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Math Presentations

Clarify mathematical concepts with presentations that provide step-by-step explanations and visual representations. Covering topics from basic arithmetic to advanced mathematics, these resources support learning and retention. Incorporate them to make math more accessible and engaging for your students.

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Math, Addition and Subtraction, Early Learning, Elementary, Pre-K, Activities, Worksheets & Printables

5 PAGES OF EXERCISES OF ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION THEMED: DINO THEMED INTRODUCTION: HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic resource for you! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic resource. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational material in the classroom? As is known, educational material helps students build their knowledge autonomously and, above all, in an unforgettable way. 2. What is the name of this document? This document is titled "Educational material for children" 3. What topic will be addressed in this resource? This document will address an educational topic that every child should learn in a basic way. 4. For what ages is it recommended? This set of educational sheets is recommended for children in general who are in the learning age and these sheets will be of great help to them. 5. Who is the author of this document? The author, who was in charge of producing and compiling this educational material, is EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. 6. In what area of ​​knowledge can it be applied? You can apply this set of educational sheets according to your criteria, in the corresponding area. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Aimed at children of ages: This educational document is specifically aimed at children in primary education. 8. Area: This educational document may be used in some area of ​​primary education for children. 9. Keywords: children, primary education, resources for children, free resources, primary resources, resources for primary education. 10. How do I print it? You can print this document in PDF format, A4 size. 11. How to apply it in class? You can apply this document individually or also in a group, it all depends on the criteria of the educator who is going to apply this sheet. 12. Will they need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, perhaps the students when using this sheet will need pencils, colors, or perhaps scissors, eraser. It all depends on the point of view of the educator.



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Foreign Languages, Spanish, Early Learning, Elementary, Adult Education, High School, Homeschool Resources, Middle School, Not Grade Specific, Pre-K, Teacher Tools, Classroom Decor, Activities

20 FREE FLASHCARDS OF ANIMALS FREE RESOURCE INTRODUCTION: Hello! I thank you infinitely for your interest in my educational store! I am a teacher who strives every day to produce these great educational resources for children, so I thank you because with your downloads you are helping a lot to promote my personal and professional work. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Brief introduction: Hello, thank you very much for being interested in this educational document. This document will help you a lot both in the classroom if you are a teacher, as well as if you homeschool and want to stimulate your children from home. 2. Title of the educational resource: This document is titled "Teaching material for children" 3. Topic to work on: Thanks to this educational document, we are going to work on a basic topic that every child and/or student should master. 4. Area of ​​knowledge where it should be applied: Thanks to this document, we will address a topic and at the same time an important area of ​​learning. 5. Number of pages it contains: This educational document contains the following number of pages available and ready to be used by you, you just have to download and print the document to start using it in your classroom. 6. Is it available in color or black/white? This document and/or set of educational sheets is available in color and also in certain parts contains black and white, however it is generally suggested that the teaching material be designed in color so that it is much more attractive for your students, awakening their attention and interest. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? Also, according to your criteria, see if it is better for these sheets to be applied individually or as a group. 8. What size and format is this resource in? This set of teaching sheets has been published in A4 size, PDF format, so that it is much easier to use. 9. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, perhaps your students need pencils, colors, markers and even sometimes scissors and erasers. 10. Is it in color or black and white? This educational document



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ELA, Writing, Handwriting, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic 20 puzzles to cut out! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic 20 puzzles to practice cutting out. A. WHAT IS THIS PRODUCT ABOUT? Yes, to make the decision to download this product, please carefully read the following information regarding the product: 1. Product name: The title of the product is "10 pages of line drawings with the theme of means of transportation" 2. Number of pages: The educational document is made up of 10 pages. 3. Is it editable or not? This educational resource is not editable, so you can print it more easily since it is available in PDF format, and you will not have problems with movements in the figures and/or elements of the document. 4. Theme: The topic to be developed is graphomotor skills. 5. Document version: This document is available in PDF version. B. SECONDARY AND/OR COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 6. Color or white/black: Designed in colors. 7. Aimed at children of ages: For children from 3 to 6 years old. 8. Area: Graphomotor skills 9. Keywords: lines, line drawings, drawing exercises, lines worksheets, lines to review 10. How do I print it? Print it in A4 format, horizontal and in color. 11. How to apply it in class? Apply it individually or in pairs. 12. Will you need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, you will need pencil, colors or markers to make your lines. 13. Standards: It was not prepared based on any specific standard.


Tags Tracing Lines, Tracing Lines Worksheets, Tracing Lines For Kids, Tracing Lines Activities, Free Resources

Marine Biology - Marine Fish of the World PowerPoint BUNDLE

Marine Biology - Marine Fish of the World PowerPoint BUNDLE
Math, Geometry, Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Teacher Tools, Presentations

Get ready for an exploration of the world's marine fish including coral reef fish! Did you know some of the most colorful animals in the world are fish? For example, the mandarinfish sports some of the most beautifully vibrant colors and live among gorgeous rainbow colored Pacific coral reefs from Japan to Australia. They have blue pigment, the second vertebrate in the world to have this coloration. Learners will enjoy a variety of activities relating math and art with the science of marine biology. What's Included: One Quick Start Guide Three PowerPoint presentations (PPTX and PDF files) Three Activity Guides with answer keys Topics Covered in the Presentations Include: Marine Fish Groups of the World Swimming Performance, Skin & Forms Fish Diversity Marine Fish Types: Jawless Fish Characteristics Jawless Fish Anatomy Diagram Marine Fish Types: Cartilaginous and Bony Fish Characteristics Sharks, Rays and Sawfish Family Portrait Shark Anatomy Diagram Moray Eel Jaw Anatomy Diagram Bony Fish Characteristics Bony Fish Anatomy Diagram Coral Reef Diversity and Distribution World Coral Reef Regions The Caribbean Reef Reef Fish Adaptations - Body Shape Reef Fish Coloration Major Coral Reef Fish Types - Herbivores and Planktivores Major Coral Reef Fish Types - Benthic and Piscivores Coral Reef Fish: Mandarinfish Coral Reef Fish: Foureye Butterflyfish Reef Sharks Reef Fish: Angelfish Reef Fish: Anthias Bass and Groupers Blennies Pufferfish Clownfish Triggerfish Coral Reef Fish Conservation What's Inside of the Activity Guide, Intro to the Marine Fish of the World Activity Guide: PowerPoint Questions Drawing exercise: Hagfish and Shark Rubric for Grading Two scientific Drawing Exercises Marine Fish Journal Entry Directions for Marine Fish Cut-outs PowerPoint Questions Quiz PowerPoint Questions Quiz Answer Key What's Inside of the Activity Guide, Introduction to the Coral Reef Fish Activity Guide: PowerPoint Interaction Questions Coral Reef Species Journal Entry Observing Coral Reef Fish Activity (Video) Intro to Coral Reef Fish Quiz Quiz Answer Key What's Inside of the Activity Guide, Coral Reef Fish Species Activity Guide PowerPoint Interaction Review Questions Coral Reef Fish MathArt Activity Design Your Own Triggerfish Species Activity Quiz Quiz Answer Key

