5,471 products added recently
Art Lesson Plans
Ignite imagination in your classroom with art lesson plans that encourage creative exploration. Covering various mediums and techniques, these resources help students develop artistic skills and appreciation. Use these plans to cultivate a vibrant learning environment where creativity flourishes.
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Early Learning, Elementary, Pre-K, Activities, Worksheets & Printables
5 PAGES OF EXERCISES OF ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION THEMED: DINO THEMED INTRODUCTION: HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic resource for you! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic resource. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational material in the classroom? As is known, educational material helps students build their knowledge autonomously and, above all, in an unforgettable way. 2. What is the name of this document? This document is titled "Educational material for children" 3. What topic will be addressed in this resource? This document will address an educational topic that every child should learn in a basic way. 4. For what ages is it recommended? This set of educational sheets is recommended for children in general who are in the learning age and these sheets will be of great help to them. 5. Who is the author of this document? The author, who was in charge of producing and compiling this educational material, is EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. 6. In what area of knowledge can it be applied? You can apply this set of educational sheets according to your criteria, in the corresponding area. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Aimed at children of ages: This educational document is specifically aimed at children in primary education. 8. Area: This educational document may be used in some area of primary education for children. 9. Keywords: children, primary education, resources for children, free resources, primary resources, resources for primary education. 10. How do I print it? You can print this document in PDF format, A4 size. 11. How to apply it in class? You can apply this document individually or also in a group, it all depends on the criteria of the educator who is going to apply this sheet. 12. Will they need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, perhaps the students when using this sheet will need pencils, colors, or perhaps scissors, eraser. It all depends on the point of view of the educator.
Foreign Languages, Spanish, Early Learning, Elementary, Adult Education, High School, Homeschool Resources, Middle School, Not Grade Specific, Pre-K, Teacher Tools, Classroom Decor, Activities
20 FREE FLASHCARDS OF ANIMALS FREE RESOURCE INTRODUCTION: Hello! I thank you infinitely for your interest in my educational store! I am a teacher who strives every day to produce these great educational resources for children, so I thank you because with your downloads you are helping a lot to promote my personal and professional work. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Brief introduction: Hello, thank you very much for being interested in this educational document. This document will help you a lot both in the classroom if you are a teacher, as well as if you homeschool and want to stimulate your children from home. 2. Title of the educational resource: This document is titled "Teaching material for children" 3. Topic to work on: Thanks to this educational document, we are going to work on a basic topic that every child and/or student should master. 4. Area of knowledge where it should be applied: Thanks to this document, we will address a topic and at the same time an important area of learning. 5. Number of pages it contains: This educational document contains the following number of pages available and ready to be used by you, you just have to download and print the document to start using it in your classroom. 6. Is it available in color or black/white? This document and/or set of educational sheets is available in color and also in certain parts contains black and white, however it is generally suggested that the teaching material be designed in color so that it is much more attractive for your students, awakening their attention and interest. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? Also, according to your criteria, see if it is better for these sheets to be applied individually or as a group. 8. What size and format is this resource in? This set of teaching sheets has been published in A4 size, PDF format, so that it is much easier to use. 9. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, perhaps your students need pencils, colors, markers and even sometimes scissors and erasers. 10. Is it in color or black and white? This educational document
ELA, Writing, Handwriting, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets
HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic 20 puzzles to cut out! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic 20 puzzles to practice cutting out. A. WHAT IS THIS PRODUCT ABOUT? Yes, to make the decision to download this product, please carefully read the following information regarding the product: 1. Product name: The title of the product is "10 pages of line drawings with the theme of means of transportation" 2. Number of pages: The educational document is made up of 10 pages. 3. Is it editable or not? This educational resource is not editable, so you can print it more easily since it is available in PDF format, and you will not have problems with movements in the figures and/or elements of the document. 4. Theme: The topic to be developed is graphomotor skills. 5. Document version: This document is available in PDF version. B. SECONDARY AND/OR COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 6. Color or white/black: Designed in colors. 7. Aimed at children of ages: For children from 3 to 6 years old. 8. Area: Graphomotor skills 9. Keywords: lines, line drawings, drawing exercises, lines worksheets, lines to review 10. How do I print it? Print it in A4 format, horizontal and in color. 11. How to apply it in class? Apply it individually or in pairs. 12. Will you need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, you will need pencil, colors or markers to make your lines. 13. Standards: It was not prepared based on any specific standard.
