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Math, Addition and Subtraction, Early Learning, Elementary, Pre-K, Activities, Worksheets & Printables

5 PAGES OF EXERCISES OF ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION THEMED: DINO THEMED INTRODUCTION: HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic resource for you! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic resource. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational material in the classroom? As is known, educational material helps students build their knowledge autonomously and, above all, in an unforgettable way. 2. What is the name of this document? This document is titled "Educational material for children" 3. What topic will be addressed in this resource? This document will address an educational topic that every child should learn in a basic way. 4. For what ages is it recommended? This set of educational sheets is recommended for children in general who are in the learning age and these sheets will be of great help to them. 5. Who is the author of this document? The author, who was in charge of producing and compiling this educational material, is EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. 6. In what area of ​​knowledge can it be applied? You can apply this set of educational sheets according to your criteria, in the corresponding area. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Aimed at children of ages: This educational document is specifically aimed at children in primary education. 8. Area: This educational document may be used in some area of ​​primary education for children. 9. Keywords: children, primary education, resources for children, free resources, primary resources, resources for primary education. 10. How do I print it? You can print this document in PDF format, A4 size. 11. How to apply it in class? You can apply this document individually or also in a group, it all depends on the criteria of the educator who is going to apply this sheet. 12. Will they need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, perhaps the students when using this sheet will need pencils, colors, or perhaps scissors, eraser. It all depends on the point of view of the educator.



Free Download

Foreign Languages, Spanish, Early Learning, Elementary, Adult Education, High School, Homeschool Resources, Middle School, Not Grade Specific, Pre-K, Teacher Tools, Classroom Decor, Activities

20 FREE FLASHCARDS OF ANIMALS FREE RESOURCE INTRODUCTION: Hello! I thank you infinitely for your interest in my educational store! I am a teacher who strives every day to produce these great educational resources for children, so I thank you because with your downloads you are helping a lot to promote my personal and professional work. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Brief introduction: Hello, thank you very much for being interested in this educational document. This document will help you a lot both in the classroom if you are a teacher, as well as if you homeschool and want to stimulate your children from home. 2. Title of the educational resource: This document is titled "Teaching material for children" 3. Topic to work on: Thanks to this educational document, we are going to work on a basic topic that every child and/or student should master. 4. Area of ​​knowledge where it should be applied: Thanks to this document, we will address a topic and at the same time an important area of ​​learning. 5. Number of pages it contains: This educational document contains the following number of pages available and ready to be used by you, you just have to download and print the document to start using it in your classroom. 6. Is it available in color or black/white? This document and/or set of educational sheets is available in color and also in certain parts contains black and white, however it is generally suggested that the teaching material be designed in color so that it is much more attractive for your students, awakening their attention and interest. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? Also, according to your criteria, see if it is better for these sheets to be applied individually or as a group. 8. What size and format is this resource in? This set of teaching sheets has been published in A4 size, PDF format, so that it is much easier to use. 9. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, perhaps your students need pencils, colors, markers and even sometimes scissors and erasers. 10. Is it in color or black and white? This educational document



Free Download

ELA, Writing, Handwriting, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic 20 puzzles to cut out! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic 20 puzzles to practice cutting out. A. WHAT IS THIS PRODUCT ABOUT? Yes, to make the decision to download this product, please carefully read the following information regarding the product: 1. Product name: The title of the product is "10 pages of line drawings with the theme of means of transportation" 2. Number of pages: The educational document is made up of 10 pages. 3. Is it editable or not? This educational resource is not editable, so you can print it more easily since it is available in PDF format, and you will not have problems with movements in the figures and/or elements of the document. 4. Theme: The topic to be developed is graphomotor skills. 5. Document version: This document is available in PDF version. B. SECONDARY AND/OR COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 6. Color or white/black: Designed in colors. 7. Aimed at children of ages: For children from 3 to 6 years old. 8. Area: Graphomotor skills 9. Keywords: lines, line drawings, drawing exercises, lines worksheets, lines to review 10. How do I print it? Print it in A4 format, horizontal and in color. 11. How to apply it in class? Apply it individually or in pairs. 12. Will you need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, you will need pencil, colors or markers to make your lines. 13. Standards: It was not prepared based on any specific standard.


Tags Tracing Lines, Tracing Lines Worksheets, Tracing Lines For Kids, Tracing Lines Activities, Free Resources

SOCIAL MEDIA: Word Games with Puzzles Crossword Wordsearch Anagram

SOCIAL MEDIA: Word Games with Puzzles Crossword Wordsearch Anagram
Special Resources, Social Studies, ELA, Special Education Needs (SEN), Speech Therapy, Life Skills, History, Psychology, Language Development, ESL, Writing, Handwriting, Vocabulary, Science, Technology, Not Grade Specific, Crosswords Puzzles, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables

