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Life Skills Activities

Prepare your students for success beyond the classroom with life skills activities that focus on personal development and practical abilities. This collection includes resources on communication, financial literacy, time management, and more. By integrating these activities into your curriculum, you can equip students with the tools they need to navigate everyday challenges confidently.

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The Frog Life Cycle Unit - Tadpole Cut and Paste
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The Frog Life Cycle Unit - Tadpole Cut and Paste
Science, Life Sciences, Animals, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Lesson Plans, Teacher Tools

This download includes 1 cut and paste to depict the 5 steps in the growth of the tadpole.

Author Kindergarten Cafe

Tags Frogs, Tadpoles, Cut And Paste, Life Cycle, Science, Frog Life Cycle Kindergarten, Tadpole To Frog Life Cycle, Tadpole Cycle

A-E Phonic Game To Develop Phonemic Awareness
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A-E Phonic Game To Develop Phonemic Awareness
Special Resources, ELA, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities, Games

Here is a fun, print 'n play phonic game for the split digraph a-e! Help your pupils to grasp the tricky split digraph concept as they play! Who is the a-e game suitable for? All learners of phonics, including young children, SEN/special needs, ESL etc... Aims and Objectives Some children, when starting to learn about the long /a-e/ sound will start to make every /a/ into a long /a-e/ sound. While this is common among all children, some children need more help to overcome this difficulty. Therefore, this game has two aims: 1.To help children to be able to hear the long vowel sound a-e in words 2.To help children understand that some words have a short /a/ and some have a long /a-e/; the child must listen to hear which word has which - not guess. How to play: This is a game for two ore three players, one of which should be an adult. The game can be played with either pictures or sounds. Each player takes a game board (either pictures or sounds) which will indicate whether the player should listen for words with a short /a/ sound or a long /a-e/ sound. The adult reads a word on the word card, and the pupils must listen for 'e' or no 'e'? If the pupil has the sound/ picture on his/her board, she/he covers up a space. the winner fills hi/her board first. Teaching tips: Help children to hear the vowel sound by emphasizing it and stretching it out. Help the child to do this as well. Have fun - as this eases children over those tricky spots! What is included? 1 PDF with 2 game sound boards, 2 picture boards, squares to cover up and a word (readers) card. See more fun phonic games in the Lilibette's Resources store! Find: AR Game A-E Game Games for initial/final sounds and much MORE!

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags A-e, Print N Play Phonic Games, Split Digraph, Split Digraph A-e, Phonics, Phonics Games, Special Needs, ESL, Phonics For ESL, Phonics For Special Needs

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Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Elementary, Early Learning, Pre-K, Activities, Worksheets & Printables

3 FREE PAGES OF ADDITIONS THANK YOU FOR BEING PART OF EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS We are an educational corporation that is dedicated to the development of fabulous resources for mathematics, literacy, as well as resources for teaching Spanish and brain exercises. MAIN INFORMATION: 1. Brief introduction: Hello, thank you very much for being interested in this educational document. This document will help you a lot both in the classroom if you are a teacher, as well as if you homeschool and want to stimulate your children from home. 2. Title of the educational resource: This document is titled "Teaching material for children" 3. Topic to work on: Thanks to this educational document, we are going to work on a basic topic that every child and/or student should master. 4. Area of ​​knowledge where it should be applied: Thanks to this document, we will address a topic and at the same time an important area of ​​learning. 5. Number of pages it contains: This educational document contains the following number of pages available and ready to be used by you, you just have to download and print the document to start using it in your classroom. 6. Is it available in color or black/white? This document and/or set of educational sheets is available in color and also in certain parts contains black and white, however it is generally suggested that the teaching material be designed in color so that it is much more attractive for your students, awakening their attention and interest. SECONDARY INFORMATION: 7. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? Also, according to your criteria, see if it is better for these sheets to be applied individually or as a group. 8. What size and format is this resource in? This set of teaching sheets has been published in A4 size, PDF format, so that it is much easier to use. 9. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, perhaps your students need pencils, colors, markers and even sometimes scissors and erasers. 10. Is it in color or black and white? This educational document has been designed mostly in color so that it is highly attractive to students. 11. Is this resource free or do you have to pay to use it? This document is available for free, so take advantage of the opportunity to download it now. 12. Does it have an answer key attached? No, it does not contain an answer key attached. This file is for personal use only. It is not allowed to be resold or shared with others.



High School Financial Literacy: Stock Market Project- Investing

High School Financial Literacy: Stock Market Project- Investing
Finance, Life Studies, Home Economics, Decimals, Math, Money, Addition and Subtraction, Statistics, Special Resources, Life Skills, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Projects, Activities