Tags Tracing Lines, Tracing Lines Worksheets, Tracing Lines For Kids, Tracing Lines Activities, Free Resources
Nature Chant Package Gr. K-1
Creative Arts, Art, Music, Grade 1, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Nature Chant Package Gr. K-1 The Nature Chant Package Gr. K-1 presents an engaging and interactive resource perfect for educators aiming to boost both their art and music lessons. It also enhances reading skills and vocabulary expansion, specifically tailored for children in Kindergarten to Grade 1. Wacky Animal Rebus Rhymes Begins with exploring Canadian animals portrayed in a fun manner through rhymes. Rhymes integrate humor related to each animal's characteristics. Incorporates traditional rhyme forms that children are already familiar with. The Learning Format of Rebus Rhymes All words featured in the rhyme are displayed within informative borders, creating a visual link between spoken and written vocabulary words. This approach aids memory retention as well as boosts reading comprehension skills among learners. Colour Chants component: Included is the Colour Chants section containing unique little book patterns for every color chant. The narrative structure used is repeated across all color chants, encouraging predictability of word sequences thereby strengthening early-reading proficiency. Chants & Classifications Component: A comprehensive section further divided into separate modules: An educator's guide complete with detailed lesson plans . Student activities those includes interactive rebus rhymes. Last but not least,, an exhaustive guide on organizing big book assembly events. This teaching resource incorporates language arts, music, and nature themes under one umbrella fostering overall educational development in students. All resources in Nature Chant Package Gr.K-1 are readily accessible on multiple devices, coming as downloadable PDFs for easy planning and task assignment.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Classical Music & Cool Composers Gr. 6-8
Creative Arts, Art, Music, Grade 6, 7, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Classical Music & Cool Composers Gr. 6-8 This is a dynamic and informative teaching resource designed to introduce middle school students to the world of classical music. It focuses on the fascinating lives and works of five major composers: Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, and Tchaikovsky. Composer Biographies: Bach: Not only known for his extraordinary musical contributions but also as father to 20 children. Mozart: An intriguing aspect of his life history is that he fainted at the sound of brass instruments as a youth! The Classical Music & Cool Composers Gr. 6-8 teaching resource features engaging activities such as crosswords and word searches that link back to lessons learned about each composer's life and music. It stimulates critical thinking while fostering an appreciation for classical music's enduring art form. Ideal for public school educators or homeschooling families, this tool can be utilized in various contexts - from whole group lessons in classroom settings to small group breakout discussions or even independent assignments at home. Suitability: Initially designed for middle school Art & Music classes that enjoy playing renowned classical pieces from different eras. However, its adaptability extends across multiple grades (from Grade 6 to Grade 8). The package includes: An answer key indicating pre-determined benchmarks - allowing learners immediate insight into their mastery levels whilst helping teachers accurately evaluate student understanding A flexible format accessible as a downloadable PDF file ensuring easy use without sacrificing educational quality Concluding Thoughts, This exceptional resource strives not only building future musically enriched mavens but sensitizing them about historical insights in sync with captivating classical tunes.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Rebus Chants A to Z Gr. K-1
Creative Arts, Art, Music, Grade 1, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Rebus Chants A to Z Gr. K-1 Rebus Chants A to Z Gr. K-1 is a meticulously designed teaching resource aimed at instilling reading habits and enhancing reading skills in young learners of kindergarten and Grade 1. The Concept behind the Product The central concept underpinning this resource is 'repetition fosters achievement'. With well-composed chants, learners have an opportunity to demonstrate 'reading like' behaviour while experiencing a sense of accomplishment. Diverse Learning Approaches The repetition embedded within the chants augments understanding, enhances memory recall, and reinforces the familiarity of letters. An innovative teaching method encourages students to trace each chant with their fingers serving dual purposes - word recognition and pacing with picture words depicted in each lesson. Key elements like double letters, phonics rules, punctuation marks, repeated words or line beginnings serve multiple objectives such as engaging oral comprehension initially followed by written identification using underlining, circling or colouring mechanisms. Tailored for Teachers’ needs A crucial feature is including teacher notes which ensures educators are equipped with all necessary information while carrying out activities that provide unique interactive learning experiences.Furthermore, the big book assembly allows for smooth comprehension and knowledge-sharing making it appropriate for whole group sessions yet adaptable enough for small group projects or homework assignments – versatility at its best! Ease-of-use across platforms All files come optimised as PDFs making its use seamless across various digital platforms thereby expanding its reach amongst home-schoolers alike. Comprehensive Coverage This comprehensive Lesson Plan unit adeptly covers the core subject areas notably Art & Music thereby incorporating a creative touch into daily teaching sessions enhancing focus and participation. Rebus Chants A to Z Gr.K-1 is an innovative approach that provides tried-and-tested strategies encapsulated in easy-to-implement teachings. It is geared towards achieving desired outcomes by reinforcing literacy skills among early learners.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Reader's Theatre: Tall Tales Gr. 4-6
Creative Arts, Art, Drama, Grade 4, 5, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Reader's Theatre: Tall Tales Gr. 4-6 This teaching resource offers a captivating approach to introduce students to significant characters from the tall tales genre, which has its roots during the 1820s in North America. The textual module draws from this rich lore and reshapes these celebrated tales into enactable plays, thereby providing students a chance to comprehend literature more intricately while honing key skills. Main concepts: Reader's Theatre: An innovative reading method that wonderfully merges learning with theater. Vocal Modulation & Body Language: Students need to use their expressive abilities to bring characters alive through their performances. Creative Writing Exercises: Besides theatrical scripts, there's a plethora of creative writing tasks aimed at refining writing abilities of the learners. From vocabulary testing word searches and crossword puzzles to answer keys for material revision – this teaching asset guarantees comprehensive literary learning. Pertinence: Grade 4-6 students studying Art & Music or specifically Drama as a sub-subject will find these lesson plans particularly useful as they touch upon several crucial areas in core education like reading comprehension and expression plus creativity development. User-friendly PDF Format The provisioned PDF format makes it handy for public school teachers or homeschooling parents alike. It can be employed flexibly by educators for whole-class oral readings or directing small group performances; alternatively assigning theatrical roles as homework can also make engaging home tasks! Add-on Benefit: The Reader's Theatre: Tall Tales Gr. 4-6 essentially revitalizes classroom learning by amalgamating literature study with drama practices - enabling young minds towards multi-faceted appreciation!
