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Math > Algebra | Grade 7 | Activities

Adding & Subtracting Linear Expressions NOTES & PRACTICE

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Grade 7





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About This Product

The Adding & Subtracting Linear Expressions NOTES & PRACTICE resource is an educational asset designed to uphold the 7th-grade math curriculum standards in a comprehensive and achievable way. This material primarily focuses on the Expression and Equations Standards under CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.EE.A.1.

Main Objective:

Applying the properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions with rational coefficients.

Who is it for?

  • Tailored for Grade 7 students studying Algebra.
  • Serves as an effective teaching tool for public-school educators and homeschoolers alike.


  1. To initiate learners into understanding the fundamentals of linear expressions through a well-organized introduction that imbibes essential vocabulary regarding linear expressions.
  2. To build prowess in combining like terms within adding and subtracting linear expressions through structured notes and exercises.
Additional Resource Features:
  • Fosters test-ready confidence through test practice materials readily available both as printable sheets or adaptable content for Google Forms.
  • Caters to conventional classroom practices but also make excellent homework assignments enriching home-study processes by proactively endorsing independent problem-solving skills among young learners.
  • l comes with detailed answer keys making tracking learning progress seamless irrespective of various instructional settings – be it at school or home premises. dwempha comprehesng format facilitates uncomplicated access across various digital interfaces ensuring that geographical factors never compromise quality education from reaching aspiring minds around-the-globe ensuring the promise of boundless learning spaces is meticulously kept intact!

    An ideal fit in today's diverse classrooms ingrained with varying learning preferences making sure every young mind drives substantial benefit from every mathematical exploration they embark upon! The value delivered consequently magnifies leading to creators of tomorrow that uphold the potential to build the future marvelously!

What's Included

This resource contains:

1) Introduction to Linear Expressions (Vocabulary)

2) Adding & Subtracting Linear Expressions (Combining Like Terms) NOTES & PRACTICE

3) Adding & Subtracting Linear Expressions TEST PRACTICE (Printable and version for Google Forms)

4) Answer Key to All Parts

Resource Tags

linear expressions adding and subtracting properties of operations test practice independent problem-solving

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