Common Core Language Arts Activities for Grade 9

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Grade 9



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During the 9th Grade Common Core Language Arts curriculum, students will be taught various subjects including:

  • Show proficiency in the rules of standard English grammar and usage while writing or speaking.

  • Utilize parallel structure in rephrasing the given text while maintaining the same language and word count.

  • Recognize sentences that have parallel structures.

  • The cat played with the ball, pounced on the mouse, and chased the butterfly.

  • Employ different kinds of phrases and clauses to express precise meanings and enhance diversity and engagement in writing or presentations.

  • Find prepositional phrases

  • Recognize appositives and phrases that rename nouns.

  • Determine subordinate and main clauses.

  • What type of sentence is it: simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex?

  • Combine sentences by using relative clauses.Show mas

  • tery of correct English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling in writing.

  • Employ a semicolon (and possibly a conjunctive adverb) for connecting two or more closely related independent clauses.Using conjunctive adverbs for transitions

  • Utilize semicolons to connect independent clauses, and commas to separate items in a list.

This digital book will assist them in practicing everything mentioned.

Resource Tags

common core grade 9 activities language arts usa curriculum

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