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Da Vinci Unit Study
Creative Arts, Art, Grade 4, 5, 6, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools
This unit study book is a compilation of nine individual mini units I wrote as I taught a hands-on science class based on Leonardo da Vinci over the course of a year and a half
Author Creative Learning Connection
Tags Da Vinci, Activity, Unit
History Of Rock And Roll Gr. 6-8
Creative Arts, Art, Music, Grade 6, 7, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
The History Of Rock And Roll Gr. 6-8 - An Engaging Teaching Resource The History Of Rock And Roll Gr. 6-8 is a comprehensive teaching tool that excites students into exploring the roots and evolution of Rock n' Roll music. Starting with African Tribal music traditions, this resource continues the journey to the modern music styles we enjoy today. Educational Approach Unique in its academic design, this educational resource dives deep meticulously taking care of each detail making it very methodical for teachers to use and for students to indulge in. Interactive Learning This lesson plan includes varying assignments that make learning practical rather than theoretical encouraging student engagement. Among these innovative exercises are: Songwriting: Writing lyrics for their personal blues song makes learners exercise creativity through song composition. Creative Art: Creating posters inspire visual expression while developing understanding of specific music styles. Narrative Skills: Writing stories for a newspaper based on what they learn strengthens their narrative abilities. A Well-Informative Lesson Plan Included in this lesson plan package are detailed teacher and student sections filled with engaging reading material which is comprehensive and well-articulated; variety-packed activities make learning an energetic process; there are also strategically composed crosswords along with easy-to-do word searches all designed to reinforce memory while practicing important keywords; there's also provisioned inclusion of helpful answer keys ensuring all learning objectives are aptly covered.. Ideal For Middle Grade Students Specially crafted for sixth to eighth-grade learners interested or needing exposure in Art & Music or specifically subfield of Music, this PDF lesson fits well in different sessions under the guided supervision of educators: Whole Group: Collective sharing stimulates collective learning enjoyed as one unit. Small Group: Rich discussions arise from differing perspectives initiating deep understanding. Solo Assignments: Homework enables independent analysis making foundations stronger. Mixing history, informative discussion, creative expression, and hands-on activities, the History Of Rock And Roll Gr. 6-8 becomes a must-have for any middle-school Music or Arts curriculum .
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Storybook Art Gr. K-2
Creative Arts, Art, Fine Arts, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
The Storybook Art Gr. K-2 An inspiring teaching resource designed to integrate art education with beloved storybooks for kindergarten to second grade students. This manual paves the way for learners to experiment with various art mediums and styles found within their favorite storybooks. This progressive teaching resource extends beyond conventional art lessons by analyzing not just the artwork in children's books, but also investigating the artists behind them. It ignites pupils' imagination, highlighting the significant contribution of illustrators in crafting enchanting worlds within books. Students set off on an informative expedition unveiling a range of illustrators' personal lives and unmasking their creative drive points. A key revelation from this journey is understanding that artwork essentially serves as a form of expression - an idea integral in fostering an appreciation for any branch of fine arts. Detailed Activities A plethora of detailed activities accompanied by step-by-step instructions bridge theory with practice, bringing theoretical insights to life. Creating unique artwork based on learnt illustration techniques Organizing extraordinary classroom art exhibit Versatile Usage The resources can be easily adapted across entire class instruction or smaller groups promoting cooperative learning experiences. They can also be used as impactful homework assignments offering continuous learning experience outside school environment enhancing parent-child bonding over shared creative activities. Furthermore, students receive certificates acknowledging successful knowledge absorption about different aspects throughout this module's journey at its conclusion. center ">The Storybook Art Gr. K-2 Packaging Contents: One user-friendly PDF file that comes chock-full with 46 pages ready-to-print activities simplified and yet engaging. center ">Get set to unlock new avenues of creative learning with your young learners - they will perceive every illustration in their storybooks from a fresh perspective!
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags Reading Lesson Plan, Reading Stories, Lesson Plan, Art Stories, Art Activity
Arts Upper Intermediate ESL Lesson Plan
Creative Arts, Art, Art History, Grade 6, 7, 8, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Printables
This is an upper intermediate ESL ELA ELL lesson plan worksheet set for Arts. Students will learn more about these topics and then complete the exercises to follow, which will assess their comprehension and implement conversation skills. This informative lesson plan helps upper intermediate ESL students learn about the arts. Educators can implement this flexible resource in various ways - as a whole class activity, small group work, or even a homework assignment. Overall, this concise lesson plan helps ESL teachers effectively introduce the arts to ESL ELLA ELA and TEFL upper intermediate students. This resource can also be accessed through Google Apps. Answer key included. An audio file is included. The ESL lesson plan includes flashcards, a warmer, exercises, role-play, conversation, writing drill, activity, answers and an extra study that would be good to set as homework. There are 34+ pages and there are teachers notes to guide the teacher.
