Slavery in Latin America Reading Packet
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About This Product
Slavery in Latin America Reading Packet is an informative 6th grade teaching resource on the history of slavery in Latin America. Students will read a passage detailing the beginnings of slavery in the region and apply key vocabulary terms related to the colonial slave trade. The reading is followed by multiple choice questions and graphic organizers allowing students to demonstrate comprehension of the material. Teachers can utilize this printable packet for whole class instruction, small group work, or as a homework assignment. With no prep required beyond printing, this packet offers a simple way to integrate reading and social studies content. Answer keys are included, making it easy to assess student understanding. By engaging with primary sources on this topic, students gain perspective on a pivotal period in Latin American history.
What's Included
1 PDF with 5 ready to print pages
Resource Tags
Latin America
reading passage
graphic organizers
slavery in america worksheets
slavery worksheets pdf
what to the slave is the fourth of july worksheet
slavery in latin america
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