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24 Spanish Flashcards for Fruit

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24 Spanish Flashcards for Fruits

These flashcards are an essential resource for educators helping in the proficiency of the Spanish language among students. The set consists of 24 meticulously curated flashcards, each featuring a graphic representation of a fruit and its associated vocabulary term.

The Role of Vocabulary in Learning Languages:

Vocabulary acts as the foundation upon which fluency and comprehension are built. When students expand their lexicon, they reach closer to mastering the intricacies of a language.

Flashcard Features:

The teaching resource introduces an English name accompanied by its equivalent word in Spanish like 'la manzana' (apple) or 'el melon' (melon). The set includes fruits such as:

  • 'la cereza'(cherry)
  • 'la manzana'(apple)
  • 'la uva'(grape)
  • 'el limon'(lemon or lime)
Possible Activities with Flashcards include:
  1. Flashcard Matching: Match the English translation with the corresponding Spanish word.
  2. Finish the Sentence: Educators present sentences with missing words where learners insert suitable word cards.
  3. Collaborative Sentence: Students collectively create sentences by alternatively drawing cards from dissected decks.

This teaching resource comes prepared electronically inside ready-to-print PDF files configured over four pages having six separate flashcards on each page rendering comfort after printing process results.
In conclusion,, using resources like these 24 Spanish Flashcard for Fruits makes learning a language a fun and interactive process, consequently enhancing the overall pedagogic experience.

What's Included

Four ready to print PDF pages. There are 6 flashcards on each page. The fruit vocabulary included in this 24 flashcard set are: la manzana (apple), la cereza (cherry), la uva (grape), la toronja (grapefruit), el melon (melon), el limon (lime or lemon), la naranja (orange), el durazno (peach), la sandía (watermelon), el coco (coconut), el kiwi (kiwi), el mango (mango), la papaya (papaya), la granada (pomegranate), la piña (pineapple), la mora (blackberry), el arándano (blueberry), la frambuesa (raspberry), la maracuya (passion fruit), la nectarina (nectarine), la guayaba (guava), la pitaya (dragonfruit), el higo (fig), & el plátano (banana).

Resource Tags

Spanish language vocabulary flashcards fruit language learning

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