Tags Arts, ESL Lesson, Minimalism, Vocabulary, Art History
Dental Health Curriculum Pack
Creative Arts, Art, Social Studies, ELA, Math, Early Math, Science, Basic Science, P.E. & Health, Health, Kindergarten, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools
If your students are studying hygiene or are about to begin a dental health unit, I have just the resource to provide you with everything you need and more! This is a Dental Health Curriculum Pack complete with an abundance of printable resources and engaging activities for students to complete. This curriculum was designed for your preschool students. The curriculum goal is to explore and learn ways in which they can take care of their teeth and the benefit of good oral hygiene – while fostering self-help skills and autonomy. The vocabulary that students will focus on is teeth, oral hygiene, dentist, hygienist, cavities, dentures, calcium, tooth, molars, cuspids, floss, gums, roots, and incisors. This curriculum will come with a color of the week (white) and a letter of the week (D). This curriculum pack includes: --Sensory Table Ideas --Art Activities --Cooking Experience --Community Time --Math Activities --Home/School Connection Ideas --Science Table Enrichments --Science Concepts/Activities --Prop Box Ideas/Dramatic Play Enrichments --Movement and Motor --Playground/Walk Activities --Transition/Waiting Ideas --Block Area Enrichments --Flannel Board --Teacher Made Enrichment Ideas --Field Trip Ideas --Supplemental Learning Ideas/Activities At the start of this pack, you will receive a list of supplies needed for activities and projects. The worksheets, activities, and tasks included in this pack are intended to be completed in a variety of formats – whole group, small group, and independent work. I hope you enjoy!
Author Learning Foundations
Tags Dental Health, Hygiene, Healthy Habits, Preschool, Reading Curriculum, Science Activities, Art Activity, Sensory Table, Nature Walk, Transitions
Creative Arts, Art, Music, Grade 3, 4, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
The Canadian Mosaic Gr. 3-7 The Canadian Mosaic Gr. 3-7 is a comprehensive and accessible multifaceted teaching tool meticulously curated to navigate students through various aspects of Canadian culture, geography, literature, arts, and more. This educational resource caters to grades 3 through 7 while providing an immersive avenue for gaining knowledge on Canada. Focused areas Music: Improve musicality using Canadian songs while embedding cultural understanding. Mapping: Navigate the geography of Canada. Research: Learn about notable Canadians from different fields. Crafting: Explore creative expression with themes centered around Canada. Inventing:Nurture ideas on diverse topics related to Canada with hands-on exercises. This product's central concept is its fusion approach towards learning - encouraging brainstorming for in-depth knowledge building. Notably, it includes literature like reading local stories and writing assignments base don them which make this resource a well-rounded nurturing environment for pupils. Beyond mere Classroom Teaching Suggests setting up a permanent 'Canada Centre' filled with items such as: - Atlases - Blank maps -Fun activities like trivia games or themed dress-up days This encourages immediate access to relevant materials throughout the course, thus expanding beyond classroom teachings. The versatility of this resource allows varied scenarios - from individual project assignments or interactive group tasks up till full-spec class lessons ensuring maximum output irrespective of learner's style preference. An extensive Collection within one PDF Document An extensive collection packed into one PDF document offers 57 ready-to-print pages covering stimulating tasks for rewarding and enjoyable student involvement. Learners can journey through the colorful, informative pages perfect for lesson plans mixed with Art and Music thanks to this wonderful tool. Thus, learners get to have fun while channelling their creative instincts into becoming proud 'Creative Canadians!' All while learning of the vibrant mosaic that is Canada.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags Mapping, Canada, Environment, Literature, Certificates
Reader's Theatre: Folktales Gr. 4-6
Creative Arts, Art, Drama, Grade 4, 5, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Reader's Theatre: Folktales Gr. 4-6 The Reader's Theatre: Folktales Gr. 4-6 is an engaging teaching resource that balances both well-known narratives and lesser-known tales around the globe. This resource provides a unique interpretation of these stories through Readers Theatre, creating a captivating learning environment for students. Key features: Specially designed for educators handling grades 4 to 6. Aids in improving students' comprehension and oral reading skills. Brings literature to life by encouraging students to use facial expression, voice, and hand gestures to enact theatre scripts derived from the stories provided within this engaging unit. Increases interest among learners in global folktales along with instilling a deeper understanding of these timeless tales. Creative Writing Exercises: Besides unique and diverse script content, this unit harbors numerous creative writing exercises that accompany each tale designed to further sharpen your student's imaginative prowess. Puzzles & Games: In addition, various crossword puzzles and word searches are included throughout the material serving as enjoyable yet educational activities --strongly capturing the harmonious blend between learning and fun at play. Valuable Educational Tool! An array of teacher-student sections replete with instructions related each script exercise along with their corresponding solutions—provides an ideal support encompassing both teaching-learning ends effectively making lessons or assignments proceed smoothly. For drama-centric, art or music classes involving grade levels 4-6 classes —the Reader's Theatre: Folktales Gr. 4-6 seamlessly scales into lesson plans as a well-rounded, user-friendly resource provided within a readily accessible PDF file that can be used during group activities or for smaller study circles—leading confidently towards overall scholarly growth.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Butterflies Curriculum Pack
Creative Arts, Art, Social Studies, ELA, Kindergarten, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools
If your students are studying insects or are about to begin a butterflies unit, I have just the resource to provide you with everything you need and more! This is a Butterflies Curriculum Pack complete with an abundance of printable resources and engaging activities for students to complete. This curriculum was designed for your preschool students. The curriculum goal is to raise awareness of another aspect of the child's world, while teaching specific facts and concepts about nature and butterflies. The vocabulary that students will focus on is butterfly, wings, cocoon, insect, nectar, metamorphosis, moth, larvae, antenna, eggs, caterpillar, and chrysalis. This curriculum will come with a letter of the week (B). This curriculum pack includes: --Sensory Table Ideas --Art Activities --Cooking Experience --Community Time --Math Activities --Home/School Connection Ideas --Science Table Enrichments --Science Concepts/Activities --Prop Box Ideas/Dramatic Play Enrichments --Movement and Motor --Playground/Walk Activities --Transition/Waiting Ideas --Block Area Enrichments --Flannel Board --Teacher Made Enrichment Ideas --Field Trip Ideas --Supplemental Learning Ideas/Activities At the start of this pack, you will receive a list of supplies needed for activities and projects. The worksheets, activities, and tasks included in this pack are intended to be completed in a variety of formats – whole group, small group, and independent work. I hope you enjoy!
