High Frequency Words In Color Pre Primer Word Practice

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Preschool, Grade 1



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About This Product

High Frequency Words In Color Pre Primer Word Practice

This all-inclusive teaching tool is designed to inspire young learners and boost their learning development. It is particularly beneficial in Language Arts classes, focusing on Reading and Handwriting for Kindergarten and Grade 1 students.


The learning material comprises of interactive worksheets that make students immerse into high frequency or sight words intensely. The interaction with each word includes reading, tracing, and writing it out in color. This multi-sensory method significantly enhances memory retention.

  • A total of 40 high-frequency words like 'a', 'and', 'help', 'in', 'is' are included. These essential terms help construct basic sentences, thus setting the foundation for fluent reading.
  • The resource also encourages the development of fine motor control through handwriting practice.

Versatile Usage Opportunities

Tutors can utilize this multifaceted educational aid:

  1. For whole class instruction.
  2. In small group activities.
  3. To assign as homework tasks for further reinforcement at home.

This allows a flexible pedagogical approach based on unique educational requirements. Additionally, special educators or tutors may find this resource beneficial when working on remediation initiatives with students struggling with language arts concepts or having learning difficulties.

Distribution Made Easy!

This comprehensive material is available as a PDF file providing easy access across different platforms without any hassle- an absolute boon that saves plenty of teachers’ preparation time!

In summation:The High Frequency Words In Color Pre Primer Word Practice is a powerful tool for enhancing literacy skills among students while simultaneously encouraging their creative side!

What's Included

Your young students will practice high frequency/sight words as they also learn to identify colors and read color words.

Resource Tags

high frequency words sight words reading practice handwriting practice early literacy

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