development Unit 3 Nutrition and Physical Activity Unit 4 Substance Use and Abuse Unit 5 Injury/ Violence Prevention Control and Safety Unit 6 Prevention/Control of Disease Unit 7 Environmental Consumer Health These units can be taught out of order. They are only numbered for your convenience. At the end of each unit, there is an assessment to test students’ understanding. Through using this Health 1st Grade Unit 3: Nutrition and Physical Activity students will explore and learn to identify: * Students will be able to categorize healthy foods. * Students will be able to identify healthy foods and physical activities to help them stay healthy. * Students will be able to identify active verses inactive and understand the consequences of being active vs inactive At the end of the unit, there is an assessment to check for understanding. A total of 11 pages for Health 1st Grade Unit 3: Nutrition and Physical Activity. There are seven units that cover all the health requirements for first grade. Here are the links to other health units: Health 1st Grade Unit 1: Personal Health Health 1st Grade Unit 2: Growth and Development Health 1st Grade Unit 3: Nutrition and Physical Activity Health 1st Grade Unit 4: Substance Use and Abuse Health 1st Grade Unit 5: Injury / Violence Prevention and Safety Health 1st Grade Unit 6: Prevention / Control of Disease Health 1st Grade Unit 7: Environmental / Consumer Health You can also teach your students about keeping yourself safe by studying about the Coronavirus, where and when it started and facts that plagued our world with this virus. 1st grade Coronavirus / Covid-19 Facts by Teach Simple This unit meets Common Core Standards.

Author K-5 Treasures

Tags Health Unit, Nutrition, Physical Activity, Healthy Foods, Active Vs. Inactive, 1st Grade Health, First Grade Health, Personal Health, Physical Activities, 1st Grade Resources

Kindergarten Health and Safety: I Control Me!

Kindergarten Health and Safety: I Control Me!
Life Studies, Special Resources, Life Skills, Preschool, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans

Title: Kindergarten Health and Safety: I Control Me! Abound with engaging activities, the Kindergarten Health and Safety: I Control Me! resource focuses on promoting self-reliance and responsibility among kindergartners. This invaluable tool is tailored towards encouraging young minds to make decisions independently, manage their personal belongings effectively, identify when they require assistance, and independently source materials they need. As a 43-page PDF document, it includes a total of 38 printables that are ready to be colored. These activities not only offer a fun learning experience but also nurture conceptual understanding in youngsters. They reiterate the notion that each one of us is responsible for our own actions and choices. Focusing on Different School Environments The resource not only focuses on individual growth but also prepares students for different school environments: classrooms, gymnasiums, libraries, playgrounds- each having its unique routines and rules. Hence students learn how to adjust their behavior depending upon where they are - an important life skill which helps them navigate through daily routines with ease. The two included answer keys act as an efficient guiding light for educators during this teaching process. Versatile Usage Serving as an ideal learning supplement in any setting – group sessions within classrooms or homeschooling agendas - this resource can be used flexibly matching learner needs whether it be whole-group lessons or focusing on small groups separately based on their competency levels." Potential Home Application Educators may even opt to distribute sections of these resources as homework assignments thereby extending classroom concepts into home spaces enhancing overall child development. Hence this comprehensive lesson plan dealing with crucial life skills proves itself indispensable in equipping kindergarten-grade children with practical knowledge enabling them navigate through early schooling years largely autonomously under guided supervision.

Author Chuck's Cornucopia

Tags Kindergarten Health, Safety, Responsibility, Decision-making, Independence