Author Learning Foundations
Tags Learning Foundations, Butterflies, Insects, Science Activity, Whole Group Math, Enrichment Ideas, Sensory Table Ideas, Science Concepts, Art
Animal Art Journal: Explore the Elements of Art through Animals
Creative Arts, Art, Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Grade 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Discover the 7 elements of art through the 7 continents...and some of the amazing animals that live there! 🎨 This Animal Art Journal is a unique way to teach art elements to older kids (3rd-7th grade). The workbook-style adds a level of independent learning and ownership. Kids will love traveling to each continent, drawing animals from each, and journaling about their research. 🗺️ If you need an engaging, print-and-go way to teach the elements of art, THIS IS FOR YOU! 🐅 Use as a framework for your art curriculum, as supplemental worksheets, or as an independent workbook for your kids to draw through! 🎨 WHAT'S INCLUDED - 7 Units teaching the elements of art (line, texture, shape, color, value, space, form) - Exploration of 7 continents through 7 animals from around the world - In-depth explanation and practice of the 7 elements of art - Directed drawing guides of each highlighted animal (+ others!) - Hands-on activities - Journal pages filled with research-driven questions - Imagine it! Pages where kids create their own habitats - Instructions at the top of each worksheet - Example Pages with colored images for EVERY activity 🗺️ HOW TO USE -Full year art curriculum: This journal covers all elements of art with 7 activities per unit. -Supplemental Worksheets: If you're confident in teaching the elements of art but want to give some fun practice worksheets, you need to download this journal! -Independent Workbook: Need something your art students can work on when there's 5 minutes left of class? Print these journals for your students at the beginning of the year and have them ready to go whenever! -Field Trip Buddies: Heading to the zoo? This journal (especially the journal pages!) are perfect to throw onto a clipboard and explore different animals around the world with. 🐅 MY FAVORITE PART I absolutely love all the Imagine It! pages. Each page has an empty jar on it and is found at the end of the unit. Kids "fill" the jar with items that they liked learning to draw from that continent, the animal they learned to sketch, and some skills from the element of art. Check it out in the 3rd thumbnail! 🎨 Happy adventuring! -Abbey Allen ARTventurous Animals
Author ARTventurousanimals
Tags Animal Art Journal, Animal Art, Art Journal, Animal Journal
Discovering Dinosaurs Curriculum Pack
Creative Arts, Art, Social Studies, ELA, Language Development, Vocabulary, Math, Early Math, Science, Basic Science, Kindergarten, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools
If your students are studying dinosaurs or are about to begin an animal unit, I have just the resource to provide you with everything you need and more! This is a Discovering Dinosaurs Curriculum Pack complete with an abundance of printable resources and engaging activities for students to complete. This curriculum was designed for your preschool students. The curriculum goal is to expand children’s knowledge base on the topic of prehistoric life, and assist in enhancing the abstract thought process, while encouraging imagination. The vocabulary that students will focus on is prehistoric, dinosaurs, carnivorous, stegosaurus, T – Rex, Brachiosaurus, herbivore, Brontosaurus, Pterodactyl, extinct, paleontologist, fossil, and triceratops. This curriculum will come with colors of the week (green and brown) and a letter of the week (D). This curriculum pack includes: --Sensory Table Ideas --Art Activities --Cooking Experience --Community Time --Math Activities --Home/School Connection Ideas --Science Table Enrichments --Science Concepts/Activities --Prop Box Ideas/Dramatic Play Enrichments --Movement and Motor --Playground/Walk Activities --Transition/Waiting Ideas --Block Area Enrichments --Flannel Board --Teacher Made Enrichment Ideas --Field Trip Ideas --Supplemental Learning Ideas/Activities At the start of this pack, you will receive a list of supplies needed for activities and projects. The worksheets, activities, and tasks included in this pack are intended to be completed in a variety of formats – whole group, small group, and independent work. I hope you enjoy!
Author Learning Foundations
Tags Dinosaurs, Science Vocabulary, Preschool, Reading Curriculum, Prehistoric Life, Animal Unit, Sensory Table, Art Activities, Learning Goals
Bugs Curriculum Pack
Creative Arts, Art, Social Studies, ELA, Kindergarten, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools
If your students are studying insects or are about to begin a bugs unit, I have just the resource to provide you with everything you need and more! This is a Bugs Curriculum Pack complete with an abundance of printable resources and engaging activities for students to complete. This curriculum was designed for your preschool students. The curriculum goal is to raise awareness of another aspect of the child's world, while teaching specific facts and concepts about nature and insects. The vocabulary that students will focus on is insect, wings, hive, pest control, cocoon, metamorphosis, entomologist, habitat, antenna, pollen/pollination, thorax, and chrysalis (cocoon). This curriculum will come with a letter of the week (I). This curriculum pack includes: --Sensory Table Ideas --Art Activities --Cooking Experience --Community Time --Math Activities --Home/School Connection Ideas --Science Table Enrichments --Science Concepts/Activities --Prop Box Ideas/Dramatic Play Enrichments --Movement and Motor --Playground/Walk Activities --Transition/Waiting Ideas --Block Area Enrichments --Flannel Board --Teacher Made Enrichment Ideas --Field Trip Ideas --Supplemental Learning Ideas/Activities At the start of this pack, you will receive a list of supplies needed for activities and projects. The worksheets, activities, and tasks included in this pack are intended to be completed in a variety of formats – whole group, small group, and independent work. I hope you enjoy!