This engaging and useful stock market project can teach your high school students all about several financial literacy topics: investing their savings, buying shares (stocks) in a company, calculating their gains and losses, investment volatility, calculating the mean, length of investment (time horizon) and more! How to Use: 1. On Day 1, have your students complete the first worksheet. They can use the included website to look at a variety of different stocks and their historical performances. They will divide up their thousand dollar investment between two different companies, and calculate how many shares the will be able to buy from each company they picked to invest in. 2. Then, schedule three separate classes over the next month or so to check on the stocks. Each time, your students will record that day's current share price and calculate their shares' current investment value. 3. On the final day, your students will calculate how much money they have gained or lost during the project. Then, each student will provide their gain or loss which will allow the calculation of your class's average stock performance during the project. [You can project the included table on a board and each student can fill in their gain or loss.] 4. Next, students will find out how the stock market performed on average during the timeframe of the project. They will utilize data from the S&P 500 to see if their class's average was better or worse than the stock market itself. 5. Finally, students will write a reflection about this project. A variety of prompts are included to help your students think about volatility, lower risk of ETFs, and the importance of thinking about how long one can invest their money. Sample calculations are provided for each step to help model for your students. What's Included: 6 Page PDF- Ready to Print and Use! 1) Teacher Instructions 2) Day 1: Buy Stocks 3) Check on Stocks 3 Times 4) Calculate Gains, Losses, and Class Average 5) Compare to US500 Performance 6) Written Reflection

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Life Skills, Investing, Invest, Stock Market, Financial Literacy, Personal Finance, Personal Finance Worksheets, Financial Literacy Worksheets, Math Project, Applied Math

350 Education Quotes That Will Inspire Your Students

350 Education Quotes That Will Inspire Your Students
Coaching, Life Studies, Mental Health, P.E. & Health, Community Building, Resources for Teachers, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Special Resources, Life Skills, Social Skills, Not Grade Specific, Writing Prompts, Worksheets & Printables, Read Alouds, Activities, Games

350 Education Quotes That Will Inspire Your Students We have gathered a long list of quotes about education that can serve as motivation for both students and teachers. You can utilize them to start a conversation or as a topic for writing. Here are only a couple of examples: Education Quotes "A child cannot learn from someone who hates him." - James Baldwin "Rarely does a child require a lecture as much as they need someone to listen attentively." - Robert Brault An unenthusiastic brain becomes quickly uninterested. An inquisitive mind grows endlessly. - Maxime Lagacé Reading a well-written book is a schooling for the emotions. Expanding your perception of human potential is based on understanding human nature and worldly events. "It brings about introspection." - Susan Sontag "A skilled educator excels at making complex ideas simple and rejects over-simplification." - Louis A. Berman The impact of a teacher is everlasting; it is impossible to predict where their influence will end. - Henry Adams

Author Collaborative Educators

Tags Quote, Education, Inspire, Inspiration

Anxiety Social Story For Identifying Triggers & Coping Skills

Anxiety Social Story For Identifying Triggers & Coping Skills
Resources for Teachers, Special Resources, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Special Education Needs (SEN), Life Skills, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, Worksheets & Printables, Activities

This anxiety social story will help students learn all about identifying triggers, specifically with anxiety, and introduces anxiety specific coping skills that they can use to self-regulate! Anxiety in our students is on the rise, and not just with students on the Autism Spectrum, but any of our students! And what I have found is that our students struggle to understand what makes them anxious or worried. This social story helps to alleviate that problem as it introduces common anxiety triggers that help students pinpoint exactly which situations cause them to feel stressed, scared, or even worried. After identifying triggers of anxiety, the story then discusses practical ways to calm themselves down, to help promote emotional regulation. And the best part is, the social story is just the tip of the iceberg! It includes coping skill cards and a choice board with multiple calming strategies that your students can use in their everyday lives! So not only are you introducing the concepts in the social story, but you are able to reinforce the concepts in the classroom as well! Needing a digital option? I’ve got you covered! This also includes a digital version of the story with the same concepts so that way you can use it for class lessons, in anxiety small groups, or even on a tablet!

Author The Feelings and Friends Teacher

Tags Anxiety Social Story, Anxiety Coping Skills, Anxiety Worksheets, Anxiety Small Group, Identifying Triggers, Triggers, Emotional Regulation, Social Stories Autism, Autism Resources

I Can Stop Blurting, Social Skills Story & Activities, For Boys K-2nd

I Can Stop Blurting, Social Skills Story & Activities, For Boys K-2nd
Special Resources, Life Skills, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities

The teaching resource titled 'I Can Stop Blurting, Social Skills Story & Activities, For Boys K-2nd' is an interactive and informative kit that uses a narrative to help boys in kindergarten to 2nd grade improve their social skills by controlling the tendency to blurt out responses. Accompanied with colorful illustrations, this resource packs in an engaging format for teaching these critical social cues. What's Included? A colored version of a social skills story: Great for collective classroom reading sessions. Skill Builder Activities: This includes Comprehension Check Sheet , reinforcing understandings of social cues in the story, and Scenario Cards , allowing for roleplay or discussion concerning specific situations. A systematically carved out Coloring Book Companion : Serving as reinforcement material so students can sustain newly acquired skills even at home. Visual Supports : Useful during school hours or when doing homework and interacting virtually with peers. Provided in three distinct types. An enlightening"Animated PowerPoint": Essential tool facilitating distance learning amid pandemic restrictions while maintaining identical key learnings from physical classroom scenario. Suitable Grades: This package caters to Kindergarten, Grade 1 & Grade 2 levels. In focus: The focus subjects are Special Resources plus Life Skills within Worksheets which are available for download in PDF format.

Author Socially Skilled Kids

Tags Social Skills, Behavior Management, Impulse Control, Social Stories, Interactive Learning

Examining Self-Esteem in the Young: Book 1

Examining Self-Esteem in the Young: Book 1
Life Studies, Special Resources, Life Skills, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, Activities

The Examining Self-Esteem in the Young: Book 1 is a 49-page download divided into 2 main sections - the theoretical base and activity pages. Teachers are able to focus on the importance of healthy self-esteem with the activities in this book. Students will explore topics such as what they do well, when they are happy, things that are special to them and so much more.

