4th Grade Math Review Worksheets with ELA skills Included

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About This Product

This is a 4th Grade math review set of worksheets that include ELA and mathematics Common Core Standards for review. These would be great for the FIRST month of school. This set is Go Math! Friendly with the 4th Grade series! The standards are included at the top of each page.

Topics included:

Interpreting a multiplication equation as a comparison

Multiplying and dividing to solve word problems

Solving multi-step word problems

Place value

Rounding Whole numbers to tens, hundreds & thousands

Adding and subtracting multi-digit whole numbers

Multiplying multi-digit whole numbers with and without regrouping

Understanding opinion Writing

Understanding sensory Details

Using correct capitalization and punctuation

Writing complete sentences

Using verbs correctly

Correcting fragments & Run-on Sentences

Reference materials

Synonyms & Antonyms

Comparing & contrasting

Reading and comprehending fictional literature

What's Included

21 REVIEW Pages

Resource Tags

math review worksheets ela skills common core practice go math connected 4th grade common core ela worksheets

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