Reading assignment: The movie theater
About This Product
p.4 Predictions, level #1
p.5 Prior knowledge, level #1
p.6-7 Text, level #1
p.8 Reading strategies, level #1
p.9 Creative questions, level #1
p.10 Making connections, level #1
p.11 Favorite passage, level #1
p.12 Text critic, level #1
p.13-14 The comic, level #1
p.15 Title: assignments, level #2
p.16 Predictions, level #2
p.17 Prior knowledge, level #2
p.18 Text (to illustrate), level #2
p.19 Text with illustrations, level #2
p.20-21 Reading strategies, level #2
p.22-23 Questions, level #2
p.24-25 Answer keys, level #2
p.26 Creative and critical questions, level #2
p.27 Making connections, level #2
p.28 Text critic, level #2
p.29 Favorite passage, level #2
p.30 Transforming: new knowledge, level #2
p.31-33 The comic, level #2
p.34 Imagine that you are…
p.35-36 Rubric for assessment
p.37 Crédits des cliparts
What's Included
1 pdf and 37 pages