Author Ready-Ed Publications

Tags Self-esteem Lessons, School Counselor Worksheets, Life Skills, Student Confidence

Our planet, Our Home: Learning to Conserve Grades 2-3

Our planet, Our Home: Learning to Conserve Grades 2-3
Life Studies, Life Skills, Special Resources, Grade 2, 3, Activities, Games, Crafts, Flashcards, Worksheets & Printables

Become a Planet Protector! Fun Activities for 2nd and 3rd Graders! Want to learn how to help our amazing planet? This activity book has fun games and projects that teach you how to be a Planet Protector! Perfect for kids in 2nd and 3rd grade, whether you're in a youth group, at school, or learning at home. Helping our Earth is incredible, and it's easier than you think! These activities are easy to follow and make learning about caring for our planet a blast. Inside, booklet you fill find: Energy Explorers: Draft Stoppers and Power Up!: Make a cozy draft stopper to keep your home warm and play a cool game to figure out which things use electricity, becoming an energy-saving superhero! Water Wise Bingo: Saving Our Water: Play a fun bingo game filled with fantastic water facts and ways to save water, learning how to be a water-saving champion! Nature's Remedy Race: Natural Helpers: Race to match pictures of boo-boos and ouchies with natural helpers, discovering how nature can make us feel better! Recycling Roundup: Sorting Superstars: Work together to sort pictures of things we can recycle into the right bins (paper, plastic, glass, metal), becoming a recycling rockstar! Smell Detectives & Fresh Air Fun: Good Smells, Happy Homes: Explore the world of smells, figuring out good and bad ones, and then make your own natural air freshener to keep your home smelling great!

Author Leader Connecting Leaders

Tags Recycling, Water Conservation, Natural Remedies, Science Activities, Environmental Education, Conservation, STEM Activities

Therapy Dog - Helping Students Reflect with Therapy Dogs 🐶💭

Therapy Dog - Helping Students Reflect with Therapy Dogs 🐶💭
Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Special Resources, Social Skills, Special Education Needs (SEN), Life Skills, Animals, Life Sciences, Science, Classroom Management, Resources for Teachers, High School, Middle School, Elementary, Early Learning, Pre-K, Homeschool Resources, Classroom Decor, Bulletin Boards, Projects, Activities, Drawing Templates & Outlines, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets, Posters, Door Decor, Task Cards

Helping Students Reflect with Therapy Dogs 🐶💭 There’s something special about the presence of a therapy dog in the classroom. Even the most restless students seem to relax. Some kids who rarely speak up suddenly open up. And for many, it’s the first time they’ve had a chance to experience the unconditional support that a dog offers. But what if we took that experience and turned it into a learning moment? That’s exactly what this reflection activity does. It helps students think about what kindness means, why responsibility matters, and how their actions affect others—whether those others have two legs or four. Why This Activity Feels Different ✔ It gets students thinking, not just answering. It’s not about memorizing facts. It’s about pausing for a moment and reflecting on simple but meaningful questions. ✔ It connects emotions with actions. Why do therapy dogs have rules? Why does kindness matter? These questions lead to unexpectedly deep discussions. ✔ It’s easy for any grade level. Younger kids can draw their answers, while older students might write or discuss. No one feels left out. ✔ It works with or without a therapy dog. Even if your school doesn’t have one, this still sparks conversations about empathy and responsibility. ✔ No prep required. Just print it out, hand it to students, and let them think. How I Use It in My Classroom 📌 First, we talk. I ask, “How do animals teach us about kindness?” or “What do therapy dogs need from us?” The answers are never what I expect—and that’s the best part. 📌 Then, students reflect. They complete a few simple but thoughtful prompts about their own behavior, their emotions, and what they’ve learned. 📌 Next, we share (if they want to). I never make sharing mandatory. But I’m always surprised by how many students want to. 📌 Finally, we put up the poster. It’s a small reminder that kindness and responsibility go beyond the classroom. 🐶 One more idea: If you have a therapy dog visit your class, have students read their reflections to the dog. You’d be amazed at how much more open and engaged they become! What Other Teachers Have Said ✔ “I used this before our first therapy dog visit, and it made a huge difference in how students behaved around the dog.” ✔ “It’s simple but powerful. The class discussions that came from this were amazing.” ✔ “Perfect for social-emotional learning, even without a therapy dog!” Why This Activity Sticks with Students At the end of the day, this isn’t just another worksheet. It’s a way to help students slow down, think about their actions, and reflect on what really matters—whether that’s how they interact with a therapy dog, a classmate, or the world around them. 📥 Give it a try—you might be surprised by what your students come up with. 🐶✨ 📍 Warmly, Heike from Lernfitness Did You Know? I teach with a certified therapy dog, and together we create a positive and inspiring learning environment. 🐶✨

Author Lernfitness

Tags Therapy Dog, Animal-assisted Learning, Inclusive Education Tools, Therapy Dog Rules, Classroom Pet Guidelines, Therapy Dog In School, Social-emotional Learning, SEL, Dog, Reflection Activity

