Counting Protons Electrons and Neutrons ESL: Spanish Version

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Grade 8, 9, 10, 11, 12



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About This Product

Determining Atoms' Composition in Spanish This chemistry teaching resource assists Spanish-speaking ESL students in grades 8-12 with counting protons, electrons, and neutrons using the periodic table. Students strengthen their understanding of atomic structure and the components that form atoms. The practice problems are provided in English, with a Spanish translation underneath each question to aid comprehension. Answers are included to support student learning. Teachers can implement this versatile resource in various settings – whole class, small groups, individual practice, or homework. It was thoughtfully translated by a native bilingual AP student. Please contact the creator with any issues regarding the Spanish translations.

What's Included

A total of 2 pages.

Resource Tags

counting PEN counting protons counting electrons counting neutrons ESL Spanish

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