Creative Writing Prompts (Magic Potions and Spells Edition)
About This Product
Magic potions and spells-themed creative writing activity that is a LOW PREP interactive addition to your writing lessons -- or magic or Halloween unit study. This resource includes magic powers cards, creative writing graphic organizers, writing rubrics, and more. Perfect for second grade, third grade, and fourth grade classrooms, homeschool families, and cooperatives.
After printing the cards (4,950 unique combinations of the 100 magical powers), select which graphic organizers you would like students to use, review the rubric with them, and send them off to write. This can be done individually or in small groups so they can bounce ideas off of one another. Students will submit their finished creative writing for teacher assessment.
What's Included
Teacher instructions
Creative writing rubrics (teacher and student versions)
Magic powers cards (100)
Magic potion graphic organizers (3 levels)
Magic spell graphic organizers (3 levels)
Animal and creature research graphic organizers (2 options)
Editing and revision process handout