I Can Wash My Hands Like A Superhero! Social Skills Story and Activities

I Can Wash My Hands Like A Superhero! Social Skills Story and Activities
Life Studies, Special Resources, Life Skills, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, 3, Activities

"I Can Wash My Hands Like A Superhero!" Teaching Resource This is an engaging teaching resource designed to impart early learning, kindergarten, preschool, grade 1, grade 2 and grade 3 students with essential life skills - proper handwashing techniques. This comprehensive package includes a social skills tale accompanied by various activities. The superhero theme stirs up children's interest and reinforces why good hygiene practices are potent tools in fighting invisible foes - germs! Product Features Social Skills Story: A primary component of this resource that gives clear information on the importance of clean hands for health and when to wash them. Coloring Book Companion : This can be sent home to encourage transference of skills beyond classroom confines, enabling learnt concepts to reinforce while nurturing creativity. Skill builders: Two skill builders aimed at solidifying understanding: - Skill builder 1 presents a poster outlining step-by-step hand washing instructions available in three different versions accordingly with young learners' comprehension levels. - Skill Builder 2 has worksheets carefully crafted to gauge student's understanding promoting active learner participation whether during whole or small group instruction. This useful digital PDF tool makes sure each student adopts appropriate hand-washing behaviors while becoming health-conscious superheroes themselves! It’s ideal for regular use both within classroom settings or as homework assignments for maximum mastery.

Author Socially Skilled Kids

Tags Handwashing Techniques, Hygiene Practices, Social Skills, Superheroes, Interactive Learning

Therapy Dog Door Signs – Clear Communication

Therapy Dog Door Signs – Clear Communication
Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Special Resources, Social Skills, Special Education Needs (SEN), Life Skills, Animals, Life Sciences, Science, Classroom Management, Resources for Teachers, High School, Middle School, Elementary, Early Learning, Pre-K, Not Grade Specific, Adult Education, Classroom Decor, Banners, Bulletin Boards, Projects, Activities, Drawing Templates & Outlines, Worksheets & Printables, Coloring Pages, Worksheets

Therapy Dog Door Signs – Keep Your Classroom Calm & Organized 🐶🚪 A therapy dog in school is wonderful—but clear communication makes it even better! When a therapy dog is part of your school, it’s important that everyone—students, teachers, and visitors—knows how to interact appropriately. Sometimes the dog is available for visits, sometimes resting, and other times they need a quiet space to recharge. Instead of constantly reminding students when it’s okay to interact, these removable door signs do the work for you! With simple, easy-to-read messages, these signs help set clear expectations so that students respect the therapy dog’s needs while still enjoying all the benefits of having one at school. 🐾 Why These Signs Are Helpful for Any Therapy Dog Program ✔ Prevents classroom disruptions – No more students knocking or entering at the wrong time. ✔ Helps students learn respect – Teaches kids to recognize when the therapy dog needs rest. ✔ Perfect for schools, counseling offices, and classrooms – Works anywhere a school therapy dog is present. ✔ Easy to switch – The signs are removable, so you can update them as needed throughout the day. ✔ Kid-friendly design – Simple words and visuals make it easy for even young students to understand. 📌 What’s Included? 📜 A Set of Printable Therapy Dog Door Signs 🐶 "Therapy Dog Inside – Please Enter Quietly" 🐶 "Therapy Dog Resting – Do Not Disturb" 🐶 "Therapy Dog on a Break – Will Be Back Soon" ✔ Clear and student-friendly wording ✔ Easy-to-print format for flexible use 💡 How to Use These Signs in Your School 📍 Print & laminate for durability. These signs will last all year with lamination! 📍 Attach with Velcro or a removable adhesive. This makes it quick and easy to change the sign depending on the therapy dog’s schedule. 📍 Place them at the classroom or office door. Anywhere the therapy dog is working or resting, these signs help students understand what to do. 📍 Let students take responsibility. Assign a student helper to change the sign when needed—it’s a great way to involve them in learning about animal care and respect. Why Teachers Love These Signs ✔ "My students used to walk in loudly, but now they stop and check the sign first!" ✔ "It’s made a big difference—fewer interruptions, and our therapy dog is much calmer." ✔ "I laminated them, and now they’re a daily part of our routine. So helpful!" 🐶 A Simple Solution for a Well-Organized Therapy Dog Program Bringing a therapy dog into a school setting is such a rewarding experience, but a little structure makes it even smoother. These removable therapy dog door signs help set clear expectations so that both students and the therapy dog feel safe and comfortable. 📥 Print them today and make your school’s therapy dog experience even better! 🐾✨ 📍 Best wishes, Heike from Lernfitness Did You Know? I teach with a certified therapy dog, and together we create a positive and inspiring learning environment. 🐶✨

Author Lernfitness

Tags Therapy Dog, Animal-assisted Learning, Inclusive Education Tools, Therapy Dog Rules, Classroom Pet Guidelines, Therapy Dog In School, Social-emotional Learning, SEL, Dog Classroom Sign

Safety First Audio Book

Safety First Audio Book
Special Resources, Life Skills, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, Read Alouds, Activities

