Golden Promise
I teach Chinese to 9th through 12th grade in a Long Island school district. Prior to that, I was a third grade dual Language teacher in a New York City public school. I also served as a writing club facilitator for the New York City Writing Project program and a bilingual coach for Teachers College, Columbia University.
In addition, I was a research assistant at the Center for Applied Linguistics, where I worked with several linguistic experts to initiate the Students Oral Proficiency Assessment (SOPA) for Mandarin in Washington D.C., and I also has taught in Chinese immersion programs for private schools in New York City.
During my free time, I love to travel, dream and write. The name of my store is based on my older son's Chinese name. He is my inspiration and motivation for the store. 作者中文简介: 毕业于上海外国语大学国际教育专业。曾任新华社(上海分社)、东方电视台、上海教育电视台新闻、文娱、教育等栏目采编。2008年就读于美国乔治·梅森大学,获教育学硕士学位。 2010年起,先后在纽约私立和公立的幼儿园、小学、中学任教,再获特殊教育学硕士学位,兼任哥伦比亚大学教育学研究生实习导师,并在全美多地中文教学研讨会上进行主题发言。受聘美国国家汉语教学测试中心(Center for Aapplied Linguistics)并代表该中心参加各州教学督导等活动。现在纽约长岛排名前列的重点高中任中文终身教师,培养了包括被斯坦福大学、康乃尔大学和哥伦比亚大学等名校录取和百老汇剧组录用的多名高材生。