Boom Cards distance learning FRENCH Passé composé ALLER, FAIRE, ÊTRE, AVOIR
About This Product
30 BOOM cards fill in the blanks French passé composé exercise 3
ALLER, FAIRE, ÊTRE, AVOIR - perfect for distance learning
French passé composé fill in the blanks Boom task card set with 30 different cards to get your students practicing this crucial tense with aller, être, avoir et faire verbs on their computers or tablets. Students need to type in responses. You can easily project these or use on a smart board for a class exercise. The French keyboard is not active on this set you have to type them yourself. Try the cards in the preview to see for yourself what this resource looks like.
Bon apprentissage!!
There are so many ways you can use these Boom task cards. Here are a few ideas:
➯ Do a race with all your students, see who finishes first and has the least mistakes.
➯ Project on the screen and have students respond and open discussion.
➯ Use the cards for small group work, tutoring sessions or for test review.
➯ Have your students practice at home.
✯ 30 Interactive Boom cards
✯ Fill in the blanks self assessment
What's Included