Safety First Audio Book A vital teaching resource designed to equip children with safety knowledge. Tailored for Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, and Grade 2 learners, this tool falls under Special Resources with a major focus on Life Skills. Educator's Primary Choice for Safety Awareness As the significance of safety awareness is understood by educators, this audio book effectively delivers the message in an engaging manner. It entails a single MP3 file titled 'Safety First'. Via engrossing songs and narrated safety rules, pupils will learn crucial concepts such as: Using the buddy system for their well-being When they should dial 9-1-1 Differentiate between good touch from bad touch Necessary everyday precautions The Influence of Auditory Learning Included! A unique feature that sets this teaching resource apart is its format – as an audio book . Auditory learning ensures effective recall while honing students' listening skills. The audio book can be used flexibly – in whole class group sessions to stimulate interactive discussions or in small activities groups to reinforce learned principles. An Ideal Part Of Homework And Home Schooling Assignments Pedagogues can include this as part of homework assignments where pupils could pen down their understanding or share it within their families thus spreading preventive awareness further. Equally practical for homeschooling because of its easy accessibility and structure-independent design; It fits all teaching environments perfectly. Conclusion- Turning Kids Into Aware Individuals From A Young Age ! This indispensable addition to teaching resources aids in shaping aware individuals from early childhood by promoting responsible decision-making abilities through safe practice education - Because when children are safe and informed, they are truly ready for a healthier world outside classroom doors.

Author Twin Sisters Digital Media

Tags Safety Education, Life Skills, Audio Book, Preventative Measures, Awareness

Anger Management Social Story: Interoception & Coping Strategies

Anger Management Social Story: Interoception & Coping Strategies
Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Special Resources, Life Skills, Special Education Needs (SEN), Social Skills, Early Learning, Elementary, Worksheets & Printables, Read Alouds, Activities

Many elementary students and students on the Autism Spectrum struggle with identifying how they feel and emotional regulation. Social stories can be a great tool to help bridge that gap and reduce behaviors! This social story focuses on how to know when your students feel angry by practicing interoception and showing examples of what may happen to them when they are feeling angry. The social story then walks them through different coping strategies using visuals so that way students can practice calming themselves down from their anger. With several different formats and additional activities, your students will have a better handle on knowing when they feeling angry, and knowing what to do to calm themselves down to make better choices. If you have students struggling with behaviors out of anger, and are working on making better choices, then this social story is a must have! What's Included? Half-Size Social Story Full Size Social Story Social Story Comic Strip Card Format of the Social Story Anger Choice Board With Coping Skills Coping Strategy Visuals Digital Version of the Social Story Using Google Slides Black and White Versions of the story for ink-friendly printing

Author The Feelings and Friends Teacher

Tags Social Stories Angry, Social Stories About Emotions, Social Stories Autism, Social Stories, Coping Skills Cards, Choice Board, Anger Management, Coping Strategies Visuals, Interoception

I Can Stop Blurting, Social Skills Story & Activities, For Boys & Girls K-2nd

I Can Stop Blurting, Social Skills Story & Activities, For Boys & Girls K-2nd
Life Studies, Special Resources, Life Skills, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities

Title: I Can Stop Blurting, Social Skills Story & Activities, For Boys & Girls K-2nd Educators, here's an excellent resource for familiarizing children with essential social skills: 'I Can Stop Blurting - Social Skills Story and Activities' that aims at Kindergarten up to 2nd-grade students. The foundation of this tool is a story lively enough to captivate young minds, integrated with consequential activities to solidify the teachings. The lessons aim specifically at enhancing student understanding about 'blurting.' This crucial aspect of mannerism is often difficult for children to grasp; hence the resource delivers it through a fun-filled story. The narrative uses explicit language broken down into small, easy-to-digest instructions that talk about achieving appropriate behavior in social situations. Accompanying pictures portray both boys and girls engaging in various scenarios that exemplify good etiquette making this useful for both genders. Routine reading coupled with Skill Builder Activities will help reinforce anti-blurting behavior amongst children. The resource includes interactive animations presented through the PowerPoint story and skill builders bring another dimension into learning this important skill enjoyably from home or school. Hence there needs not be any worry about learning being monotonous anymore. Inside you'll find 61 pages of comprehensive material targeted towards shaping better social skills among young learners: A Colorful Social Skills Story complete with three cover choices plus three end-page options offering room for individualization A Coloring Book Companion perfectly complements the main story as students simultaneously engage in coloring. 'Stop Blurting' Visuals provided in sets - one each colored together with Black & White Two Skill Builder Activities beginning with Comprehension Check Sheet followed by Scenario Cards offer practical application opportunities Animated PowerPoint Stories alongside Skill Builders contributing optimally toward distance learning objectives An immensely valuable addition to teach life skills apart from academics alone customized specifically for younger audiences within public schools or homeschooling domains! Multiple application possibilities await like group learning, single student engagement at school, homework assignments; the potential for deployment is endless! With this resource within their arsenal educators can certainly mold students who excel in both academics as well as social skills.