Author Learning Foundations
Tags Bugs Curriculum, Science Activities, Community, Vocabulary, Letter Of The Week, Sensory Table, Learning Foundations, Small Group, Math
Friendship Curriculum Pack
Creative Arts, Art, Social Studies, ELA, Language Development, Vocabulary, Math, Early Math, Science, Basic Science, Kindergarten, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools
If your students are studying social behaviors or are about to begin a friendship unit, I have just the resource to provide you with everything you need and more! This is a Friendship Curriculum Pack complete with an abundance of printable resources and engaging activities for students to complete. This curriculum was designed for your preschool students. The curriculum goal is to increase awareness and promote pro-social behaviors among children, encouraging them to treat each other with respect and kindness – and heightening their sensitivity towards others. The vocabulary that students will focus on is friend, friendship, kind, cooperation, compliment, teamwork, buddies, rainbow fish, like (to like), and sharing. This curriculum will come with colors of the week (red and pink) and a letter of the week (F). This curriculum pack includes: --Sensory Table Ideas --Art Activities --Cooking Experience --Community Time --Math Activities --Home/School Connection Ideas --Science Table Enrichments --Science Concepts/Activities --Prop Box Ideas/Dramatic Play Enrichments --Movement and Motor --Playground/Walk Activities --Transition/Waiting Ideas --Block Area Enrichments --Flannel Board --Teacher Made Enrichment Ideas --Field Trip Ideas --Supplemental Learning Ideas/Activities At the start of this pack, you will receive a list of supplies needed for activities and projects. The worksheets, activities, and tasks included in this pack are intended to be completed in a variety of formats – whole group, small group, and independent work. I hope you enjoy!
Author Learning Foundations
Tags Friendship , Social Stories, Vocabulary, Preschool, Math Activities, Sensory Table Ideas, Prop Box, Transition Ideas, Colors Of The Week
At the Grocery Store Curriculum Pack
Creative Arts, Art, Social Studies, ELA, Kindergarten, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools
If your students are studying fruits or are about to begin an apple unit, I have just the resource to provide you with everything you need and more! This is a Bushel Basket of Apples Curriculum Pack complete with an abundance of printable resources and engaging activities for students to complete. This curriculum was designed for your preschool students. The curriculum goal is to impart information related to the curriculum theme of apples, while incorporating skill-building activities and concepts. The vocabulary that students will focus on is apples, orchard, fruit, Macintosh, Granny Smith, harvest, slice, nutritious, peel, and core. This curriculum will come with a letter of the week (A) and colors of the week (red, yellow, and green). This curriculum pack includes: --Sensory Table Ideas --Art Activities --Cooking Experience --Community Time --Math Activities --Home/School Connection Ideas --Science Table Enrichments --Science Concepts/Activities --Prop Box Ideas/Dramatic Play Enrichments --Movement and Motor --Playground/Walk Activities --Transition/Waiting Ideas --Block Area Enrichments --Flannel Board --Teacher Made Enrichment Ideas --Field Trip Ideas --Supplemental Learning Ideas/Activities At the start of this pack, you will receive a list of supplies needed for activities and projects. The worksheets, activities, and tasks included in this pack are intended to be completed in a variety of formats – whole group, small group, and independent work. I hope you enjoy!
Author Learning Foundations
Tags At The Grocery Store, Consumers, Food Vocabulary, Enrichment Ideas, Letter Of The Week, Color Of The Week, Art Activity, Science Activity, Learning Foundations
Spiders and Bats Curriculum Pack
Creative Arts, Art, ELA, Math, Early Math, Measurements, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Kindergarten, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools
If your students are studying spiders and bats or are about to begin an insects unit, I have just the resource to provide you with everything you need and more! This is a Spiders and Bats Curriculum Pack complete with an abundance of printable resources and engaging activities for students to complete. This curriculum was designed for your preschool students. The curriculum goal is to assist children in differentiating between facts and misconceptions related to spiders and bats – commonly associated with Halloween – in a way in which encourages fear and is often not scientifically based. The vocabulary that students will focus on is nocturnal, mammals, abdomen, thorax, arachnid, web, spin, echo, and cave. This curriculum will come with a letter of the week (B) and color of the week (black). This curriculum pack includes: --Sensory Table Ideas --Art Activities --Cooking Experience --Community Time --Math Activities --Home/School Connection Ideas --Science Table Enrichments --Science Concepts/Activities --Prop Box Ideas/Dramatic Play Enrichments --Movement and Motor --Playground/Walk Activities --Transition/Waiting Ideas --Block Area Enrichments --Flannel Board --Teacher Made Enrichment Ideas --Field Trip Ideas --Supplemental Learning Ideas/Activities At the start of this pack, you will receive a list of supplies needed for activities and projects. The worksheets, activities, and tasks included in this pack are intended to be completed in a variety of formats – whole group, small group, and independent work. I hope you enjoy! You can find more resources at my storefront here: https://teachsimple.com/contributor/learning-foundations Here are other similar resources for you to enjoy: https://teachsimple.com/product/dental-health-curriculum-pack https://teachsimple.com/product/earth-day-curriculum-pack https://teachsimple.com/product/discovering-dinosaurs-curriculum-pack https://teachsimple.com/product/lazy-crazy-days-of-summer-curriculum-pack https://teachsimple.com/product/chinese-new-year-curriculum-pack https://teachsimple.com/product/animals-in-winter-curriculum-pack
Author Learning Foundations
