Elements of Poetry Poetic Devices National Poetry Month Bulletin Board

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Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8



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About This Product

Are you looking for a fun resource that is designed to introduce 12 essential elements of poetry to your students? Perfect for National Poetry Month, this collection is both educational and a colorful addition to your April Bulletin Board. It includes printable response sheets, interactive task cards with QR codes, and visually engaging posters that explain poetic devices alongside sample poems. This collection is designed to captivate and encourage your students' exploration of poetry.

The QR codes link directly to a Google Drive-hosted information card about a poetry element, offering a straightforward educational experience.

Students can use the QR code to access information cards and answer four questions per card, totaling 48 questions. Alternatively, if you prefer to avoid QR codes, you can print out the 12 poetry elements information cards from the PDF file for students to use as they work through the questions.

The beautifully designed posters not only enhance learning but also create an eye-catching display on your bulletin board.

Included files (available in both US and British English):


  • Landscape-sized posters/information cards on 12 poetic elements (available via Google Drive and PDF), each featuring a clear definition and an example poem.

  • 12 task cards, each with a QR code and four questions related to a poetic element.

  • Six response sheets (each covering four questions for each poetic element, for a total of 48 questions).

  • An answer key providing detailed explanations for teachers to assist students comprehensively.

The 12 elements of poetry featured are:

  • Alliteration

  • Analogy

  • Assonance

  • Consonance

  • Hyperbole

  • Idiom

  • Imagery

  • Metaphor

  • Onomatopoeia

  • Personification

  • Simile

  • Symbolism


  • Students have the option to scan the QR Code on each task card or refer to the print out of the poetic element information card to respond to the questions on their Response Sheets.

  • If printing the poetic elements information cards, you may spread them around the classroom. I personally like to tape to walls, so they don’t get lost in all the excitement.

  • Students work individually, in pairs, or in small groups to record their responses.

  • Display the poetic elements information cards on the bulletin board post activity to craft an eye-catching and informative display.

Post Activity

Use the Answer Key to provide a comprehensive explanation for each response.

Resource Tags

poetry elements poetry devices elements of poetry national poetry month bullletin board april bulletin board poetry month classroom decor simile metaphor Onomatopoeia

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