Author Socially Skilled Kids

Tags Social Skills, Blurting, Manners, Behavior, Activities

Math Matching Games: 8 Sets of Math Fact Cards for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Decimals, and Money

Math Matching Games: 8 Sets of Math Fact Cards for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Decimals, and Money
Special Resources, Life Skills, Math, Fact Families, Early Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Decimals, Multiplication and Division, Division, Money, Fractions, Multiplication, Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Activities, Games

Math Matching Games: 8 Sets of Math Fact Cards Here's a great set of math games to add to you curriculum in grades 2-6. There are 8 different sets of cards to practice math skills across several grades. How to Use: I like using these matching games as a warm-up or as a reward at the end of class. Simply shuffle one of the sets and give each student one card. Give the students a moment to determine their card’s value. Then all students stand up and move SILENTLY around the room. ***(I love having this guaranteed moment of quiet)*** Students show their cards to each other and look for their match/card with the same value (ex. 9+9 and 15+3). Matches move to the side of the room until everyone is paired up. Then you can re-deal and play again! Card Sets Included: Each set has 16 pairs- enough for a class with up to 32 students! Addition facts up to twenty Addition facts up to fifty Subtraction facts Multiplication facts Division facts Equivalent fractions Fraction to decimal conversions Money Grades to Use With: These matching sets can work from grade 2 through 6 depending on which sets you use! Addition and subtraction facts are great for grade 2. Multiplication and division facts and money are great for grades 3-4. Equivalent fractions and fraction to decimal conversions are great for grades 5-6. And any sets can be used to review previously learned skills! What's Included: A total of 33 pages in PDF Format: Title Page and 8 sets of cards with 32 cards in each set. If you enjoy this math game , check out others in my store: Exponent Board Game: Fun and Engaging Math Game for 6th Grade Pre-Algebra: Expression Input Output Game Times Table Game: Multiplication Strategies and Commutative Property

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Memory Game, Math Game, Math Facts, Fractions, Decimals, Money, Math Center, Times Tables, Addition And Subtraction, Multiplication And Division

Responsibility Song (MP3)

Responsibility Song (MP3)
Life Studies, Special Resources, Life Skills, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, Songs, Activities

The Responsibility Song (MP3) helps students learn how to show responsibility at home and at school. This song is a great way for teachers to encourage their students to be responsible citizens.

Author Have Fun Teaching

Tags Character Education

Examining Self-Esteem in the Young: Book 2

Examining Self-Esteem in the Young: Book 2
Life Studies, Special Resources, Life Skills, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, Activities

The Examining Self-Esteem in the Young: Book 2 is a 51-page download divided into 2 main sections - the theoretical base and activity pages. Teachers are able to focus on the importance of healthy self-esteem with the activities in this book. Students will explore topics such as what they do well, achieving together, different points of view and so much more.

Author Ready-Ed Publications

Tags Student Confidence, Self-esteem Activities, Life Skills, Young, Learners

I Can Be Flexible! Social Skills Story and Activities For K-2nd

I Can Be Flexible! Social Skills Story and Activities For K-2nd
Special Resources, Life Skills, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Activities

Stories are a great way to teach children who are struggling to learn a specific social skill. Social stories work by breaking down information into small, manageable parts. These stories teach children what they should do or not do, in a specific social situation. This Social Skills Story & Activity resource is intended to help those who have a difficult time beingFlexible. The story helps children who get stuck in their own way of Rigid Thinkingand have a difficult time understanding why they should beFlexible Thinkers. Read frequently and reinforce real life examples of children (and adults) being flexible and how it made others feel.

Author Socially Skilled Kids

Tags Social Story, Flexible Thinking, Social Skills, Special Education, Bundle

Keeping the Job Employability Skills Escape Room

Keeping the Job Employability Skills Escape Room
Career, Life Studies, Life Skills, Special Resources, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Escape Room, Activities

Introduction Operation Corporate Rescue is a fun and interactive employability skills Google Form escape room. Students will practice their employability skills while saving the company! Students will enjoy practicing employability skills in a fun and interactive way. You will appreciate the low-prep setup! There is also a detailed answer key so you will know exactly how to help students if they get stuck. This escape room works great for: Career readiness units Advisory or homeroom periods School counseling groups Preparing for College and Career Classes Home School Practice Objectives Practice good communication skills and the ability to follow directions Prioritize tasks based on deadlines and length of task Identify appropriate customer service skills Discover employability skills to keep your job Puzzle Outline Communication - Listen to a set of directions from your "boss" and then answer questions about them. Time Management - Order the tasks that need to be done based on deadlines and time required Customer Service - Fill in the blank to discover customer service best practices Job Retention Job Retention - Match employability skills with their definitions Grades High School Format Interactive Google Form Printable Puzzles PDF (6 pages) Printable Answer Key PDF (6 pages)

Author The Mind Trek

Tags Employability Skills, Career Readiness, TIme Management Skills, Job Skills, Customer Service, Workplace Skills

20 SEL Games for Morning Meetings Back to School Fun

20 SEL Games for Morning Meetings Back to School Fun
Special Resources, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Special Education Needs (SEN), Social Skills, Speech Therapy, Life Skills, Not Grade Specific, Activities, Games