Tags Preschool Curriculum, Spiders, Bats, Math Activity, Measurement, Counting, Halloween, Color Of The Week, Letter Of The Week, Vocabulary
Colors Curriculum Pack
Creative Arts, Art, Social Studies, ELA, Language Development, Vocabulary, Math, Early Math, Science, Basic Science, Kindergarten, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools
If your students are studying colors or are about to begin a colors unit, I have just the resource to provide you with everything you need and more! This is a Colors Curriculum Pack complete with an abundance of printable resources and engaging activities for students to complete. This curriculum was designed for your preschool students. The curriculum goal is to identify colors and explore and expand upon their knowledge of the concepts associated with the properties of, and creating different colors. The vocabulary that students will focus on is primary, secondary, diffused, light, opaque, translucent, dark, shades, rainbow, and spectrum. This curriculum will come with colors of the week (all colors) and a letter of the week (C). This curriculum pack includes: --Sensory Table Ideas --Art Activities --Cooking Experience --Community Time --Math Activities --Home/School Connection Ideas --Science Table Enrichments --Science Concepts/Activities --Prop Box Ideas/Dramatic Play Enrichments --Movement and Motor --Playground/Walk Activities --Transition/Waiting Ideas --Block Area Enrichments --Flannel Board --Teacher Made Enrichment Ideas --Field Trip Ideas --Supplemental Learning Ideas/Activities At the start of this pack, you will receive a list of supplies needed for activities and projects. The worksheets, activities, and tasks included in this pack are intended to be completed in a variety of formats – whole group, small group, and independent work. I hope you enjoy!
Author Learning Foundations
Tags Colors, Color Of The Week, Letter Of The Week, Math Activity, Sensory Table Ideas, Learning Foundations, Math Curriculum, Flannel Board, Art
Kings, Queens and Dragons Curriculum Pack
Creative Arts, Art, Social Studies, ELA, Math, Numbers, Reading, Writing, Handwriting, Kindergarten, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools
If your students are studying myths or are about to begin a fairy tale unit, I have just the resource to provide you with everything you need and more! This is a Kings, Queens and Dragons Curriculum Pack complete with an abundance of printable resources and engaging activities for students to complete. This curriculum was designed for your preschool students. The curriculum goal is to playfully explore the myths and history of another time, while inspiring imagination and creativity. The vocabulary that students will focus on is king, queen, knight, castle, jester, Middle Ages, princess, dragon, armor, jousting, medieval, moat, history, and court. This curriculum will come with a letter of the week (Q) and color of the week (silver). This curriculum pack includes: --Sensory Table Ideas --Art Activities --Cooking Experience --Community Time --Math Activities --Home/School Connection Ideas --Science Table Enrichments --Science Concepts/Activities --Prop Box Ideas/Dramatic Play Enrichments --Movement and Motor --Playground/Walk Activities --Transition/Waiting Ideas --Block Area Enrichments --Flannel Board --Teacher Made Enrichment Ideas --Field Trip Ideas --Supplemental Learning Ideas/Activities At the start of this pack, you will receive a list of supplies needed for activities and projects. The worksheets, activities, and tasks included in this pack are intended to be completed in a variety of formats – whole group, small group, and independent work. I hope you enjoy! You can find more resources at my storefront here: https://teachsimple.com/contributor/learning-foundations Here are other similar resources for you to enjoy: https://teachsimple.com/product/bugs-curriculum-pack https://teachsimple.com/product/groundhog-day-curriculum-pack https://teachsimple.com/product/animals-in-winter-curriculum-pack https://teachsimple.com/product/butterflies-curriculum-pack
Author Learning Foundations
Tags Preschool Curriculum, Kings, Queens, Myths Unit, Art Activities, Dramatic Play, Science Experiment, Motor Skills, Nature Walk, Field Trip
Kids Can Be Aware: Creative lessons for teaching kids about the environment
Creative Arts, Art, Science, Physics, Preschool, Kindergarten, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Kids Can Be Aware: Creative Lessons for Teaching Kids about the Environment This exceptional educational resource is designed to spark curiosity and awareness in young children about the environment. The resource incorporates imaginative activities that seamlessly weave environmental themes into everyday learning. What's Inside? The PDF includes 64 printable pages, intricately designed to be part of lesson plans related to core subjects like Art, Music, and Physical Science. However, these sheets aren't entirely academic; they offer a blend of hands-on activities for enhanced creative learning. An exciting game of animal hide-and-seek in the classroom or transforming corners into various biomes makes learning fun! Natural materials from local surroundings bring real-world applications right into science or art lessons. Create remarkable group-based projects that mirror different habitats or educate on aspects of biodiversity conservation. Flexible Learning Resource P The 'Kids Can Be Aware' guide is adaptable for both small group sessions as well as whole class discussions. The innovative teaching approach can even extend to homework assignments where children can involve their parents in creating mini ecosystems at home! Note: This guide also cleverly couples snacking with engaging lessons – making each session deliciously unforgettable! A Transformative Approach Towards Holistic Learning If you're looking towards changing your conventional teaching methods by integrating explore beyond textbooks and worksheets - go for Kids Can Be Aware: Creative Lessons For Teaching Kids About The Environment! It helps nurture empathy and promotes responsibility towards the environment - vital traits missing from typical education systems. "In taking this straightforward, organic route towards environment learning – you get to leave classroom corners permanently resident with lifelong learners!"
