French: Reading comprehension worksheets: Ontario

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Grade 3, 4, 5



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About This Product

French Reading Comprehension Worksheets: Ontario These 20 pages of French reading comprehension worksheets were designed specifically for grade 3-5 students in Ontario to improve their French literacy skills. The packet begins with guides, strategies, and examples to help students learn how to answer comprehension questions about a text. It includes a French reading passage with illustrations that students can use multiple reading strategies on like making predictions, connecting to prior knowledge, and analyzing the text. After reading, students will answer reading comprehension questions, self-check their answers with an answer key, make connections, critique the passage, and apply their new knowledge. This versatile resource can be used for whole group instruction, small reading groups, independent practice, or homework.

What's Included

1 pdf and 19 pages

Resource Tags

fiche de lecture compréhension de lecture lecture ontario canada

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