Reading Quick Check: RI 2.6 Main Purpose of a Text - 4th Quarter
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Reading Quick Check: RI 2.6 Main Purpose of a Text - 4th Quarter
This 2nd grade reading resource helps students identify the main purpose of a text, an essential reading skill typically focused on during the fourth quarter. Students answer two quick assessment worksheets that reinforce Common Core Reading Standard RI.2.6, which involves distinguishing between information provided for entertainment versus factual purposes. These printable ready-to-use worksheets can be utilized as exit tickets or morning warm-ups with any grade-level text. Implement individually or with small groups to gauge understanding of main idea and purpose. An efficient way for 2nd grade reading and language arts teachers to review key objectives as the school year culminates.
What's Included
1 PDF with 2 ready to print pages
Resource Tags
quick check
main purpose
exit ticket
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