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags Creative Lessons, Art Lesson, Awareness, Teaching Awareness, Environment
Primarily Patterns Gr. PK-1
Creative Arts, Art, Fine Arts, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Primarily Patterns Gr. PK-1 is an exceptional teaching resource especially created for educators teaching primary and secondary patterns. Packed full of intriguing activities, it is designed to engage young learners' imaginations and stimulate their creative abilities. Thematic Design This pedagogical tool boasts a unique thematic design. The activities correspond with events and themes throughout the academic year, ensuring learners remain interested at every stage. Some of the creatively crafted themes include: "Back To School" "Autumn" "Halloween" "Christmas" Various creature-based themes like bears, dinosaurs, sea animals, etc. Inclusive Components The resource contains: Clip art elements perfect for pattern construction as well as classroom decoration Clearly instructed task cards for pattern-related exercises adaptable to various learner levels Included in the kit are also bookmark templates — an excellent way for students to combine their reading sessions with creative applications of patterns. Versatility & Delivery Methods No matter your instructional approach - whole group instruction or smaller groups; enrichment activities or supplementary homework assignments - this resource effortlessly adapts suiting your curriculum plan. The package composes 62 ready-to-print pages in PDF format targeting Preschoolers through Grade 1 pupils primarily studying Art & Music along with Fine Arts sub-subjects under lesson plans types. This thoughtful supplement perfectly combines academics and creativity, In conclusion, If you're a public school teacher meticulously planning each semester's syllabus or a homeschooler looking forward each morning crafting engaging lessons - Primarily Patterns Gr. PK-1 will fit well in your teaching tools arsenal.
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags Reading Lesson Plan, Reading Ebook, Clipart, Patterns, Art
Folkfest: Folktales From Around The World Gr. 4-6
Creative Arts, Art, Drama, Grade 4, 5, Teacher Tools, Lesson Plans
Folkfest: Folktales From Around The World Gr. 4-6 is an engaging teaching resource designed for educators interested in a comprehensive exploration of global folktales. This program, specially crafted for grade 4, 5, and 6 classrooms, can be adapted both for public school settings or homeschooling environments. In the Folkfest course, students will journey to distant lands through captivating folktales led by their teachers. They will engage with various subgenres including: Legends Riddles Trickster narratives An integral part of this product centers on creative writing activities where learners not only absorb but also create their own tales inspired by universal themes found in folklore. Folkfest material also provides optional activities allowing educators flexibility when planning according to specific goals or student needs. For instance: A smaller group can explore additional tales together Tackle one-on-one writing tasks during breakout sessions A significant highlight includes contributing towards crafting a "Folktale Booklet", an end-of-unit project that compiles each student's unique story—an artifact symbolizing their collective journey witnessed via folklore study. To complement the curriculum is an array of selected tales meant to enrich lessons further—a thoughtful addition augmenting understanding beyond provided information within lesson modules themselves. This educational package crafted in PDF format available online at Teach Simple's website brims with wonderful opportunities. With Folkfest: Folktales From Around The World Gr. 4-6, we can aspirenurture globally-aware students who appreciate cultural diversity as mirrored via enchanting world folklores.'
Author Classroom Complete Press
Tags PDF
Penguin Pals Curriculum Pack
Creative Arts, Art, ELA, Math, Early Math, Writing, Handwriting, Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Kindergarten, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools
If your students are studying animals or are about to begin a penguins unit, I have just the resource to provide you with everything you need and more! This is a Penguin Pals Curriculum Pack complete with an abundance of printable resources and engaging activities for students to complete. This curriculum was designed for your preschool students. The curriculum goal is to present the animal species penguins, and how various animals live and survive during the winter and adapt to seasonal changes. The vocabulary that students will focus on is penguin, blubber, diver, migrate, south, polar, chicks, climate, Artic, rookeries, mammal, and tuxedo. This curriculum will come with a letter of the week (P) and colors of the week (black and white). This curriculum pack includes: --Sensory Table Ideas --Art Activities --Cooking Experience --Community Time --Math Activities --Home/School Connection Ideas --Science Table Enrichments --Science Concepts/Activities --Prop Box Ideas/Dramatic Play Enrichments --Movement and Motor --Playground/Walk Activities --Transition/Waiting Ideas --Block Area Enrichments --Flannel Board --Teacher Made Enrichment Ideas --Field Trip Ideas --Supplemental Learning Ideas/Activities At the start of this pack, you will receive a list of supplies needed for activities and projects. The worksheets, activities, and tasks included in this pack are intended to be completed in a variety of formats – whole group, small group, and independent work. I hope you enjoy! You can find more resources at my storefront here: https://teachsimple.com/contributor/learning-foundations Here are other similar resources for you to enjoy: https://teachsimple.com/product/colors-curriculum-pack https://teachsimple.com/product/down-on-the-farm-curriculum-pack https://teachsimple.com/product/kings-queens-and-dragons-curriculum-pack https://teachsimple.com/product/clouds-curriculum-pack https://teachsimple.com/product/ice-cream-curriculum-pack
Author Learning Foundations
Tags Preschool Curriculum, Penguin Pals, Science Vocabulary, Animal Vocabulary, Letter Of The Week, Color Of The Week, Hibernation, Mammals