French: Faire Conjugation Board Game - Present Tense

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Grade 9, 10, 11, 12



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About This Product

Engage high school French students with this printable board game that helps them practice conjugating the irregular verb "faire" in the present tense. Students take turns rolling a die and moving game pieces along a path, conjugating "faire" correctly before proceeding. Landing on certain spaces requires them to conjugate additional verbs. The first student to reach the finish wins. This whole-group activity allows the teacher to informally assess student abilities while having interactive fun. It can also be used for individual practice or peer tutoring. With just one page to print, setup is fast and easy. The game reinforces an essential yet tricky verb in a motivating way that caters to multiple learning styles. Students will enjoy the friendly competition while gaining valuable conjugate practice.

What's Included

1 PDF with 1-page game board

1 PDF with 1-page instructions

Resource Tags

French present tense verbs conjugation board game french faire conjugation fait conjugation faire conjugation present faire conjugated fair conjugation

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