Author NatureGlo's eScience

Tags Ocean Animals, Marine Life Fish, Fish And Marine Life, Colorful Marine Fish, Coral Reef Fish, Ocean Activity Sheets, Cool Ocean Animals, Beautiful Ocean Animals, Underwater Ocean Animals

Practical Life Skills - Managing Money: Managing Credit - Google Slides Gr. 9-12+ (SPED)

Practical Life Skills - Managing Money: Managing Credit - Google Slides Gr. 9-12+ (SPED)
Life Studies, Math, Money, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Presentations, Teacher Tools

Practical Life Skills - Managing Money: Managing Credit - Google Slides Gr. 9-12+ (SPED) is a teaching resource, created specifically for Special Education students from grades 9 to 12. Using low vocabulary to describe high-interest concepts, it provides essential knowledge on how to manage finance and understand credit. The teaching manual features a meticulously prepared chapter, "Managing Credit", from the complete lesson plan titled Practical Life Skills - Managing Money. The teachers can guide students through key aspects of financial literacy such as understanding the function of credit, the potential pitfalls of applying for a credit card and making sure all learners comprehend these significant life skills. All included content aligns with State Standards and adheres to Bloom's Taxonomy framework. Therefore, it supports critical thinking skills at multiple levels of complexity. This resource arrives as an interactive Google Slides presentation equipped with Reading passages, Comprehension questions, & Drag-and-drop activities. It's now ideal for distance learning in circumstances where online instruction is more prevalent or due to geographical location. Additionally, there is also a handy start-up manual comprising Detailed teacher guidelines explaining how best to incorporate Google Slides into your classrooms, & Detailed answers that accompany the activities within perfectly. Not just suitable for whole group instruction, this invaluable resource works well during small group sessions or even homework assignments if desired! Essentially designed around Math curriculum related closely with actual money matters, 'Managing Money', makes teaching vital life skills about credit understanding and money management, direct yet influential. This exceptional lesson plan is available in PDF format for easy distribution.

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags PDF

Real World Life Skills - Financial Literacy Skills: Home & Car - Google Slides Gr. 6-12+ (SPED)

Real World Life Skills - Financial Literacy Skills: Home & Car - Google Slides Gr. 6-12+ (SPED)
Life Studies, Math, Money, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Presentations, Teacher Tools

Real World Life Skills - Financial Literacy Skills: Home & Car A comprehensive educational resource meant for Grade 6 to Grade 12 students. This Google Slides-based toolkit enables theoretical and practical learning, honing crucial real-world skills related to home and car ownership. Main Components: Theoretical Reading Passages Comprehension Questions Interactive Activities The language used is learner-friendly and utilizes low vocabulary. Pros of Google Slides Usage: Promotes distance learning as educators can share resources remotely, Detailed guides on how to use the platform methodically within classrooms, Included answer key for efficient student achievement assessment . . This resource is suitable for different classroom situations - be it whole class instructions or small group discussions. It can also serve as individual homework assignments focusing on building money management skills. Catering to Differentiated Instruction Techniques: The resource has been designed with an embracing attitude towards differentiated instruction technique,this means despite unique cognitive abilities, all learners will find this tool beneficial due their differentiated instructional needs being fully met here rather than being left neglected. Note: Compatibility with Google Classroom - Includes 26 Interactive Slides via one Google Slides link, content can be customised based on state standards alignment Built on Bloom's Taxonomy Learning Principles P.S.: Preparing students pragmatically for the challenges adult life throws at them has never been easier! +

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags Google Classroom, Money Management, Financial Literacy, Reading Passage, Life Skills

Connecting  Addition and Subtraction to 20 - 1st Grade

Connecting Addition and Subtraction to 20 - 1st Grade
Common Core, Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Subtraction, Basic Operations, Early Math, Counting, Fact Families, Numbers, Grade 1, Worksheets & Printables, Teacher Tools, Presentations

This pack of resources is ideal preparation for the more formal work with building fluency in addition and subtraction with equations within 20 This collection offers a comprehensive approach to teaching the connection between addition and subtraction. It provides various perspectives, including viewing them as inverse operations, opposite actions, or movements on a number line. The materials are designed to support educators through five stages with worksheets and interactive teaching tools. 1. Commutative Addition Students count objects and fill in two addition equations, demonstrating addition's commutative property. 2. Subtraction Practice Learners count objects and complete two subtraction equations. 3. Number Bond Exploration Starting with a review of number bonds, four worksheet sets focus on finding sums or parts up to 20. A blank template is included for custom challenges or student-created worksheets. 4. Number Family Connections Building on previous lessons, students construct four possible equations using three related numbers. 5. Number Lines Students explore how adding and subtracting the same number returns them to the starting point, illustrating the inverse relationship. 6. Inverse 2 - Building the Inverse Equation Given the equation 7 + 12 = 19 complete the Equation 19 - ? = 7 How many Worksheets in each Set ? Almost unlimited At the click of a button all numbers are randomised, so the questions change every time. This will allow you to create as many new worksheets you will need for practice throughout the year (classwork, homework, revision, fillers etc) or even give small groups of students in your class different sets of questions either at the same level or differentiated. There will certainly be enough to ensure fluency in this topic. As these worksheets need little explanation, they are ideal if you need to leave work for a replacement teacher. Answers can be found on the second page of every worksheet, automatically generated when you create a new worksheet. Note These resources are PDF documents and work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers with the randomising buttons also working via a touchscreen (PC or Mac)or on an Interactive Whiteboard. Three other sets of resources are linked to this pack If you decide to dowload this resources but find it would be useful for some of your pupils to practice within a range of a numbers from 1 to 10, go here: Connecting Addition and Subtraction - Kindergarten This pack with its range of visual models is excellent preparation for building fluency mental math strategies applied to equations in Add and Subtract up to 20 with Equations Adding 3 Numbers Up to 20: A Multilevel Approach then takes the skills learnt to another level but still remaining within 20 (although there are some worksheets in the Challenge section that go up to 50)

