December Holidays Interactive Foldable Booklet - EBOOK

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December Holidays Interactive Foldable Booklet - EBOOK

An interactive teaching resource beneficial for kindergarten teachers, homeschoolers and educators handling Grade 1 to Grade 6. This resource makes learning about holidays fun and productive.

The EBOOK offers insights into multiple December holidays. It enclosed both universal celebrations like Christmas and Kwanzaa to less recognized observances such as Pearl Harbor Day, Winter Solstice, Bingo Month etc.

  • Each page of this booklet covers a distinct holiday theme with illustrative details.
  • The booklet also includes blank pages allowing educators customizability to add other holidays or relevant content at their convenience.
  • This versatile teaching tool can be used in various ways within an instructional context - for group instructions or subdivisions into smaller groups focusing on specific holidays.
  • A user-friendly design with simple instructions: cut out pages along indicated lines; fold along the dotted line; apply glue where necessary before assembling them like a book.

In summary, this interactive PDF brings awareness about diverse December holidays offerings while ensuring kids look forward towards their respective school-year's end!

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What's Included

10 pages in PDF format

Resource Tags

December holidays interactive booklet educational resource kindergarten homeschooling

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