In this amazing SEL resource, you will receive 20 different games and activities for either morning meetings, advisories, icebreakers, or any community-building goals. There are 20 different activities. They are Deck of Cards, Blobs and Lines, What's the Theme, What's Different, Whose Your Bestie, Snowball Toss, Diversity Toss, Minefield, Listening Chain, Beach Ball Toss, Toilet Paper Talks, SEL Heads Up, Passions Tic Tac Toe, SEL Speed Dating, 4 Picture Quadrants, Jigsaw Jumble. Where The Wind Blows, SEL Jenga, SEL Show & Tell, and 2 Truths and a Lie. Many of these can be tweaked for the age group you are serving. These are wonderful for helping students find commonalities, and build skills such as teamwork, self-awareness, social awareness, relationship skills, friendship skills, responsible decision-making, and many more of those social skills that are really necessary for success in schools. This resource has information on the social risk level. This means that the social risk is low if they are not feeling the level of anxiety related to sharing a lot about themselves. There is a 1-3 rating for this. some games are a bit riskier than others in terms of social-emotional risk in sharing about themselves. There is also a 1-3 level of rating for easy to difficult as well as prep needed from the teacher or counselor. There is also a list of social-emotional skills being practiced and addressed. You can see the rating scale based on the number of suns that are yellow. Additionally, you will find Instruction/Set Up explanation with steps on how to set up the lesson and also some variations based on age and developmental stages for your classroom. You know your own students best and can tweak any game to your liking. There are links to my own Google Slides for the question banks and examples. Everything you need is here. Just download the PDF!

Author Jennifer Moyer Taylor

Tags SEL , Social-emotional Learning, Morning Meetings, Advisory, Community Building, Elementary , School Counseling, Social Skills, Special Education, Back To School

Independent Living Skills - The Importance of a Roommate Agreement

Independent Living Skills - The Importance of a Roommate Agreement
P.E. & Health, Special Resources, Creative Arts, Art, Life Studies, Health, Special Education Needs (SEN), Social Skills, Speech Therapy, Life Skills, Grade 10, 11, 12, Activities, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

The Importance of a Roommate Agreement is a comprehensive independent living skills worksheet created for teens and adults who require additional life skills training to transition into adulthood. This life skills worksheet covers how to handle common conflicts that occur among roommates, including: - How to split rent and utilities - When household bills are due - Overnight guests policies - Scheduling quiet hours - Chores assignment There are a total of 43 reading comprehension questions in this Functional Life Skills resource! This activity will assist high school students in developing the necessary life skills to become more independent at school, at home, and in their communities. A great place to use this handout is in special education classes or one-to-one settings, such as ABA therapy, speech therapy, job coaches, occupational therapy, and Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) sessions. High school students working on independent living would benefit significantly from this activity for defining, setting, and measuring IEP goals. In addition to interactive instruction, this resource is ideal for hands-on and community-based learning. Engage your special education class with this highly interactive High School Functional Life Skills Activity! This activity contains step-by-step instructions, questions, and answers that reinforce learning, age-appropriate graphics, real-world examples, and ideas for implementation. This is the perfect special education activity for grade 10, grade 11, grade 12, and autism life skill centers . This special education life skills handout was designed to assist teens and adults with difficulties developing independent living skills. It's a printable, easy-to-use activity ready to hand out! Related Products for Developing Independent Living Skills How to Read a Basic Pay Stub How to Fill Out a Job Application How to Create a Shopping List How Credit Cards Work How to Create a Monthly Budget How to Schedule an Appointment How to Prepare for a Job Interview Home Repair Service Agreement How to Complete a Boarding Pass Auto Repair Service Agreement A PDF with 21 unique pages. Color and black-and-white versions of each page are available for this pdf resource.

Author Adulting Life Skills Resources

Tags Independent Living Skills, IEP Goal-Oriented Skills, Autism Resource For Parent , Life Skills For Autistic Teens And Adults, Adulting On The Spectrum, Social And Emotional Learning, Financial Literacy

Sometimes, I Need To Leave The Classroom, Social Skills Story and Activities

Sometimes, I Need To Leave The Classroom, Social Skills Story and Activities
Life Studies, Special Resources, Life Skills, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, 3, Activities

"Sometimes, I Need To Leave The Classroom, Social Skills Story and Activities" This is a valuable educational resource designed to help address the anxiety and worries students may feel when needing to leave the classroom for therapies, breaks or other services. It provides an understanding as to why it's okay to temporarily step out of class. Addressing Concerns: The resource addresses concerns about missing ongoing classroom activities while away. It offers engaging narratives that help students process their emotions in a constructive way. This layered approach makes this material adaptable for various teaching scenarios - from group discussions, individual instruction or as take-home assignments. Inclusions: A color social story for multiple uses throughout the year across different classes as required. A coloring book companion version that engages students in active learning roles. Skill Builder Activities: 'My Daily Schedule' that offer full-page schedules and mini desk versions promoting routine familiarity 'My Make-Up Plan' outlines strategies on how missed work can be promptly addressed upon return from stepping out of class temporarily 'My Calm-Down Plan' targeting self-soothing methods during overwhelming situations within classrooms or elsewhere This comprehensive package is suitable for Kindergarten through Grade 3 levels and fits well into life skills education curriculum components.Served in an accessible PDF file type, with worksheets included; this resource doubles as a teaching aid and a valuable learning companion providing coping strategies and reassurance to young learners.

Author Socially Skilled Kids

Tags Social Skills, Anxiety, Classroom, Coping Strategies, Self-soothing

Examining Self-Esteem in the Adolescent: Book 3

Examining Self-Esteem in the Adolescent: Book 3
Life Studies, Special Resources, Life Skills, Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, Activities

The Examining Self-Esteem in the Adolescent: Book 1 is a 56-page download divided into 2 main sections - the introductory section and activity pages. Teachers are able to focus on the importance of healthy self-esteem with the activities in this book. Students will explore topics such as belief in themselves, goal setting, conflict resolution and so much more!

