Compare and Contrast (CCSS RL.5.3): Supplemental Worksheets for the Common Core

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Grade 5



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About This Product

Compare and Contrast (CCSS RL.5.3): Supplemental Worksheets for the Common Core

About: This is a comprehensive educational resource designed to compliment and enhance Grade 5 Common Core curriculum, focusing specifically on developing compare and contrast skills as per CCSS RL.5.3 standards.


  • Packed with engaging exercises and interactive activities.
  • Easily printable PDF format ensuring maximum compatibility.
  • Diverse activity choices for implementing differential teaching strategies.
  • Included answer key for efficient assessment of pupil progress.
Note: Adobe Reader is required to access this packet effectively which can be acquired from

This supplement forms part of our larger collection representing various books from our catalogue – inviting you to progressively build-up your essential teaching library over time.

The Ultimate Goal!: Improve learning outcomes through enhancing Compare & Contrast capabilities in line with CCSS RL.5.3 Standards!

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What's Included

1 PDF with 10 ready to print pages

Resource Tags

reading worksheets supplemental compare and contrast comprehension common core

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