Spanish: Primary Writing Program | "To be a good neighbor..." Escritura Primaria en español
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Spanish Primary Writing Program - To be a Good Neighbor
This Spanish writing program for early elementary students focuses on what it means to be a good neighbor. Through interactive worksheets, students will brainstorm ideas, look up new vocabulary words in the dictionary, revise their work, and complete a final draft.
The step-by-step guided writing process allows young students to thoughtfully consider positive character traits. Teachers can implement this versatile resource in many ways, like whole group instruction, small group work, or as an independent writing activity. Students will build both their Spanish vocabulary and writing skills with this primary grade appropriate program.
Este programa de escritura en español se enfoca en lo que significa ser un buen vecino. Los estudiantes completarán un proceso interactivo de escritura con instrucciones paso a paso. De una manera apropiada para los primeros grados, este recurso versátil desarrolla tanto el vocabulario como las habilidades de escritura.
What's Included
4 PowerPoints with 1 slide each
1 PowerPoint with 5 slides
- slides are editable
- slides can be opened in Google Slides
Resource Tags
writing program
dual language
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