Earth Day Word Search Game No Prep Vocabulary and Spelling Worksheets

About This Product
Earth Day Word Search Games: A Collection of 10 Printable No Prep Holiday Vocabulary and Spelling Worksheets for 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Grades
This no prep set of ready-to-print Earth Day word searches is a quick and easy way to add to your collection of holiday fun word searches, puzzles and games. When April 22 rolls around, keep your students engaged while building their vocabulary and improving spelling with a few of these fun word search worksheets. And they're a quick and easy addition to your April writing center too.
The two levels of word searches that are included in the package provide you with materials suitable for learners at all levels in your classroom.
Designed for individual use, they're also fun for pairs to work on together. And groups of students can work on copies of the same word search to see who can find all the words first.
An answer key is supplied immediately following every student worksheet to make it easy for children to work independently or to allow for quick and easy checking.
The worksheets are perfect for morning work, early finisher activities, seat work, and homework.
The 23-page PDF format package includes:
5 Easy Earth Day Word Search Games with Answer Keys - the 2nd or 3rd grade level vocabulary words to be found are hidden in 7 by 7 letter grids
5 more difficult Earth Day Word Word Search Worksheets with Answer Keys, with larger letter grids to be searched and vocabulary words suitable for 4th grade and above
Print and hand them out or make them available in centers, and watch your students have fun challenging each other to search for and find as many Earth Day words as they can.
Standards addressed:
ELA Language > Vocabulary Acquisition and Use (e.g. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.3.4, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.4.4)