Astronomy: A student’s book: history & facts about telescopes project

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Astronomy: A student’s book: history & facts about telescopes project

This Astronomy: A student’s book: history & facts about telescopes project is a booklet on the history/facts about telescopes and the lives of seven different inventors! Students are to research the information necessary to complete this Astronomy: A student’s book: history & facts about telescopes. Students are sure to increase their knowledge concerning tools of astronomy as well as the parts of the telescope. Additionally, there are opportunities for students to practice their essay writing skills with specific topics.

There are 2 Quizzes included in this booklet as well as the Answer keys for easy checking.

This Astronomy: A student’s book: history & facts about telescopes project includes the following TABLE OF CONTENTS:
1 Just what is a telescope?
2 Terminology
3 Parts of a telescope (Refracting telescope-fill in
3 a Answer key: Parts of a Refracting telescope
3 b: Research/Respond: What are the parts of a Reflecting Telescope?
4 Essay #1: How do telescopes work
5 Different types of telescopes
6 Essay #2
7 Essay #3: What is Optics
8 What is an observatory?
9 What is a planetarium?
10 What is the difference between a telescope and a periscope?
11 Leonardo da Vinci
12 Galileo Galilei
13 Hans Lippershey
14 Zacharias Janssen
15 Isaac Newton
16 Lyman Spitzer
16 a Edwin Hubble: His discoveries/ Hubble Telescope
17 Word Jumble/ Science Vocabulary
18 Answer key: Word Jumble
19 Word Search
20 Quiz #1:Fill in Facts about telescopes
21 Answer key: Quiz: Facts about telescopes
22 Mystery Quote Challenge
23 Answer key: Mystery Quote Challenge
24 Quiz #2: James Webb Telescope
25 Answer key: Quiz #2: James Webb Telescope

This Astronomy: A student’s book: history & facts about telescopes project contains 32 pages and it is ready to print and use!

Resource Tags

astronomy telescopes Da Vinci Galileo Hans Lippershey

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