Country Study on the United Kingdom - Project - Worksheet + Cards

About This Product
Country Study on the United Kingdom - Project - Worksheet + Cards
This Teaching Resource is a PDF research project (8 Slides) on the United Kingdom. This Printable Resource can be great for Geography, European History and Social Studies Classes. Suitable Learners for this kind of lesson are students from 7th Grade to 12th Grade.
This Geography + Social Studies Research Project on the United Kingdom (Country Study) aims to make learners discover the United Kingdom (history, geography, economy, London and culture). Little preparation can be helpful.
Within this Country Study on the United Kingdom Research Project, it is offered:
2 worksheets to write research outcomes
48 Cards to fish for this Research Project on the United Kingdom
How does this Country Study on the United Kingdom Teaching Resource work?
learners (or groups) fish a Research Topic card of each color (black for history, blue for geography, orange for economy, Red for London and green for British Culture)
each student or group makes their personalized Research on the UK, by focusing on their fished topic cards (ex. fished black card on history on "Henry VIII", blue card on geography on "Scotland", orange card on economy on "Tertiary Sector", Red Cards on London on the Big Ben and a green card on British Culture on the Afternoon Teatime)
Learners stick their fished cards on their research worksheet and write their Research outcomes
Learners make a presentation on their personalized rersearch on the United Kingdom
teacher evaluates research given learner or group's research outcomes written on worksheets
Why is this Teaching Resource worth using?
By fishing topic cards, students have a chance to:
make unique randomized research projects
focus on specific topics only and discover more the research country in "non-superficial" ways
Connect their own Research outcomes with their peers'
This Social Studies + Geography Country Study on the United Kingdom PDF Printable Research Project Teaching (8 slides) can be great for learners from 7th grade to 12th grade to introduce the UK and its Culture.
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