September Holidays Interactive Foldable Booklet - EBOOK

An educational teaching resource from Knowledge Box Central entitled September Holidays Interactive Foldable Booklet - EBOOK downloadable at Teach Simple.
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September Holidays Interactive Foldable Booklet

This is an educational resource tailored specifically for teachers and homeschoolers. The eBook, called the "September Holidays Interactive Foldable Booklet," presents a unique way of enlightening children about various holidays celebrated in September.

Holidays Covered:

  • Labor Day
  • Grandparent’s Day
  • Autumnal Equinox
  • Native American Day
  • Johhny Appleseed Day...and more!

Apart from traditional holidays like Labor Day, our booklet also includes less-well-known but fascinating events. Upon purchasing this resource, you receive a downloadable PDF document having ten pages brimming with interactive activities.

Simplicity and We love it!

The instructions given are elementary – one needs to cut out the outlines, fold along the lines indicated, apply some glue where needed, and finally create their custom-made booklet offering knowledge regarding different cultural celebrations hosted during September.

Bonus Features: Blank Pages for Personalized Knowledge Sharing
We’ve added blank pages at your disposal. You can ask your students to research independently on other holidays not included in this booklet and record their findings here. Additionally, they may use it as art space; draw or color images that align with these celebrations – whatever best fits yours teaching goals! This tool proves handy whether being used within whole class group discussions or smaller activity groups or even when assigned as solo homework tasks requiring individual engagement time from students.
Suitable for:
Kindergarten up through Grade 6
Main Advantage:
A golden blend of teaching significance along with craft skills.
The creative learning opportunities that foster overall development while broadening learners' horizon on diverse topics revolving around September Holidays.

What's Included

10 pages in PDF format

Resource Tags

September holidays interactive foldable booklet educational resource cultural celebrations

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