SOCIAL MEDIA: Word Games with Puzzles Crossword Wordsearch Anagram If you're a fan of incorporating relaxed yet meticulously arranged language word wall worksheets into your daily instruction, you're bound to appreciate this word games / puzzles resource, which provides: 1 / anagrams . 2 / a copy words crossword . 3 / a writing board ( blank ) . 4 / a writing board ( lined ) . 5 / a word matching page . 6 / a wheel chart and 7 / a word search board . Every word and picture in this SOCIAL MEDIA: Word Games with Puzzles Crossword Wordsearch Anagram resource revolves around SOCIAL MEDIA. The included words are: post / comment / share / delete / block / log in / sign in / friend / follower / subscription / sponsor / message . A perfect complement to these pages would be the included REAL PHOTOS and ILLUSTRATIONS / FLASH CARDS, enabling you to construct visual folders and devise your unique entertaining activities and games! Use these worksheets : * as morning work routine . * in your centers . * as handouts / fun homework . This SOCIAL MEDIA: Word Games with Puzzles Crossword Wordsearch Anagram is a useful print and go material for you . Whether as an ESL vocabulary activity , as a writing expository classroom task or as a conversation prompt packet in group work or in therapy sessions, it works nicely and offers various options to use as needed . It is part of a resource series and the themes covered refer to community and everyday living environments and activities, in order to develop pragmatics and social skills at the same time, while focusing on vocabulary . 1 pdf file included with 10 pages . Worksheets and pictures combined resource to use in your classroom or therapy sessions . For many many more free to download and immediately use materials on language, basic math, cognitive and perceptual skills, you can visit my store page by clicking HERE . Happy searching and downloading!


Tags Learning Difficulties, Dyslexia, Literacy Center, Flash Cards, Anagram, Word Search, Wordwall, Community, Technology, Words Aside

The Cold War Crossword Puzzle

The Cold War Crossword Puzzle
Social Studies, History, History: World, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Crosswords Puzzles, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables

The Cold War Crossword Puzzle: A Stimulating and Informative Activity for Budding Historians Make history come alive for your students with The Cold War Crossword Puzzle, an enthralling and instructive activity crafted to assist learners in exploring this crucial period in global history. This crossword puzzle serves as a superb method for students to assess their knowledge and expand their comprehension of the principal events, personalities, and terminology linked to the Cold War era. Discover the Functionality of The Cold War Crossword Puzzle: The Cold War Crossword Puzzle invites students to apply their understanding of the Cold War by resolving an assortment of clues connected to the incidents, individuals, and terms characteristic of this historical era. As learners progress through the puzzle, they will be encouraged to contemplate the information they have acquired and establish associations between various facets of the Cold War. Explore What's Included in The Cold War Crossword Puzzle: •A printable Cold War Crossword Puzzle showcasing a variety of clues pertinent to the era •A convenient answer key to facilitate grading and verification of student work Unleash the Full Potential of Delving into the Cold War Our Cold War Crossword Puzzle presents an engaging and efficient approach for students to deepen their insight into the Cold War era. By offering a demanding and captivating activity, learners can more effectively grasp and retain the knowledge they have acquired about this momentous period in history. This puzzle is purposefully devised for middle school and high school students, guaranteeing a fitting and engrossing educational experience. The user-friendly PDF format enables effortless downloading, printing, and integration of this puzzle into your history lessons. With The Cold War Crossword Puzzle, you'll gain access to a versatile and invaluable tool that can help cultivate a more profound understanding of the Cold War and its influence on the world. Elevate your students' learning experience and bolster their comprehension of the Cold War by downloading this fascinating resource today!

Author DrDrew

Tags Cold War, Social Studies, Crossword Puzzle, World History, History Activities, World War 1 Word Search Puzzle Answer Key Pdf, When The Cold War Ended Crossword, Cold War Crossword Puzzle, The Cold War Crossword, Cold War Crossword Puzzle Pdf, The Cold War Crossword Answer Key, Cold War Crossword Puzzle Answers, World History Crossword Puzzle Answer Key, Cold War Crossword Puzzle Answer Key, Cold War Word Search Answers, The Cold War Crossword Puzzle Answers, Cold War Organization Crossword, Cold War Bloc Crossword

Benjamin Franklin Crossword Puzzle

Benjamin Franklin Crossword Puzzle
Social Studies, History, History: World, Not Grade Specific, Crosswords Puzzles, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables

This Benjamin Franklin printables /crossword-puzzles">Crossword Puzzle is a great way for students to learn about one of the most important historical figures in the USA. The provided clues will help them understand more about his life and work.

Author Have Fun Teaching

Tags History, Benjamin Of Law And Order Crossword Clue

England 1642 - 1688 Crossword Puzzle

England 1642 - 1688 Crossword Puzzle
Social Studies, History, History: Europe, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Crosswords Puzzles, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables

This resource is a printables /crossword-puzzles">crossword puzzle pertaining to England during the time period of 1642-1688. You will get a version with the word bank and one without. Answer key included.

Author DrDrew

Tags England, Europe, Social Studies, History Printable

Johannes Gutenberg Crossword Puzzle

Johannes Gutenberg Crossword Puzzle
Social Studies, History, History: Europe, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Crosswords Puzzles, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables

This resource is a printables /crossword-puzzles">crossword puzzle for Johannes Gutenberg. Answer key included.

Author DrDrew

Tags Johannes Gutenberg, European, Social Studies, Crossword Puzzle, History Printable

Unification of Italy Crossword Puzzle

Unification of Italy Crossword Puzzle
Social Studies, History, History: Europe, Grade 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Crosswords Puzzles, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables

This resource is a printables /crossword-puzzles">crossword puzzle to cover the unification of Italy. Answer key included.

Author DrDrew

Tags Unification, Social Studies, Italy, Crossword Puzzle, History Printable, Italian Christmas Crossword