Author Jeff's Notebooks

Tags Math, Addition, Subtraction, Inverse, Kindergarten, Jeff's Notebooks, Commutative, Number Families, Numberline, Number Bonds

Connecting  Addition and Subtraction to 10 - Kindergarten

Connecting Addition and Subtraction to 10 - Kindergarten
Common Core, Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Subtraction, Basic Operations, Early Math, Counting, Fact Families, Numbers, Kindergarten, Worksheets & Printables, Teacher Tools, Presentations

This pack of resources is ideal preparation for the more formal work with building fluency in addition and subtraction with equations This collection offers a comprehensive approach to teaching the connection between addition and subtraction. It provides various perspectives, including viewing them as inverse operations, opposite actions, or movements on a number line. The materials are designed to support educators through five stages with worksheets and interactive teaching tools. 1. Commutative Addition Students count objects and fill in two addition equations, demonstrating addition's commutative property. 2. Subtraction Practice Learners count objects and complete two subtraction equations. 3. Number Bond Exploration Starting with a review of number bonds, four worksheet sets focus on finding sums or parts up to 10. A blank template is included for custom challenges or student-created worksheets. 4. Number Family Connections Building on previous lessons, students construct four possible equations using three related numbers. 5. Number Lines Students explore how adding and subtracting the same number returns them to the starting point, illustrating the inverse relationship. How many Worksheets in each Set ? Almost unlimited At the click of a button all numbers are randomised, so the questions change every time. This will allow you to create as many new worksheets you will need for practice throughout the year (classwork, homework, revision, fillers etc) or even give small groups of students in your class different sets of questions either at the same level or differentiated. There will certainly be enough to ensure fluency in this topic. As these worksheets need little explanation, they are ideal if you need to leave work for a replacement teacher. Answers can be found on the second page of every worksheet, automatically generated when you create a new worksheet. Note These resources are PDF documents and work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers with the randomising buttons also working via a touchscreen (PC or Mac)or on an Interactive Whiteboard. Common Core: K.OA.A.1, K.OA.A.3

Author Jeff's Notebooks

Tags Math, Addition, Subtraction, Inverse, Kindergarten, Jeff's Notebooks, Commutative, Number Families, Numberline, Number Bonds

Practical Life Skills - Managing Money: Saving and Investing - Google Slides Gr. 9-12+ (SPED)

Practical Life Skills - Managing Money: Saving and Investing - Google Slides Gr. 9-12+ (SPED)
Life Studies, Math, Money, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Presentations, Teacher Tools

Practical Life Skills - Managing Money: Saving and Investing - Google Slides Gr. 9-12+ (SPED) is a specialized teaching resource aimed at simplifying complex financial concepts for students in grade levels 9 to 12, particularly designed for those with special learning needs. This curriculum digitally teaches the essential skill of money management, focusing on saving and investing principles. It presents topics like opening a savings account and future planning using language suitable for all learning abilities. The resource aligns with Bloom's Taxonomy and State Standards, making its content maximally educational. All included activities are reproducible, offering adaptability for different modes of teaching or lesson plans. A key advantage of this product lies in its compatibility with Google systems. With access as simple as having a Google email account, integration into the Google Classroom becomes seamless - an excellent asset towards distance learning solutions! The package comes complete with reading passages, comprehension questions plus drag-and-drop activities configured into a full-length Google Slides presentation that betters student engagement via its interactive nature—bringing education right to each learner's device! Aiding resources like syllabus guides tailored towards helping teachers maximize product performance in classrooms are also inclusive within this product—all duly accompanied by activity -specific answer keys ensuring smooth operation from start to end of every outlined lesson plan. The materials can be used entirely whole group or separated into smaller focus groups—and even given out as individual home assignments—making sure your pupils effectively absorb these critical life skills ultimately empowering their understanding behind managing finances—a knowledge every young adult deserves!

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags PDF

Daily Marketplace Skills: Forms of Payment - Google Slides Gr. 6-12 (SPED)

Daily Marketplace Skills: Forms of Payment - Google Slides Gr. 6-12 (SPED)
Life Studies, Math, Money, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Presentations, Teacher Tools

Daily Marketplace Skills: Forms of Payment - Google Slides Gr. 6-12 (SPED) This interactive teaching resource is tailored towards educating students from grades 6 to 12, in combination with Special Education classrooms, on the responsible management and spending tactics for their hard earned money. It is focused around different forms of payment essential in daily marketplace operations. The materials are diligently researched and written clearly aligning perfectly with State Standards along with strict adherence to Bloom's Taxonomy. This provides a well-rounded exposure by blending engaging concepts with clear-cut vocabulary leading towards comprehensive learning especially for students having various levels of language proficiency. The Google Slides version promotes easy lesson conveyance through interactive slides permitting direct student participation in learning tasks such as drag-and-drop exercises or responding to comprehension questions. The lesson plan encapsulates an entire presentation including captivating reading passages that enhance engagement whilst cementing key knowledge points. Fully compatible with Google Classroom allowing homeschoolers or public school educators to seamlessly use this resource for distant learning scenarios. Learners can give immediate feedback by completing assignments on their devices which can be sent back for grading overcoming geographical barriers. Included Support Materials: A comprehensive Teacher Guide elucidating the efficient usage of these Google Slides in classroom setups present within the start-up manual An Answer Key corresponding the tasks given in the slide show presentation which allows convenient real-time evaluation methods even when imparting education remotely The product file comes universally compatible via PDF format, ensuring easy accessibility across multiple digital platforms. Enabling its full potential utilization during individual concept reinforcement sessions, small study group discussions or as part regular homework assignments revolving around financial literacy education. Achieving the ultimate goal of promoting sensible decision-making abilities amongst pupils concerning monetary matters pertinent to everyday marketplace transactions.