Author Ready-Ed Publications

Tags Life Skills, Self-esteem Activity, Confidence Activity, Adolescent Activity, School Counselor

Finance Life Skills: Omar Learns How Credit Cards Work

Finance Life Skills: Omar Learns How Credit Cards Work
Special Resources, Life Studies, Special Education Needs (SEN), Social Skills, Speech Therapy, Life Skills, Grade 10, 11, 12, Activities, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

In Omar Learns How Credit Cards Work, Olivia shows Omar how to read a credit card statement and discusses the purpose of a credit card. The use of this Finance Life Skills resource will allow students to engage in the following: • This story uses simple language and relatable examples to explain what credit cards are and how they work. • It includes the consequences of not making minimum payments and how it affects your credit score. • Explain cash advances and why they are not a good idea. • Discuss why checking your credit card statement for mistakes is important and how to address them. • Discuss responsible credit card use and avoiding extra fees. • The interactive dialog and questions engage learners and reinforce their understanding of the story and the concepts. • The real-world examples, and age-appropriate visual aids, such as illustrations and diagrams , make this conversational story an excellent resource for teaching social narratives. • This social narrative's simple and direct language sets clear expectations, making it ideal for high school students and adults with intellectual disabilities. The story includes seven (7) reading comprehension questions and answers to reinforce and measure the student's understanding of the Finance Life Skills contained in the story! This life skills story will assist high school students and young adults in developing the necessary independent living skills to become more independent at school, at home, and in their communities. This story is designed to be used by special education teachers, occupational therapists, speech therapists, ABA therapists, registered behavior technicians (RBT), parents, supported living coaches, and life skills teachers to teach their students valuable life skills. In addition to interactive instruction, this resource is ideal for hands-on and community-based learning, defining, setting, and measuring IEP goals. Related Products for Developing Money Management Skills The Value of a Bank Account How to Create a Monthly Budget How to Create a Shopping List How Credit Cards Work Level 1 Grocery Shopping Money Math Level 1 Clothes Shopping Money Math Level 1 Reading Menus Money Math Engage your special education class with this highly interactive High School Finance Life Skills Story! It's printable , easy to use, and ready to hand out! A PDF file with five (5) pages.

Author Adulting Life Skills Resources

Tags Adulting On The Spectrum, Independent Living Skills, IEP Goal-Oriented Skills, Autism Resource For Parent , Life Skills For Autistic Teens And Adults, Summer Life Skills Activities, Financial Literacy

Money Math Life Skills Worksheet: Reading Restaurant Menus Level 3

Money Math Life Skills Worksheet: Reading Restaurant Menus Level 3
Special Resources, Creative Arts, Art, Life Studies, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Special Education Needs (SEN), Life Skills, Math, Money, Grade 7, 8, 9, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Activities, Worksheets

Money Math Life Skills Worksheet : Reading Restaurant Menus Level 3 This 192-question Special Education life skills activity teaches grade 7-9 students to calculate tips, apply sales tax, and determine total meal costs using six standard restaurant breakfast and lunch menus. Students will: - Calculate meal costs with 2, 3, and 4 menu items - Apply sales tax to meal costs - Calculate tips Use this printable worksheet one-on-one or in special education classes to develop essential real-world math and money management abilities. It includes step-by-step instructions, questions, answers, graphics, and ideas for implementation. Excellent for IEP goal setting and measuring progress in money math. Engage students with this highly interactive life skills activity!

Author Adulting Life Skills Resources

Tags Life Skills Money Math, Special Education Money Math, Independent Living Skills, IEP Goal-Oriented Skills, Community-Based Instruction, Adulting On The Spectrum, Social And Emotional Learning, Life Skills For Adults, Life Skills For Teens, Autism And Money Skills

Finance Life Skills: Nelson Learns About Different Methods of Payment

Finance Life Skills: Nelson Learns About Different Methods of Payment
Special Resources, Life Studies, Special Education Needs (SEN), Speech Therapy, Life Skills, Finance, Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, Activities, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

The Finance Life Skills: Nelson Learns About Different Methods of Payment This is a compelling and hands-on teaching resource designed to educate high school students about the advantages and limitations of different payment methods, which include: Cash Credit Cards Debit Cards Gift Cards We step away from complex terminology and textbook discourse, opting instead for the engaging story of Nora educating Nelson on these crucial life skills. Through this inventive approach, learners can explore real-world scenarios where each type of payment option is suitable. They understand: The specific situations where cash works best for small payments or tips; When credit cards may fit just right for larger purchases; Why debit should be preferred for everyday shopping within available funds; Distinguishing instances when gift cards make perfect sense in either store-specific or broader use settings like Visa gift cards. We leverage age-appropriate visual aids i.e., diagrams and illustrations that complement interactive dialogue in the story background creating an immersive learning experience. We maintain a conversational tone to simplify understanding - an effective method not just for intellectual disability learners but even adults. The PDF file contains: Six instructional pages catering to independent living skills development among young adults; --> --> Additional resources in the educational package: 'The Value Of a Bank Account'; 'How To Create Monthly Budget'; --> --> 'Level 1 Grocery Shopping Money Math'. This resource is not just informative but easily comprehensible too, with clear expectations set through simple language use - best part? It’s printable ! Use it whenever convenient and your class will indeed find value in it.

Author Adulting Life Skills Resources

Tags Finance, Payment Methods, Cash, Credit Cards, Debit Cards