Problem Solving Helping Cards: Question Cards to Help and Promote Deep Thinking
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Problem Solving Helping Cards provide question prompts to guide students through the problem-solving process. The 32 cards are split into three colored sections to represent different stages: understanding the problem (red), making a plan (yellow), and checking the answer (green). The questions on the cards are written in student-friendly language. Teachers can print the cards on colored paper, laminate them, and put them on a ring for student use. Students of all ability levels can use the cards when working independently or in small groups to prompt their thinking. Also included are a week’s worth of sample word problems and an answer key for teacher use. The comparative problems are appropriate for third and fourth grade. Using these helping cards gives teachers a concrete strategy to strengthen students’ problem-solving skills across mathematical concepts.
Resource Tags
problem solving cards
question prompts
comparative problems
strengthen skills
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