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags PDF

Practical Life Skills - Managing Money: Scams and Fraud - Google Slides Gr. 9-12+ (SPED)

Practical Life Skills - Managing Money: Scams and Fraud - Google Slides Gr. 9-12+ (SPED)
Life Studies, Math, Money, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Presentations, Teacher Tools

Practical Life Skills - Managing Money: Scams and Fraud This is a digital teaching resource crafted for the 9th-12th grade levels. Specializing in Mathematics, under the subtopic of money, it caters as well to special education students with its inclusive design. The resource leverages Google Slides' interactive features, offering a comprehensive lesson plan about managing money effectively while steering away from scams and fraud. Digital and Interactive Experience An interactive slideshow engages learners. Learners participate actively via reading passages or answering comprehension questions within Google Slides. The drag-and-drop activities test critical thinking skills, allowing students to delve deeper into their online learning journey. Bloom's Taxonomy Inspired Content Meets State Standards The content integrates principles from Bloom's Taxonomy that foster intellectual growth across all student ability levels. It also strictly follows State Standards guidelines ensuring consistent quality of education delivery. Tailored For Teachers Ease-of-Use This product reduces paperwork or photocopying tasks through digital assignment distribution via Google Classroom. There’s also prompt access to pupils’ completed work, advantageous for teachers located globally. A detailed Manual Guide explains how teachers can best utilize Google Slides in their teaching methods parliament with any lesson delivery format such as group discussions or individual homework tasks. An available Answer Key accompanies all activities within the presentation allowing timely marking during class hours or beyond school time. Inclusive PDF Materials Ensuring Quality Lessons Anywhere Anytime! All necessary materials are included within a downloadable PDF file prepared by experienced curriculum creators who understand teacher needs both inside and outside classrooms. This enables educators to deliver a practical, efficient, and engaging learning journey whether teaching in-person or facilitating digital classrooms.

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags PDF

Real World Life Skills - Financial Literacy Skills: Negotiation Skills - Google Slides Gr. 6-12+ (SPED)

Real World Life Skills - Financial Literacy Skills: Negotiation Skills - Google Slides Gr. 6-12+ (SPED)
Life Studies, Math, Money, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Presentations, Teacher Tools

Real World Life Skills - Financial Literacy Skills: Negotiation Skills This is an exclusive teaching resource designed for public school teachers and homeschoolers, catering to students from grade 6-12. This Google Slides version of the Negotiation Skills chapter offers a meticulously planned approach to impart a wholesome lesson surrounding real-world life skills with a specific emphasis on financial literacy. The aim of this educational resource is to equip students with requisite confidence and comprehension needed successfully stride through the financial world. It is designed keeping in mind utmost comfort for learners combining hyper-interesting concepts with simple vocabulary. Inside the Unit: Negotiation: A compelling part of Real World Life skills series, enlightening students about value assessment, price comparison, robust bargaining methodologies and many factors determining final purchase decisions. Educators hold complete freedom to deploy this source in varied scenarios aligning with their particular teaching design- Whether it's a room full undergraduates or some individual work assigned as homework or reinforcement activities. The additional advantage comes in handy being its compatibility with Google slides that enhances its accessibility quotient along-with rendering ease-of-use. The provided secure link consists of 21 interactive slides, all set for student engagement offering different question patterns ranging from comprehension queries to skill-reflective drag-and-drop activities engaging diverse learning styles effectively. Bonus Contents: The bundle also includes an all-inclusive manual providing step-by-step teacher orientation about leveraging Google Slide functions optimally within your classroom framework also including answer key corresponding each slide activity aiding easy assessment regardless of geographic location - significant feature concerning today's distance education model Conclusion Real World Life Skills- Financial Literacy Skills: Negotiation Skills is indeed a much-needed, ready-to-use educational arsenal for classrooms that emphasize on instilling wise monetary habits among young learners early in their lives triggering far-reaching economic foresight.

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags Financial Literacy, Life Skills, Money, Google Classroom, Graphic Organizers

Transformations Activity: Rotations, Reflections & Slides- 4 Quadrants

Transformations Activity: Rotations, Reflections & Slides- 4 Quadrants
Math, Geometry, Graphing, Measurements, Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Presentations, Teacher Tools

Transformations Activity : Rotations, Reflections & Slides in 4 Quadrants This engaging teaching resource is specially designed for middle school educators, particularly those teaching students in grades 6 to 9 about transformations and 4 quadrant Cartesian planes. How to Use: This package includes 4 different worksheets. On each one, a shape starts out in one place on the Cartesian plane and ends up in another place. Students are tasked with explaining how that shape could have moved from the starting position to the final position using at least two different transformations. For example, they may describe a translation and then a reflection. Or they may describe a rotation and then a translation. They are multiple ways to move the shapes from start to finish. Students are encouraged to use as much precise mathematical language as possible including naming lines of reflection and centers or rotation (using coordinates), describing the amount and direction of a rotation, and describing the size and direction of translations. I would do one of the 4 activities as a whole class. Then, allow students to work in pairs or small groups to complete another. Next, assign one for homework. Finally, keep one for a quick in-class quiz/assessment. A sample answer key is included, but each question has multiple ways to be solved. Grades to Use With: This lesson is designed for students in grades 5-8 who are learning about topics including transformations and integers. It could also be used for high school special education classes. What's Included: 6 Page PDF: Title Page, 4 Student Worksheets, Sample Answer Key If you enjoy this geometry activity , check out others in my store: Geometry Project: Park Design: Area, Perimeter, and Volume with Budgeting Middle School Math Stations or Centers: Triangles, Angles, Area Middle School Math Stations or Centers: Area, Perimeter, and Volume Relationship Between Area and Perimeter: Math Inquiry Prompt Real Life Surface Area and Volume Calculations

