Greek Embedded Mnemonics Reading Writing Resource
About This Product
Greek Language Embedded Mnemonics Reading Writing .
Teaching / intervention / retraining program that visually combines the embedded mnemonics of greek letters with their corresponding graphemes . Each of the 1 2 9 words ( C-V/ C-V and C-V/ C-V/ C-V, where C = consonant, V = vowel ) is presented on its own page with targeted methods . Specifically, each word / page includes :
1 . The entire written greek word in a box / card .
2 . The letters of the word separated and in a dot-to-dot format ( connect the dots ) .
3 . Pictures illustrating the embedded mnemonics for each letter .
The words are presented in alphabetical order according to their initial letter and include verbs as well, not just nouns as is usually the case .
* The order of presentation of the words is not binding and does not determine the order of teaching . Choose the quantity and the order of the words you wish . The program functions either as a supplement to your educational efforts or as a tool for corrective education and intervention .
This focused and systematic approach can empower young learners, setting a solid foundation for their future reading and writing success .
Find many more greek language resources on WORDS ASIDE and use them with your students, whether children or adults accordingly !
1 2 9 PDF pages .