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Write A Persuasive Holiday Brochure (7-11 years)

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Grade 3, 4, 5





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Write A Persuasive Holiday Brochure

Ask the child to read the travel information from The Rushford Gazette's special holiday feature. They will learn about using good adjectives, verbs, adverbs and rhetorical and other persuasive devices. The child is then asked to write their own travel information on the Norfolk Broads. After this, they are asked to make a holiday brochure for a holiday in Europe. Lots of prompts are given to choose from, as well as lists of suitable words and phrases to use.

Write About Your Dream Holiday Destination

George and Christabelle of Guinea Pig Radio ask their listeners what they would do if they could take off and go anywhere in the world. In this pack, the child is asked to write about their dream holiday destination. Then, they are asked to read the listeners texts and emails and to imagine these dreams came true and to write the listeners stories. Lastly, the child is asked to use the question prompts to write about a holiday that they have enjoyed.

This series provides prompts to encourage children, of 7-11 years, to write. It provides starting points, to encourage even the most reluctant writers. In fact, the writer regularly dips into these packs for her own tutorial classes. With their lively 'magazine style' format, they are an ideal study aid to consolidate work on planning and writing stories and non fiction articles, expanding vocabulary and include many examples of children's work. As well as this, the packs contain some very useful tips on writing techniques (as in writing simple, compound and complex sentences). The work in these packs will inspire children, who are practicing for exams, to write, and provide starting points for even the most reluctant writer, including those children with special educational needs and where English is a second language.

The work packs are ideal for home study and will reinforce the work done in school. They may be purchased in any order. There are a number of titles to choose from. By working through the packs, the student will grow in confidence and will learn to enjoy writing. The packs are also a useful resource for teachers and save hours of time when preparing lessons or homework tasks.

What's Included

13 pages

Resource Tags

persuasive writing english writing brochure speech persuasive techniques persuasive brochure examples

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