AR Phonic Game
About This Product
This is a phonic game to help children, especially those with special needs, to read words with the digraph 'ar'.
Who can use this ar game?
Any who need to use the digraph ar!
But it is especially for those with special needs: games can take the pressure out of learning to read, especially for those who have become despondent or are reluctant for any reason. They are fun and take the child's mind off of the tedium, and winning is not dependent on their ability to read - it is the 'way the game goes'.
What can it be used for?
Why not send it home for homework?
It can be used as a discrete form of assessment: is the pupil using knowledge of letter sounds - or GUESSING which will lead to failure?
What is included in the pack?
Full instructions are given.
The game comes in both black and white and colour versions.
Children can be encouraged to colour the black-and-white version and this will help the words in the 'ar' family to be established firmly in the child's mind.
There are 3 boards with matching picture/word cards in both black and white and colour.
Aim of the game:
To help children to be able to sound out, or recognise, words with ‘ar’ in them, quickly.
How to prepare the game:
Choose either black and white or coloured. The children can colour the black and white boards which will help to fix the words together in their minds as being in the same family.
The game boards come in pairs: For each pair choose one to be a board and cut the other up into individual picture/word cards. If only two people are playing then they can choose which sets of pictures and cards they use.
How to play:
This is a game for two or three players. The teacher should watch if two children are playing together.
Each player takes a game board. The matching letter/picture cards are scattered on the table face down.
Players take it in turns to choose a card from the table. The child looks to see if s/he has the matching word or picture on his/her board. If so, the card is placed in position on the board. If not, it is returned to the pool on the table.
The winner is the first person to complete his/her board.
Teaching tips:
Support children to sound words out/blend them as needed.
Help children to see and use the ‘ar’ sound to read the words.
What's Included
3 game boards in black/white and colour