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French: Conditional Tense - Speaking Task Cards

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Grade 9, 10, 11, 12





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About This Product

These 30 questions are just right for students who need to practice the CONDITIONAL TENSE, and they are a perfect no prep speaking activity for busy teachers. Each EST-CE QUE question uses the TU form with verbs in the conditional tense. In addition to regular and irregular -ER, -IR and -RE verbs I've also included many irregular verbs. You could easily have students respond to the questions using 2nd conditional si clauses.

In order to avoid OUI and NON answers, each question also includes an interrogative word which is great practice in helping to remember what they mean and where they're placed in the sentence.

Since all of the questions are asked in the TU form, all of the answers will be in the first person singular. This is so that students can really focus and get used to using these verbs when talking about themselves and when talking to a friend.

Just cut out the 30 cards, punch holes in the spaces provided and attach the stack of cards with a key ring. It would be a great idea to print on card stock and laminate the cards before punching holes and attaching them. Super easy and no prep for years to come. Both black and white and color versions are included as well as a 2 page print out of the questions if you should decide to use them as a quiz or homework assignment.

I am a firm believer that repetition is key in learning a language, and that's why I've created many different versions of these speaking cards. All of the cards ask the same basic questions, but each time in a different tense. My students really appreciate the familiarity of the cards even when learning a new tense.

What's Included

3 PDFs

Resource Tags

conditional tense French speaking task cards French task cards grammar worksheet conditional in french french conditional present conditional present french how to form conditional french

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