Editable Self-Checking Task Card Template - Digital Resource Vol. 10

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Editable Self-Checking Task Card Template - Digital Resource Vol. 10

Teachers, have you been seeking fresh methods to engage your student’s attention that offer immediate feedback whilst also being self-checking and grading? Look no further than the 10-question shoe charms task card template for Google Sheets, Volume 10.

This resource simplifies the process of creating activities that both stimulate and instruct your students simultaneously by providing a pre-formulated template – leaving you to simply insert your own content and answers.

The Unique System

  • This unique system gives pupils a sense of progress as they answer questions correctly - every correct response turns green on their screen and adds an amusing shoe charm onto a virtual shoe. Conversely, if an answer is incorrect, it turns red indicating students that they need to revisit their response and troubleshoot.
  • The tool accommodates up to two different answers making it all the more flexible for different question styles.

Versatility & Ease-of-use

The versatility of this tool extends across myriad learning areas at any grade level due its customizable nature. You can easily access it via Google Sheets establishing minimal navigation problems or software compatibility issues as long as you have a free Google account.

Low-Prep Feature

You only need to insert your content into this novel format, add protections where necessary and then it’s ready for use in classroom immediately!

Editability & Differentiation in lesson delivery: A plus-point feature
  • Returns control back into educators’ hands enabling them not only enhance student engagement but also differentiation in lesson delivery; from small groups instruction sessions right through to assigning tailored homework assignments per individual learners’ capabilities.
  • Teacher authors will find this resource beneficial in crafting engaging educational materials by using interactive activity-based framework thereby increasing retention rate amongst end users – today’s tech savvy young learners!

All-around support system:

An aid to teachers

The package comes with comprehensive written instructions as well as video guidance along with PowerPoint Presentation aid for your task card creation process. It ensures an all-around support system leading you on the path of success in digital classroom management.

Resource Tags

task cards digital resource self-checking engagement immediate feedback

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