WORDSEARCH "Los Números del 1 al 10" | Spanish Language

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About This Product

1. Why should teachers use educational materials in the classroom?

As is known, Spanish is also considered one of the most spoken languages in the world. For this reason, there are many teachers who are looking for resources in Spanish to be applied in the classroom. For this reason, today we have created these fabulous worksheets for Spanish about numbers.

2. What is the name of this document?

The name of this educational worksheet is "Letter soup of numbers from 1 to 10"

3. What topic will you address in this resource?

The topic that students will address thanks to this resource is the topic of numbers from 1 to 10 in Spanish.

4. For what ages is it recommended?

This word search is recommended first of all for children who already know how to read and who are able to use their cognitive processes of attention, visualization and concentration so that they can successfully find each word in Spanish among the other letters.

5. Who is the author of this document?

The author of this pedagogical document is the publishing house ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. We are an educational company that is dedicated to the development of fantastic materials to make the education of thousands of children around the world much happier.

6. In what area of knowledge can it be applied?

You can apply these worksheets in the area of mathematics for primary school children.

7. Should I apply it individually or in groups in my class?

You can apply it individually, preferably because it is an extremely easy and quick activity to do, so your student will independently solve it without any problem. Or alternatively you could use it in groups of 2 students.

8. What size and format is this resource in?

This resource is available in A4 size, PDF format so that it is much easier for you to download, use and print it.

9. Do I need some extra elements to apply it?

Yes, they will need colors and markers to mark each word they have found.

Resource Tags

spanish numeros numeros del 1 al 10 numbers for kids numbers activities

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