Spanish: Primary Writing Program | "This morning before arriving at school..." - Escritura Primaria en español.

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About This Product

  1. This is a Spanish: Primary Writing Program.

  2. The theme of this writing packet is: "This morning before arriving at school..."

Students will:

  1. 1. Brainstorm

  2. 2. Look up words in the dictionary

  3. 3. Identify useful vocabulary words

  4. 4. Revise their original draft

  5. 5. Complete a final draft

The worksheets provide students with a step by step process to support their writing.


Este es un recurso de Escritura Primaria en español.

Los estudiantes podrán:

  1. 1. Crear una lista de ideas

  2. 2. Buscar palabras desconocidas en el diccionario

  3. 3. Escribir y revisar su borrador

  4. 5. Completar su versión final

Cada hoja de este recurso provee a los estudiantes con una guía para apoyar su proceso de la escritura.

What's Included

5 PDFs

Resource Tags

Spanish primary writing prompts vocabulary creative writing

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