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Transformations, Rotations, Reflections, Slides, Coordinate Planes, Integers, 4 Quadrant, Cartesian Plane, Geometry, 8th Grade Math


Special Resources, Special Education Needs (SEN), Math, Numbers, Place Value, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards, Activities

NUMBER SENSE POSTERS AND ACTIVITY MATS The NUMBER SENSE POSTERS AND ACTIVITY MATS bundle is a comprehensive teaching resource that resonates with numerical concepts from 1 to 9. This mammoth bundle offers nine separate booklets, each one illuminating an individual number by representing it various ways. Symbols. Objects to count. Traceable dots. Representations on dice and dominos. Finger counting exercises. The vibrant blend of representation makes the learning process interactive and hands-on for the students. The package includes both colored and black-and-white versions, enabling educators to tailor their teaching methodology according to learners' needs. It delivers an abundance of pictorial data, allowing young minds to thoroughly grasp core mathematical principles. A Resource Not Just For Teachers If you are involved in preschool education or grade-1 level mathematics studies – this has got you covered! The materials prove invaluable not just for school teachers but find wide-ranging applications with Speech Language Pathologists (SLP’s), Occupational Therapists (OT's), Educational Psychologists among others too! Versatility at its Best! Bulletin Boards or Math Stations: Keep as constant visual aids. Tutorial Sessions: Use during group presentations due to handy A4 size. Innovative Homework assignments: Laminate them for reuse or display on screens for more engaging assignments. */ Furthermore, task cards can be created using these templates tailored towards center activities or consider compiling them into classroom reference books successfully. The materials support creativity too - you can use markers, playdoughs finger paints stickers along cube manipulatives thus solidifying comprehension involved numbers place value themes better than ever before! What’s in the Box? With this single PDF bundle package, you’ll get over 360 pages filled with visually appealing diagrams, charts and practical activities. All dedicated to reinforcing numeracy and familiarity with numbers from 1 to 9. A perfect augmentation for basic math education – this bundle cuts down your prep time while boosting engagement levels for students. 360+ pages in 9 PDF books, one for each number concept ( from 1 to 9 ) . Various presentations and visual tools for basic numeracy teaching .


Tags Number Sense, Interactive Learning, Math Activities, Pictorial Math, Math Manipulatives, Centers, Posters, Bulletin Board, Handwriting, Words Aside

Real World Life Skills - Financial Literacy Skills: Loans, Credit & Borrowing - Google Slides Gr. 6-12+ (SPED)

Real World Life Skills - Financial Literacy Skills: Loans, Credit & Borrowing - Google Slides Gr. 6-12+ (SPED)
Life Studies, Math, Money, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Presentations, Teacher Tools

Real World Life Skills - Financial Literacy Skills: Loans, Credit & Borrowing An interactive Google Slides resource designed for Grades 6-12, inclusive of special education. Objective: To impart key financial literacy skills pertaining to real-life experiences involving loans, credit, and borrowing. Foster confidence in navigating the often complex world of finance for successful economic planning Introduce learners to different credit scores and effective enhancement strategies over time. Teaching Methodology: Tackling complex subjects by simplifying communication: combining low vocabulary with high interest topics. Ensures understanding of essential life skills among all learners. Replicable content aligns with State Standards, providing educational material that is both relevant and adheres strictly to Bloom's taxonomy. Lessons hosted on Google Slides offer access to functionalities like interactive reading passages and drag-and-drop activities - perfect for boosting student engagement levels further. Integration of comprehension questions into each module simplifies tracking progress while reinforcing knowledge acquisition simoultaneously. Ideal for remote teaching scenarios where teachers can easily deliver quality instructions via electronic assignments without geographical restrictions. Included Support Material: A start-up manual packed with practical tips on utilizing Google Slides optimally in educational settings An answer key encompassing solutions related specifically to all featured activities within this learning tool. This comprehensive learning tool equips students with critical financial literacy expertise that continually proves pivotal throughout life’s journey. .

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags Money Management, Financial Literacy, Life Skills, Google Slides, Comprehension

Practical Life Skills - Managing Money: Contracts and Commitments - Google Slides Gr. 9-12+ (SPED)

Practical Life Skills - Managing Money: Contracts and Commitments - Google Slides Gr. 9-12+ (SPED)
Life Studies, Math, Money, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Presentations, Teacher Tools

Practical Life Skills - Managing Money: Contracts and Commitments on Google Slides Gr. 9-12+ (SPED) A comprehensive, all-in-one digital tool designed for teaching learners about the fundamental mechanisms of managing money. This educational aid targets high school students, including those with special education needs, identified in grades 9 to 12. Constructed around the Contracts and Commitments chapter from our highly effective Practical Life Skills - Managing Money lesson plan, this resource digs deep into important themes regarding personal finance management. Packed with straightforward written content optimal for all learner types Covers themes related to understanding contracts and cosigning responsibilities/li> Promotes practical learning experiences aligning with State Standards and Bloom's Taxonomy framework/li> Digital Convenience at Your Fingertips The resource is conveniently designed as a Google Slides tool which means it can be accessed across devices provided you hold a Google email account. It allows teachers to share assignments remotely in just one click; afterwards, students edit their completed work regardless of geographic location! Riveting Educational Package This package includes: A complete interactive PowerPoint presentation that has informative reading passages along with comprehension questions-and-drag & drop activities. A handy start-up manual incorporating a Teacher Guide detailing how best to integrate Google Slides into your classroom. An Answer Key facilitating smooth evaluations of student responses against activities incorporated within. Nurturing Future Financial Independence One Lesson at a Time The goal is simple: empower our students towards financial independence via understanding complexities surrounding money management—made possible through our Practical Life Skills - Managing Money: Contracts and Commitments resource based on Google Slides Gr. 9-12+ (SPED). Providing educators with practical ways to impart essential life skills, this resource is indeed a wise investment into your students’ futures.

