Charlotte's Web Activity Character Webs

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Grade 2, 3, 4





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This product has students complete character webs for several characters in the novel Charlotte's Web, by E. B. White. This activity has students delve into the characters' traits. I would first do a lesson on what a character trait is. Make sure your students know there are positive traits as well as negative traits. You could have students complete the webs as you read the story, or you could wait until the end.

In this novel there are five characters that students will look closer at. These characters are Wilbur, Charlotte, Fern, Templeton, and Avery. Even though this worksheet only has room for students just to write a word in each section, your class discussions could go in a lot more detail. Instead of just telling students to give you six words to describe a character, make them give you specific examples. For example, if a student says that Charlotte is patient, ask them a specific time in the story that Charlotte shows patience. *It's important to note that these character webs should focus on character traits (ex: kind), not physical traits (ex: short). Make sure your students know the difference.

What's Included

You will receive 5 character web worksheets. Each already has the character's name on it.

Resource Tags

charlotte's web charlotte's web activities charlotte's web characters character webs charlottes web character names charlotte web main characters wilbur charlotte's web character

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