5th 100 Fry Sight Words Practice Game , Roll & Color, Fun Activity - SET 9 (b)

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Grade 2, 3, 4





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About This Product

Introducing the 5th 100 Fry Sight Words Practice Game, Roll & Color - SET 9b

This engaging teaching resource is designed to enrich and enhance children's learning experience in Language Arts, specifically their reading, vocabulary, and spelling skills.

Set Contents & Target Group

The set contains a unique blend of hands-on activities primarily geared towards students in grades 2 to Grade 4. In particular, it focuses on key elements such as sight words mastery and elementary math concepts through creative yet straightforward games.

Main Activity Description

A roll-and-color game is cleverly woven into each worksheet that promotes interactive learning as they practice their sight words. With this resource at hand, educators can adaptively use it either for whole group instruction or smaller group collaboration. It also serves its purpose perfectly well as an engaging homework assignment option or even for independent study time during class hours.

Sight Words Included

  • Able
  • Common
  • Machine ...among others.

An integral part of this activity involves rolling dice that determines which column of sight words the student will select from – capturing the dual purpose of reinforcing both language arts and mathematics knowledge simultaneously. Students color a box corresponding to each rolled number using colors indicated by specific sight words stated at the top edge of each sheet. This dynamic way of learning pays off amazingly by allowing students to remember these everyday sight words while keeping them motivated throughout the process due to its game-like nature - masking education with entertainment!

About The Format

We provide all resources in convenient PDF format stretching across 35 pages designed explicitly for US Letter Size printing. Easy-to-use and visually appealing worksheets promote student engagement while easing distribution tasks for teachers.


The Fun Activity Set, created under our '5th 100 Fry Sight Words Practice Game,' deploys an innovative and visual aids to boost mental retention. Consider this tool to add vibrancy and productivity to your literacy block, providing effective learning experiences for years to come.

What's Included

1 PDF (35 Pages ,US Letter Size)

Resource Tags

sight words practice interactive learning vocabulary development hands-on activities reading skills

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