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Teach Simple License

All Resources on Teach Simple have the same simple license terms. As a result, you get broad rights to use all Resources in any educational setting.
Clear guidelines on what's not allowed. Some common-sense limitations, such as:
● You do not own the copyright or intellectual property rights of any Resources
● You can't re-sell or redistribute Resources.
● You can't use Resources as the basis for other products that will be commercially available
● If you unsubscribe, you can't use Resources from Teach Simple anymore.
For each digital file (called a "Resource") you download under your Teach Simple subscription, you are granted a license to use the Resource on a non-exclusive, worldwide, and revocable basis, for one single user. Remember, if you want to use a Resource, you must have a valid and live subscription.
The license starts when you download the Resource and the license is only valid while your subscription is active.
Each license includes the right to utilize the Resource in an educational context both in public and online. Educational context includes but is not limited to classrooms, lectures, assignments, online classes, distance learning, homework, and more.
The Resource can only ever be used by you, the original purchaser. This means that you cannot transfer the Resource to someone else or allow it to be used by someone else, even within the same school, institution or company.
Licensee is entitled to access the Teach Simple library and download Resources on up to two computers per subscription seat at one time.
You can't redistribute the Resources on another marketplace, as stock, in a tool or template, or with source files. You can't do this with a Resource either on its own or bundled with other Resources, even if you modify the Resource. You can't redistribute or make available the Resource as-is or with modifications. These things are not allowed even if the redistribution is for free.
You can't use a Resource in any application allowing an end-user to customize a digital or physical product to their specific needs, such as an "on-demand," "made to order," or "build it yourself" application.
You can't use a Resource for merchandising, which means an End Product created using that Resource where the primary value of the product lies in the Resource itself.
You must not permit an end-user to extract a Resource and use it separately from the End Product created using that Resource.
You can't claim trademark or service mark rights over a Resource within the End Product created using that Resource.
For some Resources, a component of the Resource will be sourced from a third party, and different license terms may apply to the component, such as someone else's license or an open-source or creative commons license. The other license will apply to that component instead of this license. This license will apply to the rest of the Resource.
We are not responsible for the accuracy of the Resources, including the Resource's description and any keywords provided by the owner of the Resource, and nor are we responsible for any component of a Resource sourced from a third party. Content that is used by the contributor of the Resource to demonstrate how the Resource works may have been sourced from a third party and it's your responsibility to check the files to ensure that there is an appropriate license for your intended use.
You can only use a Resource for lawful purposes. Also, you can't use a Resource in connection with material that is offensive, defamatory, pornographic, obscene or demeaning, or promotes discrimination.
Resources that contain digital versions of real products, trademarks or other intellectual property owned by others have not been property released. It is your responsibility to consider whether your use of these Resources requires a clearance and if so, to obtain that clearance from the intellectual property rights owner.
"This license applies in conjunction with the User Terms of Service for your use of Teach Simple. If there is any inconsistency between this license and the User Terms of Service, this license will apply to the extent necessary to resolve the inconsistency."
This license can be terminated for any Resource if you breach the license and don't remedy the breach. If termination happens, you must stop using the relevant Resource.
The owner of each Resource retains ownership. You can't claim ownership of a Resource.