I have always loved learning and wanted to make the world a better place so naturally, I began a career in teaching. I have taught at a Title I High School in Louisville, KY for 13 plus years. I have four college degrees: two bachelor's (WKU), a master's (UofL), and a Doctorate (UofL). Many of my lessons have won awards at the district, state, and even international levels (some of my WWI and WWII lessons even earned me the opportunity to serve as an ambassador to Germany and to meet with the President of Germany). I love group work and having my kids partner up to get the most out of my lessons. I operate a flipped classroom, where my students do the majority of the work outside of class and then come to the classroom prepared to have deeper conversations about topics we are studying with me. I manage to do this while teaching comprehensive and honors students only. All kids can succeed if you believe in them!
My number one priority to those that choose my resources has always been customer service. I make myself available to you during waking hours via email DrDrewBailey@gmail.com in case you have any questions about one of my lessons, want to bounce some ideas off of me, or simply want to submit a lesson request. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of service to you.
My number two priority has always been providing my resources in Word so that you can edit them to suit the needs of your students. I also provide PDFs so you can "just press print" when you are in a pinch for sub plans or something for the next period.
I am excited that Teach Simple gives teachers the opportunity to download as much as they want in addition to connecting with other educators (such as myself) so that we can develop even more resources custom-tailored for your classroom. Please email me and let me know what other resources you need. I love making lessons and have a quick. turnaround time (usually only 2-3 days).
Thanks for stopping by my corner of the site,
Happy Teaching -DrDrew