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags PDF

Daily Marketplace Skills: Web Buying & Internet Fraud - Google Slides Gr. 6-12 (SPED)

Daily Marketplace Skills: Web Buying & Internet Fraud - Google Slides Gr. 6-12 (SPED)
Life Studies, Math, Money, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Presentations, Teacher Tools

Daily Marketplace Skills: Web Buying & Internet Fraud A Comprehensive Google Slides Learning Resource This invaluable teaching resource is designed to ensure educators are able to impart critical digital knowledge and skills to students from grades 6 through to 12. The module has been engineered with a particular focus on special education needs - amalgamating highly-engaging content with low vocabulary demands for maximum accessibility. Core Content Teaches nuances of online purchasing and internet fraud practices Promotes responsible money handling in the digital marketplace Educates students about potential web-based dangers and how to avoid them Compatibility & Usage The resource has been developed specifically for compatibility with Google Slides , meaning it's user-friendly and ideal for both classroom use as well as distance learning scenarios. Through seamless integration with Google Classroom, distribution, completion, return & grading can be executed remotely. Resource Contents Including daily life relevant reading passages on an interactive platform for engaging learners, comprehension questions that promote critical thinking about web buying alongside drag-and-drop activities – all form part of this editable collection! Bonuses Provided A comprehensive teaching manual detailing best practices for using Google Slides in classrooms - inclusive of an Answer Key matching provided activities. { All content universally aligns with State Standards based on Bloom's Taxonomy approach. This alignment promotes consistency across different classrooms paving way for reproducible learning experiences. Additionality Characteristics Crafted utilising PDF functionality alone enhances its cross-platform accessibility without compromising visual appeal or functionality . And not just constrained within whole-group lectures over real-time video platforms or guided small group discussions – it can serve as individual homework strengthening the learning curve. In Summation - A Must-Have Pedagogical Investment It's much more than an educational resource - its goal is to shape competent and conscious internet users for future. A one-time investment paves way for enabling constant learning across different classrooms while giving students a leg up in the digital world.

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags PDF

Snowflake Unit Study - Wilson Bentley PowerPoint BUNDLE

Snowflake Unit Study - Wilson Bentley PowerPoint BUNDLE
Math, Geometry, Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Presentations, Teacher Tools

The Wilson Bentley snowflake PowerPoint unit study BUNDLE covers meteorology, snow science, history, art, geometry, and more. This multi-subject unit study will grab and hold the attention of your students during the holiday and winter season. Since 2003, I've guided my students through this favorite winter and holiday season unit study. Jericho, Vermonter, Wilson Bentley, a farmer, is best known as the first person to photograph snowflakes using an old time bellows camera hooked up to a microscope. He spent many years perfecting his technique using a turkey feather to carefully position each snowflake under his microscope. He used great patience to scratch out each and every snow crystal image to reveal their beauty and wonder! What's Included: 1 Quick Start Guide 3 animated PowerPoint presentations (PPTX and PDF file options) 1 Activity Guide What Topics are Covered in the PowerPoints: What are snowflakes Snow - Graupel (soft hail) How snowflakes form Snowflake life cycle How artificial snowflakes are made How snowflakes grow Snowflake growth - crystal size What was the largest snowflake recorded? Snowflake symmetry Snowflake classification system Life of Wilson Bentley Wilson Bentley's Snow Crystal Capture Method Wilson Bentley's accomplishments Snowflake mathematics overview Snowflake mathematics: reflection symmetry What's Inside of the Geometric Beauty of Snowflakes Activity Guide? Journal questions Snowflake Observation and Sketch Snowflake Video Questions Snow Crystal Geometry Questions Snowflake drawing How to catch and observe snowflakes

Author NatureGlo's eScience

Tags Snowflake Bentley, Snowflake Geometry, Wilson Bentley Snowflakes, Snowflake Life Cycle, Snowflake Under Microscope, Snowflake Video


Special Resources, Special Education Needs (SEN), Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Multiplication and Division, Division, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, Teacher Tools, Presentations, Worksheets & Printables, Flashcards, Activities

BIG MULTIPLICATION FACTS MATS WITH CUBES REPEATED ADDITION (3 VERSIONS) This expansive teaching resource comprises A4-sized cards visually conveying multiplication facts from 1-10 by 1-12. These durable cards serve as both an instructional aid and a constant visual reinforcement. Unique features include three distinct styled sets to facilitate multiplication knowledge absorption: one with embedded factor numbers, one utilizing repeated addition strategy with separated factors, and one matching equation parts to boost familiarity. This versatile tool lends itself to centers , laminated books, and individual exploration. Apart from aiding multiplication practice, it also bolsters reasoning skills and prompts repeated addition links between addition, multiplication and division. Simplifying foundational math instruction delivery across Grade 1-5, this packet reduces teacher prep time while maximizing student math learning. Includes 389 pages of graphics emphasizing pictorial explanation methods to support all learners.


