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America Story of Us: Episode 12 - "Millennium" - Complete Video Guide

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History: USA


Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11





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Here is a summary of Episode 12, "Millennium":

  1. Technological Advancements: The episode explores the technological advancements and innovations that shaped the turn of the millennium in the United States. It covers the rise of the internet, the dot-com boom, and the transformative impact of technology on various industries and daily life.

  2. Globalization: The series discusses the process of globalization and how it affected the United States during the late 20th and early 21st centuries. It examines the expansion of trade, the interconnectedness of economies, and the challenges and opportunities presented by a globalized world.

  3. Information Age: The episode focuses on the Information Age, highlighting the proliferation of computers, smartphones, and other digital devices. It discusses how the accessibility of information and the rise of social media platforms transformed communication, media, and social interactions.

  4. Terrorism and National Security: The series addresses the rise of terrorism as a significant challenge faced by the United States in the new millennium. It covers events such as the September 11 attacks and the subsequent efforts to enhance national security and combat terrorism.

  5. Political and Cultural Shifts: The episode explores the political and cultural shifts that occurred in the United States during this period. It discusses topics such as the changing demographics, immigration, political polarization, and social movements.

  6. Environmental Awareness: The series highlights the growing awareness of environmental issues and the efforts to address climate change and promote sustainability. It discusses the development of renewable energy sources and the challenges of balancing economic growth with environmental stewardship.

  7. Challenges and Resilience: The episode examines the challenges faced by the United States in the new millennium, including economic recessions, natural disasters, and political divisions. It showcases the resilience and adaptability of the American people in overcoming these challenges.

  8. Hope and the Future: The series concludes by discussing the hope and possibilities for the future. It highlights the potential for innovation, advancements in science and technology, and the ongoing pursuit of the American Dream.

While this summary provides a general overview of the "Millennium" episode, it's important to note that the series combines historical reenactments, expert interviews, and cinematic storytelling to present an engaging narrative. Specific details and interpretations may vary within the episode itself.

These teacher-generated questions are designed to help students focus in on key information during the video. These questions cover the twelfth and final episode in the series titled "Millennium". Ready to print and use! Comes with a completed answer key!

You might be interested in purchasing complete episode guides for the entire series:

America Story of Us Complete Video Guides for Every Episode

Thumbnail clipart credit: by Prince Padania

Resource Tags

Technological Advancements World Trade Center Gulf War War on Terror Tech Boom Terrorism america the story of us millennium questions america story of us millennium

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