Tags Math Cubes, Repeated Addition, Posters, Flash Cards, Pictorial And Manipulatives, Multiplication, Hands On Learning, Centers, Task Cards, Words Aside

Adding 3 Numbers Up to 20: A Multilevel Approach

Adding 3 Numbers Up to 20: A Multilevel Approach
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Grade 1, Worksheets & Printables, Presentations, Teacher Tools, Centers, Activities

This comprehensive set of resources offers a structured method for teaching addition of three numbers up to 20, containing (almost unlimited) worksheets and digital material suitable for the PC or Mac or Interactive Whiteboard use. Core Components - 9 core lessons with worksheets and teaching resources - 2 challenge lessons (worksheets only) - Interactive teaching resources for whiteboard use Lesson Structure 1. Support through counting: Introduces basic addition using visual aids to help students understand the concept of combining numbers. 2. Two-stage addition strategy: Teaches students to add the first two numbers before incorporating the third, breaking down the process into manageable steps. 3. Finding pairs that sum to 10: Focuses on identifying number pairs that add up to 10, a very useful skill for mental math and future addition strategies. 4. Practice with chosen strategy: Allows students to apply their preferred method from the previous lessons, reinforcing their understanding and building confidence. 5. Introducing simple word problems using numerical digits within the sentences. 6. Full word problems with numbers in words. 7. Missing number exercises (numbers only): Challenges students to find an unknown addend in equations. 8. Missing number word problems using numerical digits within the sentences. 9. Missing number full word problems. Challenge Lessons 10. Adding 3 numbers up to 50: Extends the addition concept to larger numbers, pushing students beyond the initial 20-number limit. 11. Finding missing numbers up to 50: Combines larger numbers with missing addend problems, offering an advanced challenge for proficient students. Worksheets per Lesson Set: The worksheets are virtually limitless. With a click of a button, numbers are randomized, which means that each worksheet is different. These worksheets are ideal not just for class time practice but also for math centers, end-of-lesson activities, or as resources for substitute teachers, homework assignments, requiring minimal instructions. Answers are generated automatically with each new worksheet. Interactive Teaching Pages The Teaching Pages, designed for use with Interactive Whiteboards, help to introduce the content of the worksheets for the whole class.. Compatibility Note It is essential to note that these resources can be downloaded as PDF documents. They operate with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on both Windows and Mac.

Author Jeff's Notebooks

Tags Math

FREE Book Order Proposal: Real Life Problem Solving for Classroom Library

FREE Book Order Proposal: Real Life Problem Solving for Classroom Library
Math, Decimals, Grade 3, 4, 5, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Teacher Tools, Presentations

Bring real-world problem solving into your elementary classroom math lessons with this book order proposal project for grades 3-5. Students will apply decimal skills as they develop a proposal to spend a classroom budget on new library books. This 10-page packet outlines a motivating 3-5 day project aligned to Common Core math standards with a focus on the Standards for Mathematical Practice. It includes step-by-step instructions, a book order form, and a rubric for proposal evaluation by peers or the teacher. Differentiation allows all learners to participate, making this an engaging activity for whole-class or GATE use. Rather than a worksheet, guide students through an authentic learning experience that helps them master decimals through meaningful decisions about classroom library improvements. This standards-based unit follows the GANAG model for 21st century skill building.

Author Beyond Traditional Math

Tags Decimals, Word Problems, Projects, Library, Differentiation, GANAG

Practical Life Skills - Managing Money: Buying of Goods and Services - Google Slides Gr. 9-12+ (SPED)

Practical Life Skills - Managing Money: Buying of Goods and Services - Google Slides Gr. 9-12+ (SPED)
Life Studies, Math, Money, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Presentations, Teacher Tools

Practical Life Skills - Managing Money: Buying of Goods and Services This is a progressive teaching resource designed for students from grade 9 to Grade 12, including those in Special Education programs. This comprehensive learning aid focuses on practical life skill education by combining high-interest concepts with low-vocabulary strategies. Understanding the Value of Money Management An essential skillset required for all learners, this Google Slides lesson plan specifically targets how best to manage money while buying goods and services. Ease of Use & Adaptability A striking feature of this resource is its adaptability. Educators can guide group discussions or organize small-scale breakout sessions employing these slides as a core instructional tool. It also offers potential for integration as part of homework assignments encouraging students' independent exploration beyond the classroom walls. Digital Format: Served up as an entire Google Slides presentation with enriching reading passages, thoughtful comprehension questions, and interactive drag-and-drop activities that encourage active participation from your students. Remote Learning: Handy even amidst remote learning scenarios, teachers can share this teaching resource digitally or through online classrooms giving assignments at a click of a button. The students then complete it at their convenience before sending it back for checking – all done remotely! Included Extras To further ease educators' burdens, Practical Life Skills - Managing Money: Buying Goods and Services also includes valuable extras like: A start-up manual containing A-to-Z guidance about maximizing Google Slides use in classrooms. An Answer Key that accompanies all activities outlined within the document. Essential yet straightforward information packaged into one robust PDF file type ensuring seamless transitions between lessons while early prepping them towards financial literacy success!

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags PDF

Daily Marketplace Skills: Calculating Sales Tax - Google Slides Gr. 6-12 (SPED)

Daily Marketplace Skills: Calculating Sales Tax - Google Slides Gr. 6-12 (SPED)
Life Studies, Math, Money, Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Presentations, Teacher Tools

The Daily Marketplace Skills: Calculating Sales Tax - Google Slides Gr. 6-12 (SPED) An invaluable teaching resource aimed to provide educators with a simplified method of imparting practical market skills to their students. Catering specifically towards Grade 6 through Grade 12 special education participants, this tool focuses on offering lessons centered on the concept of sales tax. Resource Features Caters to Interactive learning through editing activity components Comprehension check-ups for understanding confirmation Easy-to-follow reading passages for seamless learning This resource aligns with State Standards and enfolds Bloom's Taxonomy principles encouraging different levels of critical thinking in learners. It combines simple vocabulary with high-interest topics ensuring comprehension for all learner types. Potential Use Whole group instruction Brief breakout sessions assignment Independent studies module or home assignment extensions Note:A free Google email account is required enabling access to Google Slides making it perfect not only for traditional classroom settings but also highly convenient during distance learning scenarios requiring virtual handouts. Included Resources: A comprehensive PDF guide containing detailed steps assisting teachers on how best they can use these slides within their classrooms plus grading solutions. All content included is reproducible enhancing flexibility plus economic considerations when deciding on its usage within your educational program plan.

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags PDF

Introduction to the Coordinate Plane and Graphing Points

Introduction to the Coordinate Plane and Graphing Points
Math, Graphing, Grade 5, Teacher Tools, Presentations

This 42 page PowerPoint on Introduction to the Coordinate Plane and Graphing Points is a great introduction for your 5th grade students to the coordinate plane and graphing points in the coordinate plane. The lesson begins with the parts of the coordinate plane - horizontal or x-axis, vertical or y-axis and the origin. Students are next shown how to read the coordinates of a point in the coordinate plane. They are given several examples of points in the coordinate plane and asked to name its coordinates. They are then given several examples of a points and its coordinates and to graph the point in the coordinate plane. The final slides are 10 review questions for students to answer about the lesson. This PowerPoint on Introduction to the Coordinate Plane and Graphing Points can be edited to meet your student's needs. All answers are imbedded in the presentation. This lesson corresponds to Common Core Standard 5.G.1 - Use a pair of perpendicular number lines, called axes, to define a coordinate system, with the intersection of the lines (the origin) arranged to coincide with the 0 on each line and a given point in the plane located by using an ordered pair of numbers, called its coordinates. Understand that the first number indicates how far to travel from the origin in the direction of one axis, and the second number indicates how far to travel in the direction of the second axis, with the convention that the names of the two axes and the coordinates correspond (e.g., x-axis and x-coordinate, y-axis and y-coordinate).

Author Math Resources With Rigor

Tags Coordinate Plane, Coordinates Of Points, Graphing Points


Special Resources, Special Education Needs (SEN), Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Multiplication and Division, Division, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Presentations, Teacher Tools

Pictorial Representation: Multiplication x2 Mats Posters Screen Slides This 77-page PDF teaches multiplication facts using colorful pictorial representations. Over 70 A4 mats, cards, and posters consolidate mathematical concepts through interactive learning. Use during in-person or online lessons, print laminated pages for reusability, or assign digitally. A black and white version allows learners to color. The versatile format stretches beyond flash cards to stimulate critical thinking. Children actively challenge themselves, acquiring knowledge and skills. Assign the highly adaptable resources during instruction, in small groups, or as homework. The mix stimulates creativity while improving math literacy, especially for those wrestling with multiplication. Find more teaching resources like this one from Words Aside to help evolve your style. Their materials demonstrate favorable outcomes by elevating the learning experience.


Tags Multiplication, Visual Aids, Repeated Addition, Math Teaching, Interactive Engagement, Manipultives, Pictorial, Centers, Task Cards, Words Aside

Area of Rectangles & Squares Digital Self-Checking Activity (Slides)

Area of Rectangles & Squares Digital Self-Checking Activity (Slides)
Math, Geometry, Measurements, Grade 4, Presentations, Teacher Tools

Area of Rectangles & Squares Digital Self-Checking Activity (Slides) Area of Rectangles & Squares Digital Self-Checking Activity (Slides) is a specialized teaching resource, crafted specifically for Grade 4. It enhances math learning and imparting a fun and interactive experience in the topics of geometry and measurements using Google Slides. No additional preparation time is needed, simply add it to your Google Drive, assign it to students. Being digital makes this tool extremely accessible for teachers whether they are based in public school settings or conducting homeschooling sessions. Features Presents 12 different challenges concerning areas of rectangles and squares. Incorporates puzzles that students solve by calculating answers on whiteboards or scratch papers then drag correct responses over the matching query on the slides – making learning engaging! A Student Recording Sheet prompting students to share their steps towards solutions encourages practice by showing not just telling them how processes work. Evaluation Support The packaged Teacher Answer Key lets you quickly compare pupils' work with correct solutions saving crucial time during revision periods or checking homework tasks. Versatility This activity can be adapted into: Morning work drills, Bell-ringer activities, An exit ticket accountability system, A "check-for-understanding" tool during lessons, '; ' '; ' This ed-tech approach combines procedural alongside conceptual understanding for area calculations involving rectangles and squares making often tough traditional methods much more digestible for young learners who respond positively when incorporating digital methods. Bring about positive change into your class now with this exclusive educational resource! "

Author Digitally Yours Shop

Tags Geometry, Measurements, Digital Learning, Interactive Activity, Problem-solving

Multiplying  Fractions with Fractions and Integers

Multiplying Fractions with Fractions and Integers
Math, Common Core, Grade 4, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Word Problems, Teacher Tools, Presentations

This collection of worksheets focuses on introducing and developing skills in fractional multiplication, covering both fraction-to-fraction and fraction-to-integer operations. The material is organized into three difficulty tiers: Tier A: Utilizes visual aids such as rectangular grids for conceptual understanding Tier B: Emphasizes standard computational methods, including fraction simplification Tier C: Applies learned concepts to solve practical word problems The worksheet series comprises seven distinct sets: Fraction-to-Fraction Multiplication: 1. Foundational concepts using visual representations 2. Numerical exercises involving calculation and simplification 3. Real-world application problems Fraction-to-Integer Multiplication: 4. Questions incorporating visual grid support 5. Computational practice with simplification and mixed number conversion 6. Contextual word problems Advanced Practice: 7. Complex operations involving three fractions with simplification Upon completing this module, learners should be proficient in: • Performing multiplication with fractions and whole numbers • Reducing fractional results to their simplest form • Transforming improper fractions into mixed numbers • Utilizing fraction multiplication to address practical scenarios This will also help prepare them for the next level which covers multiplication of mixed numbers which will require all the various mathematical skills gained here to be well establishedTowards this end, you will see that there is an abundance of worksheets that will provide you with sufficient resources to enable your students gain a high proficiency in the essential skills How Many worksheets exactly ? The worksheets are virtually limitless. With a click of a button, numbers are randomized, which means that each worksheet is different. These worksheets are ideal not just for class time practice but also for math centers, end-of-lesson activities, or as resources for substitute teachers, homework assignments, requiring minimal instructions. Answers are generated automatically with each new worksheet. Interactive Teaching Pages The Teaching Pages, designed for use with Interactive Whiteboards, help to introduce the content of the worksheets for the whole class. Compatibility Note It is essential to note that these resources can be downloaded as PDF documents. They operate with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on both Windows and Mac.

Author Jeff's Notebooks

Tags Math, Fractions, Multiply, Proper Fractions, Improper Fractions, Word Problems, Worksheets, 4th Grade, Arrays, Simmplify Fractions